I think I promised you a 10in1 challenge…..but I have changed my mind and just made this challenge a 3in1, to make it a bit easier for you
Good luck and remember that all entries are due from by midnight EST on Tuesday.
- So first off, pick your magic number between 1-10 and post it in this tread. More info will follow later.
Now you have chosen your number.......and no looking further down before you have chosen......here are the rest of the challenge
- Now you have chosen your magic number, then the Digi girls goes to the paper gallery on that page that your magic number is an choose a page that inspire you, you are not to scraplift this page, but you must tell what inspired you, like colors, photo placement, or technique. Paper girls you go to the digi gallery and do the same.
- Then go to the “magic number” folder of your photos, and use the Magic number photo, that is in that folder. If your photos are already printed just count until you reach your magic number and use that photo.
Please post your page back here, when you are done

So I am a digi girl and chose #8 I´ll go to the paper gallery, at the 8th page and choose a page that will be my inspiration.
Then I´ll go to the 8th folder of my photo and pick the 8th photo in that folder an use it for my page
Got it? Otherwise just ask.
[font="]Just to show you that it can be done, I made a page for you using the #8[/font]