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Cherry Garcia

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
I work in a classroom of kids with severe behavior issues. And they are 1st grade -4th grade. Self contained. These are kids that will most likely be the "losers" this teacher is talking about. Let me tell you, out of the 8 kids in our class, all who are emotionally disturbed and some who have autism/aspergers, only 1 of them has a parent that is worth a damn. We celebrate their victories every day only to have their parents tear them down and make life a living hell for them.

There are some awful teachers out there but there are more amazing ones. My 16 yr old has had some awful teachers who won't work with him due to his disability (aspergers) and I had one who actually asked me why I didn't sign him over to the state and put him in foster care. Wow! My older ds had a 6th grade teacher who called him the most mean spirited child she ever met, to his face. Why? because he had a severe overbite that we were in the process of correcting with braces. A girl kept calling him bucky beaver and making fun of his teeth. He was 12. He drew a picture of her with potatos growing out of her ears ( I guess she had some ear wax buildup in her ears.) and she started to cry. The teacher refused to answer any of his questions the rest of the year and daily would complain about him. It took years to undo that damage. From that point on any time a teacher called him out on anything, he would refuse to participate at all in class. This went on until he was a sophomore when a teacher finally recognized him for what he really was. A smart kid who had a load of potential. He praised him daily and built him up.

School should be a safe place for kids to learn, for them to trust the adults that are teaching them. There should be discipline but never negatives like "loser". Yes they need brutal honesty sometimes but all it takes is one teacher to destroy a kids self esteem. I will be interested to see what happens to this teacher. Kids need honesty but there are ways to do it without destroying them in the process.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
I have more respect for teachers today. I believe the teacher was wrong. No child needs to be called that. Things are so different from when I was young. You couldn't pay me enough.

What changed? Is it the lack of fear, respect? There seems to be no consequences, so what's to check the kids in line. It's depressing.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
Okay so I may be totally out of line...and I hope this doesn't offend anyone! But I am very close to graduating with a degree in elementary education! I feel that no matter which way you look at it calling a child a loser is ABSOLUTELY unacceptable!!! Regardless if that child is on his way down a BAD road or not. First off the child's paper not only said loser, it said -20% for being a loser...not cool at all!!!

I will be certified to teach K-6 and no matter what I will turn down a 6th grade offer. However, no matter what age children you have they are YOUR responsibility while @ school, so get over it and do your job... if you don't enjoy your job (obviously this teacher) then quit and find something else to do...the students shouldn't have to sit through your class.

I have a 4th grade student right now. He is a minority...and he acts like it! However, I love him and want to see him succeed. He does seem to be on the wrong path...but if nobody else is willing to lift him up and support him then I am . Maybe these students need that!!!

Yes, I know teachers have to do so much more than they should and lord knows they don't get paid enough...but we should enjoy what they do.

I will leave you with this video...I love it and think ALL teachers and others should watch it
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Cherry Crush

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
I agree with so many of the comments here! I wish every child could have parents as dedicated and responsible as the ladies on this board. Sadly, that is not the case. I am in no way defending this teacher. We are taught in education courses that sarcasm, belittling, and name-calling do not work as teaching methods! It is bad enough to lose your temper and say something regrettable to a student (I have done it and I have apologized to the student afterwards, when I have calmed down, but it still damages your relationship with the student and you have to work hard to make that up.) Writing it in ink on a student's paper is totally uncalled for and will not be "a wake-up call" to the student.

First of all, that child is of the age that she cannot see the teacher's side and all she feels is the hurt and the pain of a teacher who thinks she is a "loser." Even most high school students cannot deal with that. I teach high school and because I teach art, I get to hear alot of student conversations, plus they talk with me about other classes and teachers. Many of them will tell me how a teacher dislikes them and how they don't feel they can get a fair shake in those classes. True, or not, exaggerated, or not, it is how they feel and that feeling affects the way they learn in those classes.

Teenage children in our society today definitely need a wake-up call, but this method is not the way to do it. I am lucky in that I teach in a small community, because the saying "It takes a village to raise a child." is most definitely true. Parents cannot do it all. We need good teachers, pastors, youth counselors, neighbors, and friends to help. Because our community is small, our students do not present the challenges that other larger schools deal with, but we still have those who think they are worthless and so they are not trying. Seeing it in ink would only reinforce their feelings and has no basis in educational practice! The principal at that school should put that guy on probation and insist that he take some classes in positive discipline!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
I would never be a teacher- I do not have the patience. No child should be called a loser, I do think it would be awful for them to hear that. But some kids do need wake up calls. Teachers are expected to be the parents in so many cases- if families would take responsibility for their children, raise them instead of plopping them in front of the Tv, actually spend time with them, there would likely not be so many problems today. Children are dying for positive attention, in the eyes of a child, L O V E is spelled T I M E and unfortunately many parents do not get this.
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Digital Designers

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
I don't agree with a teacher calling anyone a loser. But what these teachers have to put up with WOW! My brother was a teacher in the inner city in Dallas and the things he told us is shocking. When DH was a recruiter in W. Memphis the kids there, you should hear the stories, the way they talk, act and dress. He had one kid that came up behind him and did a knife like gesture across his throat. Um, yeah, that didn't go over well ;)
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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
AmyTeets wrote:I don't agree with a teacher calling anyone a loser. But what these teachers have to put up with WOW! My brother was a teacher in the inner city in Dallas and the things he told us is shocking. When DH was a recruiter in W. Memphis the kids there, you should hear the stories, the way they talk, act and dress. He had one kid that came up behind him and did a knife like gesture across his throat. Um, yeah, that didn't go over well ;)

My husband was threatened two days ago by a student who told him "I will cut you".............needless to say the kid was given OSS and hopefully being transferred to the behavior correctional school. It's crazy!

I think every parents should spend a day in their child's school. Not in any of his classrooms though, that would defeat the purpose. Heck maybe not even at his school. But just observe. Observe how kids act when they are not home. If they act out at home, multiply that by 5. You will be shocked at the things you hear, see, and they do.
Jennifer K.
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Cherry Crush

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
Just as clarification, I don't think anyone here disuptes the fact that teachers are more than teachers and that students are more rebellious and out of control than ever before. I will be the first to admit that too many parents are defending every single action their child takes - it's not my child's fault, it's the teacher's fault, it's the school's fault. That behavior needs to change.

But, the bottom line is "loser" isn't going to help the situation in any way, whether it's a true trouble making student, or a student that just doesn't apply herself.

Before I post on things like this, I try and put myself in both positions. I did just that. Yes, it's frustrating and down right difficult to be a teacher these days. But, if that's how I dealt with a student when I was frustrated, then I think it's time for me to check out. If I was the parent and my child brought home a remark like that, I would be livid - whether she was a trouble maker or not. Degredation does NOTHING for the spirit, well being or morale of anyone.
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Marie D

Cherry Bing

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
Am a teacher myself and I'm completely appalled that a teacher is allowed to degrade a student/pupils like that!! Agree with what so many of you have said - no matter what kind of behaviour or result you can NOT call a kid a loser!! We are all adults and must remember that we are role models to all kids we meet. So us teachers aren't über people and we can make mistakes but this is unforgivable!!

In Sweden this is prohibited by law!! Any form of degrading behaviour on account of political views, race, religion, sexual preferences, nationality, looks, age.....ANYTHING against anyone in school is strictly forbibben!!! Thank god for that....
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
Laura wrote:Some kids may very well need a wake up call. At 12 years old, I don't believe "loser" is going to do it. Children are very impressionable. Her parents can tell her 1,000 times a day that she is not a loser and that she has potential. Unfortunately though, at that age, she's only likely to dwell on the "loser" comment.
I agree 100%. One kid told me I was fat in 6th grade, and that's why I had an eating disorder even though everyone else said I was thin.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
I agree 100%. One kid told me I was fat in 6th grade, and that's why I had an eating disorder even though everyone else said I was thin.

I didn't learn math until I started homeschooling my own kids because my 5th grade teacher told me I never would learn math - "girls just weren't made to learn numbers."

I know what kids act like in middle school. I didn't go to the bathroom once when I was in jr high for fear of getting beaten by a girl gang that hung out in there and that was in the 70's so don't tell me how much things have changed since I was in school.

Teachers reducing themselves to the level of the children they are teaching by name-calling and acting out of spitefulness will not ever correct the situation. Again, we have the problems that we have in the US because of this type of mentality. Well, that and a long list of other behavior traits that adults don't own up to but I won't digress...

And you know, West Memphis, since it was mentioned, is part of the Delta region of these United States which is the second poorest region America, second only to the Appalachian region. It is classified as being poorer than some third world countries. I know that some of you have lived there for a short time but until you have lived in AR, worked here and been a part of trying to correct the situation in the state you cannot even grasp the hopelessness that the people who live in the Delta feel. Yes, their young people act out. Yes, they have crime. Yes, they have a lot of problems. But it starts with chronic poverty, hopelessness and nothing to look forward to in the future. I know some of you in Michigan know what I'm talking about - it isn't just happening down here any longer.

Having a teacher tell you that you are a loser certainly is going to make the situation any better, now is it? I'll say one more thing... I would like to see the look on your faces and what you'd be saying if it were your sweet little 12 year old daughter who came home in tears with that paper. Did you even look at the photo of that darling girl? Yeah, right.

And yes, Laura, you are right - MOST everyone who responded did have sense enough to agree that what the teacher did was wrong but like the parents in the school who are allowing this teacher to continue there were those on here who were making excuses for his bad behavior. There are no excuses to be made.

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Cherry Cola

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
4peasinourpod wrote:I have a 6th grader. She has a teacher that doesn't like her. (she gets straight A's. she also has teachers that LOVE her...actually all but this one in particular). She is a confident, caring girl (messy as heck, but that is another story....wish you could see that girls locker :? )

She comes home on a routine basis saying how much this teacher hates her. Not about the teachers that LOVE her. She has asked to change schools.

:? :? :? my point being that these teachers are there to TEACH. It is a hormonal age, and some of these kids are searching for role models and POSITIVE reinforcement.
ITa and I am so sorry to hear this.. I really think teachers cross the line... but we do have some really hard working/positive teachers. It just terrible some put teens through that kids are sensitive at that age.
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3 Pals

Cherry Bomb

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
Here in MA we are hearing a great deal about a young student who hanged herself from incessant bullying, abeautiful young girl tha could not take it any more. Kids that age are very unpredictabel - they are dealing with sex, drugs, academics, violence, trying to please their friends and family with their decisions and all the while questioning their own worth. I think this teacher is wrong hands down 'method' or not... I do not disagree with a teacher, or anyone for that matter, for being direct and honest but being hurtful and insulting should not be daughter who was a very good student and went onto a great college was once approached by her teacher in middle school with something very silly, (I knew this teacher and in fact my youngest DD had him and they both loved him) one day something innocently was said but my older DD being a very sensitive person took it to heart and was VERY upset... I knew it was not meant to be hurtful (the opposite actually but she did not get the humor) and afeter a breif discussion and my pointing it out to the teacher how she perceived it all was fine in fact he is both DDs best teacher ever hands down - but believe me if she had ever seen something like this on her paper she too may not be with us any more. The "suck it up" theory doesn't fly with me, some kids just can't do that...besides I see how sensitive she was back then but now???!!She is one tough cookie!! It is an age thing - sometimes you have to tread softly. Positive not Negative is what worked and works for me.
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Cherry Delight

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
MLee wrote:I cannot ever imagine a situation where is okay for an adult to tell a child that they are loser. Can you imagine how you would feel as an adult if you were called that by someone who was influential over your life? Now triple that and that is what it would be like if you were that child.

Perhaps the reason we have so many problems in our schools and the world today is because there are too many kids being told from birth, verbally and non-verbally, that they are worthless and are losers. I've never met a child of any age that didn't respond to praise. I can think of some choice things I'd like to do to that teacher and writing "loser" on his papers is way down the list.
I agree with this completely. I've seen kids - my sister and my nephew to name two - seriously damaged by a spiteful teacher at a young age. Teachers wield too much power over their students to not choose their words wisely and to not at least attempt to be a positive reinforcement in their lives. Kids don't remember the positive comments nearly as well as they remember the negative comments.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
I had the opposite problem when I was in school. I was the class brainiac, which didn't win me any friends, and I had one teacher who would hand back papers and test and tell everyone they needed to do better - then would lavish me with praise for doing so well. I always wanted to tell him to just shut up!

There were times I'd fail a test on purpose, but that never improved my social standing. :waiting:

School is rough, for kids and for teachers. I'm glad I'm out of it, but now I worry about Xander and how he'll do as he moves on up. Scary!
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
4peasinourpod wrote:ohhhh...i need to say one more thing about Kendall. I asked her friends (she CAN be a tad dramatic). They said the teacher HATED her. :(
Give me her number!!!! :x I can't believe someone doesn't love my Ken-doll! :x I sure do! :inlove:
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
And to add: (because I got all upset when someone didn't love my Ken-doll!)
If any teacher EVER wrote that for ANY reason, I'd be the first B$tch in the principals office flipping out! I just sooooooo don't go for that crap! Even if I am angry at my child, I ALWAYS ALWAYS remember that name calling hurts and does nothing to help the outcome. I always remember it's the action that is wrong, not the kid, and correct with that in mind.

Some people are just morons and contribute to the overall problem. This teach is a case in point.
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Teacher calls student "Loser"
It is NEVER okay, in my opinion, for one person to call another a loser. There are other ways to handle the situation, regardless of what the situation is.
Kat >^..^<

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