It really depends on the situation - but I would have to say my best friend and my husband.
my husband or one of my sisters. depending on how upsetting the situation is, maybe my mom- but don't want to bring messy things to her.
I'm usually the one that others come to for advice so I generally don't feel comfortable asking for it in return. If I ask anyone it's going to be my DD, now that she's older, because she's the smartest person I know.
Depends on the type of advice....either my boyfriend or my best friend, Sharon.
I would say my dad, but he is gone. I miss him terribly.
We are in the process of trying to buy a house that is on short sale. It's so confusing. I wish he was here to walk me through it.
We are in the process of trying to buy a house that is on short sale. It's so confusing. I wish he was here to walk me through it.
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
The internet? Then my husband LOL
Find my books here. See the mom (crafting, cooking, organizing, and homeschooling) side of me here. {Under construction}
My DH first, which I never know why I do that cuz it's never what I want to hear, then my BF, who I should have started with in the first place!
My sister, Jane, or my DH. Depends on what advice is needed. Now this isn't to say I always follow the advice, but it is nice to see what others think.
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne
Jody H. (jodcold)
Jody H. (jodcold)
I turn to my friend at work. She is very honest and will tell me anything even if it will hurt my feelings. LOL
Mostly my husband...I talk to my mom alot too. I need to get a new running partner, because in my experience, there is NOTHING that can't be figured out during a run with a friend!
same herescrappie_stacie wrote:I guess it depends on what the issue is... mostly my husband or my sister.
Depending on the situation, either my mom, my dh or my sister who is closest in age to me.
depending on what it is it will either be my close friends or my mom. There are just somethings you don't wanna ask mom though lol.