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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
I don't really like "resolutions" so I have decided to give myself some things to hopefully "accomplish". :) It just feels like something more feasible to me. :winkb: Mine are below"

1. Be a better wife, student, and teacher.
2. Travel to a new state that I have never visited before.
3. Graduate
4. Try to live a healthier lifestyle.
5. Be a better CT member here and for the designers team that I am a part of.

Go ahead now.....what are yours? :-D
Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
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Cherry Crush

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
Hmm . . . I won't make any resolutions or plan on accomplishing anything. That way, I can't be disappointed. :winkb:

JK! I ABSOLUTELY WILL get my A1C reading a little lower and I ABSOLUTELY WILL lose those last 12 pounds! I will TRY to not let outside opinions frustrate me (we are homeschoolers . . . we hear a lot). I will TRY to stop swearing completely this year. (That last one may be the trickiest of the four!!)
OCD is not an adjective.  It is not a personality quirk. It is not synonymous with being organized.  It is a complex and debilitating mental health illness that affects people of all ages and walks of life, and is defined by the presence of unwanted, intrusive thoughts and repetitive actions. 💙 I am an OCD warrior and I fight for my son. 💙


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Cherry Cola

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
well I want to lose weight, but I dont think that is going to be my 'resolution' because like you said, they never work. I think I am going to resolve to stop popping me ears (this annoying habit I have of sort of clearing them like you would on an airplane) and floss more
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
I don't like to make resolutions, but I do like to make "to-do" lists and feel accomplished when I get to check something off.

I haven't sat down to write them out so this is a good reminder!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
Accomplishments I like that.

1 I would love to lose 50 pounds, but I know that is not something I ever get done. So i want to eat better

2. keeping my cool, i have a bit of a temper so I am hopeing to be calmer.

3 make sure my family and friends know I love them. Just make more of a point of tellimg them.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
The thing I want most is to get my voice in line with my feelings. People often think I'm snapping at them or angry...and it's just the way my voice comes out. I've been working on this for over a year...not much improvement. Drives me nuts sometimes.
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
I would like to step out of my comfort zone more - become a little more sociable. I also want to lose 10 lbs - I think that's manageable.

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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
Laura wrote:Hmm . . . I won't make any resolutions or plan on accomplishing anything. That way, I can't be disappointed. :winkb:

JK! I ABSOLUTELY WILL get my A1C reading a little lower and I ABSOLUTELY WILL lose those last 12 pounds! I will TRY to not let outside opinions frustrate me (we are homeschoolers . . . we hear a lot). I will TRY to stop swearing completely this year. (That last one may be the trickiest of the four!!)

I love homeschooling! I have never done it but I told my husband after working in the public schools so much, I feel like I never want to send our future kids there at all!!! At least being a teacher gives me the credibility to do it at He quickly said "NO". hehe I think homeschooling is great if its something a family is serious about and dedicated to. The naysayers are just that because it is unknown to them. :)

The swearing thing for me will never happen so I don't even put it on my lists :-D
Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
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Wild Cherry

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
1. To be a better wife, mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, sister, and friend.

2. To take at least 2 vacations this year and to at least visit one new place.

3. to remodel one room in my house

4. to complete my craftroom

5. to purchase new window treatments for my windows

6. To visit more- to take time for others

7. To enjoy my new grandbaby that is due in May and to help out with the other 2 grandsons

8. To do the much needed work in my yard
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
I only have 1 for this year. I MUST lose 50 lbs for my health. Between knee pain and my asthma flaring up, I have to shed the extra weight.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
I don't like resolutions either but there are several things that I would like to work on.

1. Cooking healthier meals for my family.

2. Taking me time and doing things for me. (scrapping and getting my hair and nails done)

3. I would like to lose some weight. I am not making a goal because I will be happy with anything.

4. Try to be happy go lucky and let things slide.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
1. To lose weight. I am starting to exercise more so I think I can commit to the gym membership. DH gets 2 months of free wieght watchers online so that will help as well.

2. Go to church more. We really get lazy on Sundays and its been awhile since we went.

3. Get my scraproom done. Its been 2 months since my son moved out and its still not done.

4. Save money
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
RESOLOUTIONS...that word is a no no in my house.

I do have a few things that we are going to do....

keep the house cleaner......practice better money budgeting.....spend more quality time with my youngest child......make my kids more responsible for their actions......and follow through with their punishments.....

the most important thing is probably that I want to simplify my house and everything around me that I can!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
I set Goals for the year...

  • To continue the healthy journey I began and work toward losing the final 20 pounds of my overall 100 (80 down, 20 to go!)
  • To learn more about digi stuff - I don't think I really "get it" even after a year
  • To be more supportive to all of my kids as they go on their different ventures in life
  • To be more supportive of DH during this, his "transition," year
  • To actively work on at least two of the causes that are near and dear to my heart - put feet and hands to my strong voice

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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
I am such a Weak Wilma...I make resolutions year after year and hardly ever maintain them I resolve to not make any new year resolutions. let's see if I can keep that one!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
Resolutions, no!

Goals, yes!

  • Try to keep my scrappy room cleaner, so it doesn't take a day to clean before I can play when I want to play.
  • Eat healthier
  • Keep up with my personal paperwork. I didn't file anything for the last year and a half. It's all in a single box, and if I need it, I'll be in a pinch. Plan to start this new year out right!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
Call them whatever - we all make some type of vow or goal for the next year. However, did you write them down? Here's my partial list:

1. Pay off cc and student loans.
2. Put $5k in roth IRA
3. Scrap at least 1 hour 5 of 7 days per week
4. Spend at least 30 minutes daily picking up or cleaning something
5. Work out a minimum of 30 minutes 5 of 7 days per week.

Now I need to scrap these!
- Jan

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
No resolutions, just goals.

1. Get in shape
2. Get in a schedule
3. Visit one place a month
4. save towards a vacation and my future tatoos
5. find a haircut I like (this will probably be the hardest)
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3 Pals

Cherry Bomb

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
jjenni08 wrote:
Laura wrote:Hmm . . . I won't make any resolutions or plan on accomplishing anything. That way, I can't be disappointed. :winkb:

JK! I ABSOLUTELY WILL get my A1C reading a little lower and I ABSOLUTELY WILL lose those last 12 pounds! I will TRY to not let outside opinions frustrate me (we are homeschoolers . . . we hear a lot). I will TRY to stop swearing completely this year. (That last one may be the trickiest of the four!!)

I love homeschooling! I have never done it but I told my husband after working in the public schools so much, I feel like I never want to send our future kids there at all!!! At least being a teacher gives me the credibility to do it at He quickly said "NO". hehe I think homeschooling is great if its something a family is serious about and dedicated to. The naysayers are just that because it is unknown to them. :)

The swearing thing for me will never happen so I don't even put it on my lists :-D
My sister homeschooled her two sons through high school... she got some flack but she was such a good arguer you couldn't ...well...argue!

I think it sounds so foreign to some or maybe it makes people feel guilty they didn't try it - let's face it our kids do not learn any where near their capabilities in the schools like they for my nephews...well one ended up as a big wig on Wall Street (may or may not be a good thing) nevertheless he graduated from Brown University and is really a great guy; the other has his own construction company and is dong quite well. I wish I had the money and confidence to have tried it... I would have liked them to stay innocent a little past oh.. the age of 6!
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Cherry Tart

Re: Resolutions or Intended Accomplishments??
I dont make resolutions anymore. I make goals as I go. Right now, I have a goal to work on my marriage. That's the only goal I can really manage right now.
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