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Cherry Tart

Create Layout Collage easily
You want to display several layouts at once?
Here is a very handy tool for you.
Add small images 250, 400 or 600 pixels wide on a single large image.
Choose how many columns you want them displayed.
Choose if the layouts are square or rectangular (11 x 8.5).
You can also decide if you want to add drop shadows to the images to add some 3D effect.
Add as many layouts as you want; no limit.
The script will do the rest.
It will resize the images, place them on the larger image.
A caption will be added under each image with the filename (of course, you can edit that later).
Each image will also be linked to the caption so you can move them together if needed.
Each layer will also have the name of the file, for easy finding in case you need to edit something.
The number of images to include is unlimited.
Use this collage to display layouts or products, in blogs, newsletters or forums.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Create Layout Collage easily
Cool, but as a realive newbie to the dark side, I have a question. How do scripts work? Will they work for PSE7?
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Cherry Tart

Re: Create Layout Collage easily
No, scripts are only for Paintshop Pro. They are usually based on a serie of steps that could be done manually, but my scripts are actually coded much deeper than that and taps into some programmed commands. Paintshop Pro is very powerful, more so than many think. If you want, you can try PSP for 60 days, or, there is even a special price of $29.99 for a full working version X2 (the latest version) here: http://www.dpbolvw.net/click-3666688-10485479
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Create Layout Collage easily
Is there something comprable for PSE? Since I've already invested in my software, and learning it, not sure that I want to change to else right now.
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Cherry Tart

Re: Create Layout Collage easily
Well, the person who asked me for this script, got the idea from an action here;
http://scrapmatters.com/shop/product.ph ... 62&cat=116

And it seems to work with PSE. I am not sure if it does the same as what the script does since i never used this action.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Create Layout Collage easily
Thank you for the info.
Donna-Retiree3-Proud Grandmother of Three Boys!


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Cherry Picker

Re: Create Layout Collage easily
Kewl, TFS!
Scrappilicious! :)
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