You have Karin and I! What would you like for us to do?? 

Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
Personal Blog
oh yeah - more games please
throw some points around - and sing to us, please
Price is Right!
When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper

When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
dance party!!!!
ok, no really, mmmm... I like treasure hunts from the shoppe, and random trivia challenges (scrap or non-scrap related)
ok, no really, mmmm... I like treasure hunts from the shoppe, and random trivia challenges (scrap or non-scrap related)
I love searching for certain things for a layout. I love that game that Art_Teacher does.. Where she gives us a color palette and we have to find a layout that qualiies for that.. Trivia.. scrambles..etc :P
I know you aim to please....but you ALWAYS please.....so you choose!
writerlady wrote:throw some points around - and sing to us, please
I'm up for anything......kinda crashing here......

My Blog: One Krafty Kitty Momma
milmomma wrote:Chat.... its 5am, my brain isn't turned on yet.
I keep forgetting your not in the US anymore!

Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
Personal Blog
You could pull a rabbit out of your hat.
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
Dance on the table and shake your booty!!! 

Flapdoodle wrote:Dance on the table and shake your booty!!!
You do NOT wnat me doing that! I promise! But thanks for the vote of confidence!

Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
Personal Blog