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Cherry Bing

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT?? Heard "Stickers Galore" mentioned when I was shopping at my Creative Memories consultant's house- checked it out, never went back.

What technique would you like to learn? Nothing more right now, happy with what I know.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? on a double page layout, which is all I do, probably try to cram in at least 6

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper all the way- own WAY too much stuff to switch to digital anytime in the next 10 years.

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? Wedding album for my niece

Do you have your own scrap room? Yes, and I love it.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? No

What gives you the creeps? Spiders

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Night owl

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? whiskey shots
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Cherry Bing

Re: OLD Members :)

How did you find ACOT??
My mom introduced me! I fell in love!

What technique would you like to learn? I would love to learn so many things!

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? 2-3 usually...

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper layouts are my specialty

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I'm (still) working on my wedding book...you'd think I'd be done with it since I've been married for over a year now!

Do you have your own scrap room? I was supposed to...now it's turned into the junk room...

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? YES YES YES!! I love the online ones here!! And I go to crops at church and work a lot too!

What gives you the creeps? Feet

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Night-owl

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Right now it's definetly a Pina Colada!!
Semper Fi
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Wild Cherry

Re: OLD Members :)
Yeah I was afraid us mid aged members were getting forgotten!! I don't know who your calling geezers!

How did you find ACOT?? I was looking for a safe place to buy scrapping supplies online since I did not have any stores near me when I first moved to Florida. First stared at Stickers Galore, then I found the board was so supportive and friendly and became addicted to all of it!

What technique would you like to learn? I don't even know what techiniques are considered, so I'm always up for learning anything, b/c I just do, have no names for the stuff!

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? Atleast 3-4 on each. I'm not one that likes to leave any photo behind!

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper girl at heart, but really getting into digital now. Extremely like using digital elements, printing on transparency for my paper layouts, so I guess I'm Hybrid!

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I'm working on Fall Creek Falls from our honeymoon, but I've been doing some misc layouts for Tania's challenges!

Do you have your own scrap room? Nope, using the guest room. Have to drag out my table and supplies in and out depending on when guest come.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? I try to attend all the ACOT Crops and LOVE them!! I went to one crop in real life and was so disappointed b/c people were staring and pointing and asking why the hell I was doing what I was doing. There was nothing fun about it when all I was feeling was judged. But the crops here are so fun, energetic, and just a pure joy. Plus I can do everything at my own pace for a weekend and not rushed in just a few hours.

What gives you the creeps? Clowns, Bugs, Being in dark unknown place

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Neither. I can definitely stay up later, but still not passed 2:00 AM. And I hate getting up early in mornings, I like sleeping till atleast 10 AM no matter what time I go to bed!

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Bahama Mama!!!!
~ Carissa ~

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT?? a friend

What technique would you like to learn?

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? more than 3 ;)

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper girl, love to touch all the stuff!

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? love of vintage things

Do you have your own scrap room? Yes, it's all girly and pretty, it's my hideout :)

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Yes, but I never pack in the right stuff, I prefer to scrap at home

What gives you the creeps? Public toilets and snakes

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Both, I go to bed late and wake up early

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Mojito's
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Cherry Bing

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT?? Back when it was Stickers Galore...I was looking for specific stickers I think. It was awhile after that when I joined the MB

What technique would you like to learn? maybe some basic digital...although I have no intention of giving up my paper!

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? 2-3

Are you into digital or paper layouts? PAPER

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? girly...dd's album and my nieces...and I'm behind on all of them!

Do you have your own scrap room? kind of...it's also the office

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? yes, love me an ACOT crop...don't crop outside of my house very often

What gives you the creeps? dirty bathrooms...more specifically dirty toilets

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? night-owl by design but life has made me an early-bird

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? a nice glass of Cabernet or margarita, on the rocks with salt
formally known as mkyanne

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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT?? I found it on line in a search waaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyy back when it was first started.

What technique would you like to learn? What are my options?

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? 3-4

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper - I like to touch my stuff

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I'm working on finding my stuff after the move - but before I packed up I had three albums in progress: One of NYC, chronological and one of Bump's first year.

Do you have your own scrap room? I sure do!

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Lots of them! I used to organize crops for Dartmouth College employees and I attended as many as I could whenever I could.

What gives you the creeps? Bugs and rodents!

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Early bird. That might change when I get used to retirement - but I'm still getting up early for now.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? I'm not a drinker of 'adult beverages' - never developed the taste for them but if I am going to have a treat type beverage when I'm out I love virgin pina coladas or virgin strawberry frozen drinks.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Cola

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT?? Shopping, of course! It was Stickers Galore back then. It took me awhile to be brave enough to post on the board, though.

What technique would you like to learn? Glimmer Mist

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? It depends on the layout but usually an odd number.

Are you into digital or paper layouts? I'm bi-scraptual

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? Fourth of July

Do you have your own scrap room? Nope :(

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Both!

What gives you the creeps? Leaving the curtains open at night. I hate the thought of someone seeing in and me not seeing out. I keep thinking a face is going to pop up!

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Night owl....totally

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Right now it is Blue Moon beer with orange slices.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT??
I was looking for someone who sold scrappy supplies and shipped to Bermuda - I discovered Stickers Galore while searching online. That would have been, hmm... 6 or 7 years ago, I think? But I didn't really get involved online until a couple of years after...

What technique would you like to learn?
Not sure... More paper techniques, I guess...

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
The majority of mine are 1-photo pages!

Are you into digital or paper layouts?
Mostly digi - my paper LOs tend to be for other people...

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
I'm working on a digi album for my mom for Christmas!

Do you have your own scrap room?
Does it count if my husband shares it with me?

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?

What gives you the creeps?
Certain kinds of men...

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Night owl, that is if the kids didn't wake me too early the morning before!

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
I don't drink, so it'll be a Diet Coke, unless I could get my hands on a Diet Dr. Pepper!
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Northern Brat

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: OLD Members :)

Geezer here....I guess! lol!

How did you find ACOT??
I was crusing the net looking for hunting embellies and paper, and then my dh took over looking for me...(it's his album), then there was this pack of stickers about sexy man, or something like that, so he just left it on the screen.. I came back to look, had a laugh, and was intrigued (sp) with the site. I loved the gallery, the work, how it was set up, how you can leave loving easily, so different from the other sites. Got hooked, but took awhile before I got on the message board.

What technique would you like to learn? Flocking with the sticky tape and stickers, acrylic albums...more experience with them.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? One or two, but I LOVE when people can embellish a layout and use lots of photos.

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? Working on an acrylic/cardboard album in the Grease monkey line...I just need to find pics for it.

Do you have your own scrap room? I live in a log home, and in the loft over the living room, I have a space/corner

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Yes, to both...but not alot. I have such a bad attention span, that I wander and talk alot...

What gives you the creeps? bugs, snot, and scary freaky movies

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Both...but mostly a night owl.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Love Corona, and Kamakazees...!
2012: Goal - 75 layouts 4 mini albums 20 cards --------> Progress - layouts mini album - cards
J - /6
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT?? Random search, I think I was looking for silhouette info and found the message board.

What technique would you like to learn? Any!

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? 2-4, I usually have more then one, and can't usually crop them down much... so 4 is usually the limit unless it's a two page (I do that a lot too though!).

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Both, mainly paper right now but I've done some digital and plan to do more.

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? Blue/Brown eyed boys, 2 pictures of each of my boys, good eye shots.. one has beautiful blue eyes, and one gorgious brown eyes.

Do you have your own scrap room? Kinda, It's an office room (spit off of our living room), with hubby's computer desk, my computer/scrappy desk (that I also use for my photo business) and storage, and my DS's craft/computer area (gave him an old PC of ours).

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Yep, both!

What gives you the creeps? Spiders falling on me

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Night owl, 100%!!

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Pepsi!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: OLD Members :)
LOL, i guess i fall in the "old geezer" category too :-D


How did you find ACOT??
web engine search (i liked to shop shop shop!)

What technique would you like to learn?
dunno... paper piecing maybe or better at sewing, at least.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
more than 1 for events/holidays/activities, but sometimes just 1.

Are you into digital or paper layouts?

paper scrapper, but dabble in digi once in a bluemoon.

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
the neverending travel photos!

Do you have your own scrap room?
after much whining, why yesss!

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?

mostly online & only at ACOT and once or twice IRL.

What gives you the creeps?
(this made me LOL) um, too many to list, that's for sure. :-D

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?

i'm a total night owl or should i say insomniac!

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
definitely a diet coke with a twist (alt. w/ SBUX caramel latte or pometini)
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT??
Years ago while browsing the internet.
What technique would you like to learn?
Use of the Bind-It-All
How many photos do you usually place on a layout?
Usually 1 to 3
Are you into digital or paper layouts?
Paper only
What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)?
A mini album of my brothers pet dog and two cats as a Christmas gift
Do you have your own scrap room?
Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life?
Yes....quite a few! Love them!
What gives you the creeps?
old people's toenails....lol
Are you a night-owl or an early-bird?
Definately an early bird
What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage?
Cranberry Hard Lemonade....YUM!
Jane ImageImage Image
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Cherry Cola

Re: OLD Members :)
My 1st anniversary is coming up with this crop...so I guess I am not new anymore...

How did you find ACOT?? Originally searching for a product--then I decided to pop onto the board and discovered a crop was going to happen a few days from then.

What technique would you like to learn? I love learning to make new and different flowers.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? I have fallen into the one pic per page a lot--but am trying to add more again.

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? Our summer, the cats and other holidays still to do..

Do you have your own scrap room? Ahhh yes, DH just finished it for me last December---The day before Christmas Eve, to be exact---he was finishing laying the hardwood floor. I LOVEEEE HIM and MY ROOM!

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? I used to attend IRL crops often at an LSS, now I prefer to be home and cropping online. (I do miss the human interaction---but don't miss planning all the pages out and packing everything up!

What gives you the creeps? Spiders and Centipedes

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? I am a night owl---that takes 6 am Spin classes! (what am I thinking---mornings are not pretty!) lol

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? margaritas!!!!
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JDs Mom

Cherry Bomb

Re: OLD Members :)
Wow--long time, no post. May 2008 I think!! Took off to pursue a black belt in taekwondo (knee surgery sidelined me 4 months from my goal, but it's ok. At 48, I am really proud of getting a red belt!) Now I'm back to some serious scrapping and ready to play once again!!

How did you find ACOT??
Surfing the net for scrapbook ideas and products

What technique would you like to learn? Anything new--want to experiment with alcohol inks next.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? If it's a multi-photo layout, 3 of varying sizes, but usually I just use one really good 4x6 per layout.

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper Paper Paper For me, it's a tactile thing.

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? Just completed a huge album for a friend of mine who has adopted 8 little girls from Asia. It was a massive project and I can't wait to give it to her! Now, I'm looking forward to working on my family's daily life stuff...and playing lots of catch-up!

Do you have your own scrap room? YES!! Just finished enclosing our back porch and 1/3 of it is a studio just for me. Lots of room, 12 foot of workspace and 2 walls of windows. I'm in heaven with all that room and light to play with!

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Love ACOT's weekend-long crops and coincidentially, am signed up at my not-quite-LSS for a 12-hour crop this Sat.

What gives you the creeps? The scary gurgling sound our under-bar refrigerator makes when the compressor kicks on. It gives me the willies especially when I'm in my studio late at night.

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Night-owl

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Single-malt scotch over two ice cubes.

ACOT May 2010 Digi Guest CT

formerly CT for Merkeley Designs, Sus Designs and E-scape and Scrap...

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT?? Stumbled across it years ago while searching for a place to buy scrappy supplies

What technique would you like to learn? anything new

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? usually about 3

Are you into digital or paper layouts? paper . . . I've tried digital, but just can't get into it

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I'm actually working on two themes . . . one is layouts about my recent (early August) trip to Florida to a Women's Retreat at the Florida Elk's Youth Camp. Also, I'm working on layouts about a recent day at the beach. . . my niece was visiting from Wyoming and we went out to another island to a beach we like to go to with her, my dd, and some friends. Had a great day out there and took a ton of pictures, so I'm doing some layouts.

Do you have your own scrap room? Yes

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? I've been to 3 weekend crops that I organized here in Sitka (at local fishing lodges and bed & breakfasts), and I've been to 3 fundraiser day crops, again that I organized. I've participated in several online crops here at ACOT.

What gives you the creeps? mice; icky people

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? ummmmm..... neither . . .how about a "middle of the day" person.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Tequila . . . sometimes just a shot or sometimes in a Tequila Sunrise . . .. or when I'm traveling somewhere warm my latest drink of choice is a mojito.
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Cherry Cola

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT?? Google

What technique would you like to learn? Distressing

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? 3-4

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? Boy with new puppy

Do you have your own scrap room? Yes - but it sometimes doubles as guest room.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Online here only

What gives you the creeps? Bugs that seem to come out of nowhere and suddenly land on me.

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Neither - I'm kind of a middle-of-the-day person

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Tom Collins
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Cherry Bing

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT?? My sister introduced me

What technique would you like to learn? blending

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? usually 1 sometimes 2

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Well I used to be a paste eater but I have become a screen licker and I love it!

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I did a LO of my dd in her dance recital costume.

Do you have your own scrap room? Kinda, it's not really my own. I share the space with my dd who has a desk with her crafty items and toys in here.

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? I have been to 4 or 5 ACOT crops and one irl

What gives you the creeps? bugs

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? both, I stay up late and get up early

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Mike's Hard Mango Punch yummy!
Proudly Creating For:
Sherri Tierney, Amanda Carlson, Erin's Dreams,
Kristi W, LauraMarie Scraps, Pick a Paper, A Moment In Scrap Site CT
Kari Q Designs, Kris Myers Designs, Pretty Scrappy Site CT
Also Belong to Pretty Scrappy QP Team, and Praise Team
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Cherry Bomb

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT??

What technique would you like to learn?

How many photos do you usually place on a layout?

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Both

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? i am working on a million things and havent completed not one

Do you have your own scrap room? i have a scrappy porch

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? yes to both

What gives you the creeps? dirty finger nails

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? night owl for sure

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? i would have to say a mojito
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Cherry Cola

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT?? Several Years ago searching for a Scrappy Product....Michelle (bayouscrap) pointed me to it

What technique would you like to learn? There are so many things I want to learn.....I think I need more help with inking and I want to try stitching on my page.

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? Usually 2 or 3

Are you into digital or paper layouts? I prefer paste licking but I have dabbled with a little digi

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? Nothing because the evil Navy movers took all my stuff :(

Do you have your own scrap room? No it's a scrappy/office

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Yes many! I love them!

What gives you the creeps? Bugs in my house...outside they're fine but if they're in my house, I'm freaking out and grabbing bleach and scrubbing the house down (Michelle can testify to this, as she's seen me lose it)

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? I am a total night owl. I hate mornings.

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? Ooooh...I love me some strong margaritas or Captain and Cream Soda!
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Marie D

Cherry Bing

Re: OLD Members :)
How did you find ACOT?? I believe it was Kristiane who invited me over here for a crop years ago.

What technique would you like to learn? Not sure, I usually just wing it.... :-D

How many photos do you usually place on a layout? 1 or two, want the photo to be the focus

Are you into digital or paper layouts? Paper - it's all about the papers.....:inlove:

What page/theme are you working on right now (or did you complete most recently)? I'm doing a vintage LO for a vintage class I'm teaching in September

Do you have your own scrap room? YES!!

Have you ever been to a crop, either online or in real life? Many! Both here at ACOT and IRL. I'm so lucky to live in the southwest of Sweden where there are lots of scrapbook shops and different crops!

What gives you the creeps? Spiders.... Everything scrappy with birds...impressionistic jazz..... The facehuggers from the Alien movies!!

Are you a night-owl or an early-bird? Definately a night-owl.....

What is your favorite "It's 5 o'clock somewhere" beverage? White Russian!! And lots of them pliiiiiz!!! :winkb:
When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.
John Ruskin

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