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Cherry Picker

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I am a fast scrapper and do either 12x12 paper or digi.

I like to the have the TV on and something to drink, but do not like to eat while I scrap.
Independent Close to My Heart Consultant
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Cherry Blossom

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I am slow, 12 x 12 and have to have my hands in the paper.
I listed to audio books because there is no one here to scrap with

I love to be challenged
Carol Gomes
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Cherry Cola

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I am a medium scrapper I guess....sometimes slow but sometimes they come together pretty slick. I am a paper scrapper, but I do use digital items quite often...especially word art. I don't mind scrapping with others, but I hate to pack up for crops because I never know what I am gonna want with me. I tend to be about 50/50 when it comes to tv or music. Right now I have the hockey game on mute and am listening to music. I can get totally engrossed in my scrapping tho and forget to eat and pee......which can be bad sometimes :-)
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I NEED SA - Scrappers Anonymous!!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I used to be a FAST scrapper, super fast, and now I am slowing down and trust me that's a good thing. I used to be a very social scapper, I never scrapped unless I was at Scrapmania at Archiver's. Then I moved to Vegas and became a very solitary scrapper. NOW I am starting to get social again.
Find my books here. See the mom (crafting, cooking, organizing, and homeschooling) side of me here. {Under construction}
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
All my pages are 12x12 and I am bi-scrapual. I tend to take my time when I scrap, that's why I am never good with the fastscraps.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I am a new scrapper. So far, I have only done 12x12 traditional (paper). I don't know if I am slow or not since I have only ever scrapped alone. I have a 4 month old son though, so sitting down to do a page, I have to have all the components to be "speedy".
Kat >^..^<

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I am a pretty slow paper scrapper. I only do 12x12 layouts. I made my first card for the bf for valentine's day. I am about to make my friend a birthday card.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
A slow, paper scrapper that loves theme albums. Mostly scrap alone. If I scrap with a group I plan my layouts ahead of time, prefer overnight or weekend crops to day long crops.
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

Jody H. (jodcold)

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Cherry Cola

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I am a fast digi scrapper. I usually don´t use more than 45 minutes on a layout. I also prefer 12x12.

When I find my real paper scrapping stuff out I almost always makes mini albums

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Cherry Cola

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I've become slower. I'm trying to take more time with my layouts and focus more on quality than quantity. I paper scrap, because I just can't give up all the pretty goodies! I like to scrap alone in my office, but I always have something else going in the background, either music, a movie on my computer or a TV show on the internet.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I am a paper scrapper who prefers 12x12...I love to have music on, and have never really tried to scrap with anyone.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I am for sure a power scrapper, love ther paper & embellies.

~ Live ~ Love ~ Laugh ~
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Cherry Cola

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
extremely slow, mostly 12 x 12 LO's with mini albums my second most favorite. I scrap alone because there are no stores near me so I have no choice.
Have never been to a class but have been able to make it to 2 Archiver classes 2 years ago.
Jan - trying to find my way

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Cherry Berry

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I'm a slow, paper scrapper, mostly 12x12 and cards with a few mini albums. Love learning new techniques.
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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I'm a fast scrapper...I can usually crank out four or five layouts in a day of scrapping. And that's between throwing in the laundry, making dinner, cleaning off my scrappy table to turn it back into a dining table, watching tv, and talking online!

I scrap alone...can't get a thing done when I'm distracted by friends! LOL

And it's a good thing that I'm fast, I don't know if I'd ever do it if it took me long because being back to work full time after years of stay at home mom work really messes with my scrappy schedule!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I'm kind of a slow scrapper but have a hard time leaving an unfinished layout on the table, so I'll usually stay up until it's done. I do a lot of 12x12's, cards and mini albums, but my favorite thing to do is home decor. I love to listen to music while I scrap
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I am a slow scrapper, both paper and digi. I like to do 12 x 12 pages but will once in a while do 8 x 8 and also like making cards, tags, etc. I love listening to music while I scrap. I scrap alone (I'm slow enough as it is lol I really need to have my head in it).

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Cherry Cola

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
i am a mainly 12x12 paper scrapper. Mostly slow...but some rare days I really crank the LO's out. I definitely prefer to scrap alone. I don't get much done when in a group.
Don't fear the challenge, challenge the fear.

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WV Scrapper

Cherry Cropper

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
I am a slow scrapper, paper, will scrap 12 x 12 but I prefer 8 x8 now, love making my own cards. I also scrap alone and I have my own scraproom.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: What kind of scrapper are you?
What kind of scrapper am I? I'm an AWESOME scrapper.
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