This is an "oldie but a goodie" tip - use a ruler to line up your letters before adhering to your page. Simply place the letters ON the ruler so that just the bottom is sticking to the ruler, then once your whole title is on the ruler you can move it around on the page (holding it up so the letters dont get stuck) until you find a spot where it fits. Or you can adjust the spacing of the letters, since only a small portion are attached to the ruler, they are easier to reposition. Worried about the sizing getting messed up when you transfer them? unless the letters are chipboard you can usually just lay the ruler down where you want it and push the tops of the letters onto the paper then sort of bend the bottoms up to get the ruler off before pushing the bottoms down too!
Here is a layout where I used this technique. I really hate this layout, and I dont like how the title looks, but you can see that the T in sunset is perfectly aligned with the edge of the photo. I did that on purpose, and the way I got that is using the ruler technique, otherwise I couldnt have known where to start the S so that the T lined up correctly.

now here is another tip for you. do you love those little alphas? I know I do! I use them all the time. Sometimes I use the ruler trick for them but it is a little tougher since they are so small and sometimes I have a different problem altogether. I love to use those little alphas on die cuts and frames, but sometimes the word that I want to use doesnt fit, or fits just barely and I have to do some manipulation of the stickers to get it to fit. In this case, I pull out an older sheet of tiny alphas - one that has big spaces of the backing showing, and I place my letters on that so that I can move them around easily.
Look at the 'Princesses' in this layout. I REALLY wanted the second part of the title in that glimmer glass frame, but the word princesses was too long.
I tried my usual trick of smooshing the letters closer together so they overlap, but that still didnt help. (sometimes if they are smooshed together and I just need a tiny bit of space I will cut the edges of a few of the stickers closer to the letters so that I can overlap them more. I did that on a layout today. I only needed to cut two letters then it fit. ) But on this princess layout there was just was no way that the letters were going to fit straight across, so I had them on the empty backing and I just sort of treated the word like one long sticker and bent it until the curve was enough to make it fit the frame. Then I just picked the whole thing up and laid it down on the frame. Since the letters were overlapped it all kind of stuck together. But without having that non sticky backing paper, I couldnt have pushed the letters around to get the nice uniform curve of the word.