Just introducing myself. I am new to the site and fairly new to Scrapbooking. I look forward to getting ideas from all the wonderful experienced scrapbookers.
Welcome, and warning! This place is addictive, but so is scraping for that matter 

Find my books here. See the mom (crafting, cooking, organizing, and homeschooling) side of me here. {Under construction}
Welcome to the friendliest scrapbooking site on the web!!!! I know you love all the wonderful ideas, challenges and don't forget to join us in the online crop the last weekend of the month, they are so much fun!

Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!

view my blog (new) https://ourhideawayparadise.blogspot.com/

view my blog (new) https://ourhideawayparadise.blogspot.com/
Looking forward to getting to know you and welcome to the group!! It's wonderful here and if you have any questions just ask. There is always someone around the help you!