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Cherry Cola

fell flat on my face in Kohls
strangely I wasnt very embarrassed at all. I mean, I think the last time I fell like that was in high school and I was totally mortified, but I just got up and kept going - lol!

rain + high heeled boots + slick tile floor + walking fast to get shopping done on lunch break = Megan flat on her face next to the cash registers. Seriously, I was laid out flat! Luckily pretty much only my knee got hurt. I think my big bbs protected my face from hitting - lol!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
You lucky it could have been so much worse.
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Cherry Cola

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
LOL! My bbs have come to my rescue in many a face plant. I'm glad you're alright!
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Cherry Cola

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
oh but the good news is that I got my new Keurig (single cup) coffee brewer! for only like $60! We got one at work and now Im addicted. So, Im so happy about the coffee maker that I dont even care how badly I fell and totally embarrassed myself.
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Cherry Cola

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
I take it the coffee maker was on sale?

I'm glad you didn't get hurt much - I bet the Kohl's management is glad, too!! :-D
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Cherry Bing

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
oh no! be careful!
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Cherry Cola

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
megamay wrote:oh but the good news is that I got my new Keurig (single cup) coffee brewer! for only like $60! We got one at work and now Im addicted. So, Im so happy about the coffee maker that I dont even care how badly I fell and totally embarrassed myself.

My MIL has one of those and she adores it! It does look really cool!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
Bbs to the rescue! Yeah!!!!
Hope you're not too sore tomorrow.
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Cherry Cola

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
JeanG wrote:I take it the coffee maker was on sale?

I'm glad you didn't get hurt much - I bet the Kohl's management is glad, too!! :-D

oh yeah, it was normally $129 and on sale for $99 and I had a 30% coupon so I got it for $70 AND I got $10 Kohls cash which I will spend on a christmas nightgown for DD, so it'll be like $60. And generally Kohls prices are high to begin with so they can discount it a lot, but even amazon has this coffee maker as $90, reduced from $119.

and yeah, the coffee that it makes is really good. and it is about 41c per cup if you get the k-cups on sale, so that isnt really cheap, but at home I usually buy starbucks or some other premium brand and I make it strong and then make a 6cup pot and waste half of it, so I think this will be cheaper over the long term.
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Cherry Delight

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
LOL, that happens to me all the time. I'm not even joking. I usually do a fun little roll back onto my feet, people aren't always sure they saw me fall. :bluelol:
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Cherry Cola

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
koala1966 wrote:LOL, that happens to me all the time. I'm not even joking. I usually do a fun little roll back onto my feet, people aren't always sure they saw me fall. :bluelol:

you're kidding?! if you are nimble enough to roll back up onto your feet, how come you fall?
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
lol - sorry - but I'm just picturing it! As long as you weren't hurt (except for the boo-boo on your knee). Did they offer to fill out an accident form for you? Last time I did that, I was walking into physical therapy!!! Hey - great deal on the coffee thingy!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
megamay wrote:oh but the good news is that I got my new Keurig (single cup) coffee brewer! for only like $60! We got one at work and now Im addicted. So, Im so happy about the coffee maker that I dont even care how badly I fell and totally embarrassed myself.
I am so glad you are o.k. I have a keurig and I love it!
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Cherry Delight

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
megamay wrote:
koala1966 wrote:LOL, that happens to me all the time. I'm not even joking. I usually do a fun little roll back onto my feet, people aren't always sure they saw me fall. :bluelol:

you're kidding?! if you are nimble enough to roll back up onto your feet, how come you fall?

It's really pretty ridiculous how often I fall - I'm pretty sure it has something to do with not paying attention to where I'm going + moving too fast. :bluelol: I have an odd sense of balance, I have to concentrate to keep it centered. And I'm usually too busy in my own head to be concentrating on my balance. :bluewinkb: My co-workers are not amused, they'll walk down the hallway with me and I randomly trip over my own feet and keep walking like nothing happened. At least you all don't expect me to be normal, lol.

Glad you got the coffee maker - my Dad has one of those 1 cup coffee makers, he loves it.
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Cherry Cola

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
writerlady wrote:lol - sorry - but I'm just picturing it! As long as you weren't hurt (except for the boo-boo on your knee). Did they offer to fill out an accident form for you? Last time I did that, I was walking into physical therapy!!! Hey - great deal on the coffee thingy!
lol! I was in such a hurry, that I was down, up and back on my way within seconds. I think the only person who noticed, and definitely the only Kohls employee who noticed, was an old lady from Beauty who was in line to buy something. She asked me if I had just fallen and I said, yeah but Im fine, and I kept on walking. LOL!

when I got back to the register with my coffee maker, she was still there finishing up paying and she told me this story of how she fell on the curb in front of a wine and liquor store - lol! she said people were looking at her like she was a drunk "but I havent even gone IN yet!" lol!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
The best part about growing up is the fact that you care less and less what random strangers think of you. I'm the same way! I would have died if that had happened to me when I was younger. But now days - I would have probably gotten up, done the "Rocky" (hands in the air, fists pumping) and made a huge joke of it. I'd probably even say, "I'd give that a 9.8. Would have been a 10 if I had sprained my anke."
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Cherry Cola

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
lilkoala3 wrote:The best part about growing up is the fact that you care less and less what random strangers think of you. I'm the same way! I would have died if that had happened to me when I was younger. But now days - I would have probably gotten up, done the "Rocky" (hands in the air, fists pumping) and made a huge joke of it. I'd probably even say, "I'd give that a 9.8. Would have been a 10 if I had sprained my anke."

lol - if I was a quicker thinker and not so focused on getting my coffee maker, I probably would have done something like that.

I think you are right, growing up is good that way! in other ways, not so much
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
Sorry I giggled! I am glad you weren't hurt but boy can I sympathize with biffing it like that. I have a wee bit of a reputation for falling down and have many many stories of humiliation. Laura F. can verify my spread eagle on the floor at winter CHA moment. :?
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
OUCH! Sounds like you made it thru better than me when I fell on Saturday trying to help dd learn how to roller skate.
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: fell flat on my face in Kohls
I"m glad you didn't get hurt. I am one of those ignorant a$$ people who lose it when they see someone fall. Seriously glad you didn't get hurt and that you got your coffee maker.
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