Challenge #2 - Create a desktop altered photo clip. The best item to use is totally a giant clip/clothespin, like this one from Creative Imaginations Bare Essentials. HOWEVER, if you've not been able to come across one, you can create your own for example, using a wooden block and a jumbo paper clip or some craft wire will work, too!
If you are using a block and a paper clip, the best way to attach the clip to the block is by opening up one end of the clip, so that it folds up at a right (90-degree) angle. Gently poke the point through the centre of the paper that you are going to be attaching to the top, and adhere the side of the clip down to the block really well. Air-drying clay can also be used, but that can take a while.
I look forward to seeing your creations! Here are some fabulous examples from the gallery, by scrapsakes, mkcdaisy, baltoscrapper and MelissaB