Wow.... she was also the granddaughter of the Johnson & Johnson tycoon. How sad... it appears she died of natural causes. ???
Last edited by MOM2SNOX on Tue Jan 05, 2010 1:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
saw this on the news this morning - I believe the natural causes were 'helped' along

Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
"appears she died of natural causes" only means that there are no outward signs of murder or suicide. It takes a couple of weeks to get a toxicology report back, even for a high profile case. She hasn't even been autopsied yet.
I saw it this morning and I tell you, she is one ugly looking rich person.
I heard that they suspect drugs.
Have a coke and a smile!

"natural causes' always makes me wonder......
my husband is a die hard Jets fan and he told me that she was a drug addict and had already been taken out of the will because she refused treatment.
So sad!
So sad!

Too bad she chose that path, she could have had anything she ever wanted.
On a lighter note, the NY Jets summer training camp was quite close to where I work (unfortunately I didn't take time to see them). Hopefully they will be there again this summer; sure helps the economy here and being from a rural area we need all the help we can get.
On a lighter note, the NY Jets summer training camp was quite close to where I work (unfortunately I didn't take time to see them). Hopefully they will be there again this summer; sure helps the economy here and being from a rural area we need all the help we can get.
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne
Jody H. (jodcold)

Jody H. (jodcold)

When I first started in nursing, we had a 17 year old girl who came in with a heart attack. She was a runner. She had 4 more heart attacks before one killed her when she was 24. So it really can be natural causes....and I'm with Pam. I'd hate for my death to make the news.
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
evilqueen wrote:I saw it this morning and I tell you, she is one ugly looking rich person.
ROFL too funny

Are you nuts?! I think she's adorable! She just gets photographed in ugly clothes.evilqueen wrote:I saw it this morning and I tell you, she is one ugly looking rich person.

and she was engaged to Tila Tequila??? I don't want to be rich...
lilkoala3 wrote:Are you nuts?! I think she's adorable! She just gets photographed in ugly clothes.evilqueen wrote:I saw it this morning and I tell you, she is one ugly looking rich person.
I think she's cute too. Obviously not that smart and she MADE HORRIBLE CHOICES, but not bad looking.
Amazing what money and plastic surgery can do for someone, eh? ;)
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
maybe if she ran a brush through that matted mess she would look a bit better.

My gosh - I don't even know who she is from the papers or tabloids but that's harsh, especially considering she's dead from whatever causes. Didn't your mothers ever teach you not to speak ill of the dead? 

My mother was a wolf, so all she ever taught me was how to scratch behind my ears using my foot.MLee wrote:My gosh - I don't even know who she is from the papers or tabloids but that's harsh, especially considering she's dead from whatever causes. Didn't your mothers ever teach you not to speak ill of the dead?
I feel for her family, all the money they have will not bring her back. I think this is something that brings us all down to the same level. When your child is gone it does not matter who or what you are the pain is the same.
