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Cherry Addict

your turn
if YOU had to create a crop challenge for everyone, what would it be?? and watch out, we may just steal your idea ;)

Do you like easy, everyday challenges or out-of-the-box-get-you-thinking challenges?
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Cherry Berry

Re: your turn
Put a commerical jinge to work in a layout
Example: Can't have just one - anything you have two or more of (twins, bikes, etc.)

Can you hear me now - some one talking on a phone or yelling

and so on and so on
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Cherry Picker

Re: your turn
I love the everyday challenges that make you use certain products, etc. because it helps me use the pictures that I have and it also makes me think outside my normal box!!
Rona - my blog
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Cherry Bing

Re: your turn
How about make a cherry item. Could be jewelry, picture frame, T-hirt with iron on, ect something that doesn't have to be scrappy related....
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                                                                        Facebook page: Pink Passion Stamper
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: your turn
One retreat I went to we pulled a piece of paper out of a hat and we had to to a LO whatever the paper told us. It was a blast!!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: your turn
I love art inspiration challenges, they always get me thinking outside of the box.
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Wild Cherry

Re: your turn
Create a layout based on:

Something you take for granted in life

A Favorite Childhood toy or Memory

The Little Things in Life
~ Carissa ~

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Cherry Addict

Re: your turn
sylgise5 wrote:Put a commerical jinge to work in a layout
Example: Can't have just one - anything you have two or more of (twins, bikes, etc.)

Can you hear me now - some one talking on a phone or yelling

and so on and so on
that is a really clever one, a layout inspired by a jingle.
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Cherry Cola

Re: your turn
out of the box challenges r good for me!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: your turn
Out of the box challenges. I would need some time to really come up with something, so may come back later and add another post to this thread, but in the meantime....

Although there was one challenge this time for using recycled stuff,

One challenge that I've done in the past, and I think is fun....

Go nab something from DH's workbench and incorporate in your layout!

Got some really great stuff the last time I saw this.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: your turn
Recipe Challenges because they get me to use stuff on the page I wouldn't normally use.

I think I like the more "every day" challenges, because I always think, "hey, I can do that!" Some of the out-of-box ones causes me anxiety! LOL
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Cherry Garcia

Re: your turn
i like recipe-type challenges (like the blast off challenge for this crop). i also really like the kind like the build a hottie, where you're given a list to choose from and then you find out what items you need to use. honestly, i don't like stuff that makes me think too hard least not for a crop!

if i were to create a challenge, i'd do something like i mentioned above :)

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: your turn
Scrap a layout with things using the letters of your name. S - staple or stamp, a - American Crafts, etc.

Scrap a layout based on your favorite book, tv show, movie

Scrap a layout about your first gown or your first dance
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: your turn
create a LOLcat style LO

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Cherry Bomb

Re: your turn
How about scrap your favorite song lyrics.

Ways to use hidden journaling.

New techniques challenges.

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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: your turn
I don't like the games where you have to be the first to answer and I do like the games that are fast and easy. I like the cryptograms and rebus puzzles.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: your turn
I would extend a challenge to crop your oldest pictures combined with 2 of your oldest stash items
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Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
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Cherry Cola

Re: your turn
How about like the brides thingy goes....
Something old
Something new
Something borrowed(an idea or technique or embellishment etc. from another layout)
Something blue
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: your turn
sylgise5 wrote:Put a commerical jinge to work in a layout
Already done that!

This was the first layout I ever posted in the gallery


And Joanie still is a big bologna bratwurst!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: your turn
I love the everyday easy ones. I only do the challenges that fit my pictures as I try to stay current and don't have a ton of pictures to chose from.
Love the certain colors, or season colors.
Love the certain # of pictures or an item.
Love the overlay.
Would love a warp an item, or change an item.... paper could alter chipboard or do rub-ons on ribbon, and us digi girls can change our items color/shape/warp it up a bit.
I love broad themes. Sometimes its difficult for some of us when its too detailed. Like we didn't do any big vacations this summer so I really had a hard time with that one.

Disliked the reuse an item, or trash, well cause I'm digital.
I'd love to see them be open to either side, or have the challenge kinda be two sided, like paper girls this- digi girls this. The monthly challenges have about equal paper to digital, but the crops seem to lean more to paper, the classes and everything. :/ I love paper but right now have no supplies and won't for three years. Sorry to complain, not trying to just trying to give feedback :) I appreciate all your ladies time to make this all work :-D
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