My least favorite part about scrapping is the clean up afterward!!! Anyone else cleaning with me?
Lisa - Mama to Chelsea 3/12/09 and Meredith 2/4/13

Not yet.....later this week...have some layouts to finish yet. but yeah....not fun!!!

I NEED SA - Scrappers Anonymous!!!
I'll clean up tomorrow - can't face it tonight
Not yet - I've got some scrapping to do yet.
I'm not cleaning up until tomorrow evening. I get to take a 1/2 day off work and I plan on doing a few more challenges! 


I'm doin' digi... so no mess. But when I scrap with paper... yeah it gets pretty messy here lol!

montana_girl wrote:I'm not cleaning up until tomorrow evening. I get to take a 1/2 day off work and I plan on doing a few more challenges!
Nice! Wish I could do that! I have work and then a mommy group tomorrow night, so I'm all done for this crop... at least I got a lot done

Lisa - Mama to Chelsea 3/12/09 and Meredith 2/4/13

Ya I cleaned - as much as this was an absolute mess it made me reorganize a few things. I wish I had a separate room I couldclose the door but this is in the dining room so it isn't just a matter of cleaning but I have to hide everyhting seeing the house on the market and need ot make it look as tidy as possible...but it's done for now.

I'm still scrappin'! And probably will be until the wee hours of the morning! I'd like to get as much done as I can so that I can photograph them in the morning light.
oh my goodness yes! I dread it! it takes at leadt 30min- an hour!!
Dream as if you'll live forever,
Live as if you'll die tomorrow.
Live as if you'll die tomorrow.
I've actually managed to keep it under control this time! Even made dinner tonight too! Good Luck!
Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11

Celebrity Cherry 5/10 , Guest Ct 5/11