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Cherry Jubilee

Question of the day 8/5
Do you have separate cutting boards for meat and veggies????

I have just one cutting board but I use different sided for veggies and meat ( luckily it is 2 different colors)
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Question of the day 8/5
I have 2 cutting boards, so if I need to cut meat & veggies for the same meal I can do so, but it isn't necessarily the same board for meat all the time... should it be?
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 8/5
Yes. My sisters laugh at me because I have a green one specifically for cutting veggies and a red one for cutting meats.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 8/5
I used to have my cutting board marked on either side so I would know, but it kind of washed off and I forget to look anyways.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Question of the day 8/5
I have 5 different plastic bendable cutting boards I use as to not cross contaminate but do I use the same color for everything all the time? Nope.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Question of the day 8/5
Yes we have a few and one is used only for veggies.
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Cherry Delight

Re: Question of the day 8/5
No, but I usually cut my veggies first and wash the board between food types.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Question of the day 8/5
Nope, I just pull a cutting board out of the cupboard and use it. Doesn't matter which one it is.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 8/5
I'm with Angie....pull one out and use it; meats are cut last.

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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 8/5
Yes! I have a plastic one that I use for veggies only. I also have a wooden one that I use one side for cooked meats and the other side for raw meats. Do I sound obsessed? It is truly necessary to have a separate cutting board for meats. Even though you are washing it afterward, you never know. You don't want to be cutting veggies on a contaminated board.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Question of the day 8/5


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Cherry Addict

Re: Question of the day 8/5
nope, I have one favorite plastic board and it gets used for everything all the time... even making sandwiches. ...and I'm not dead yet.:winkb:
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Question of the day 8/5
I'm quite lazy and rarely use a cutting board. When I cut my veggies I usually just do it over whatever bowl they are going into after I have washed them. The meat gets cut up on a plate and then the plate goes in the dishwasher. I've been doing it this way for 28 years and haven't gotten sick yet, knock on wood!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Question of the day 8/5
most definitely!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 8/5
MamaK321 wrote:nope, I have one favorite plastic board and it gets used for everything all the time... even making sandwiches. ...and I'm not dead yet.:winkb:

Ditto. Except I have 3 "favorites" and I use whichever one is clean for whatever I'm cutting.

Now...if I'm cutting raw meat, I don't use that board again till it's been washed. And I have only plastic ones that I can stick in the dishwasher so they get sterilized.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 8/5
Ok, here goes the Agriculture major talking food safety. And as a teenager and in college I worked in food service industry.

Let's see, my mother and all three grandmothers only used wood cutting boards. And only one, my maternal grandmother had three wood boards. She was Equipment Editor for years with American Home Magazine and a true gourmet cook.

No one sick yet from cooking in their kitchens including me with one wood board using both veggies, fruits and meat on the same board(s). All four of us and now my daughter with one wood board are guilty of wiping down with a damp cloth and off we go to the next item. I naturally and not because of cross contamination cut meat last. Salads and/or fruit first and back in the fridge. Then comes the veggies being cooked then the meat. Never really thought about it.

Truth be known you are just as likely to get sick from veggies and fruit because of processing contamination as you are from meat. When I say processing contamination I'm talking about the sorting and washing processes veggies and fruits go through after being picked. Please though, always remember WE HAVE THE SAFEST FOOD SYSTEM IN THE WORLD no matter what the press or politicians tell you. Your growers of food do not wish to cause anyone illness and we as farmers and ranchers want and desire our very safe food systems.

Now to the research on boards themselves. Plastic vs. Wood. You couldn't make me own a plastic board for anything in the world. Why, they are NASTY! The amount of bacteria that can and does accumulate on the plastic is disgusting. Well you say you put it in the dishwasher to sterilize. Wrong! You know that knife you cut with, it makes cuts into a plastic board that can not be cleaned to a safe sterile level even in a dishwasher set to the highest setting. I would never own one.

Wood on the other hand. Intriguing research. For whatever reason and maybe I'll relate to it through that very hard biology class I had in college, the wood naturally draws bacteria away from the surface of the board. That doesn't mean you don't clean the board. It just means in relation to the plastic it is much safer to use wood. In that unbelievable hard biology (botany) class I learned all about trees and wood. I learned it was the wood of the tree that stored the waste the tree produced. So think of the wood being the absorber of bad things and making them tolerable for the tree to withstand. Interesting to me. Maybe someone who majored in botany can explain it better then me. I spent 20-40 hours a week studying for that A in that blasted Botany class and the professor was escentric to the extreme and she was female.

At any rate make sure you oil your boards once every 10 days to two weeks to keep them from cracking. That was my grandmother's instructions to me. She had one board over 50 years old. She always told me to use vegetable oil. I've since switched to Olive Oil because I keep no Vegetable Oil in the house. I find I have to oil every 8-10 days with it. Don't forget to do the entire board as the bottom needs oil too. One night I do the top and sides and the next I do the bottom. I over oil so it will soak it up during the night....again grandmother's instructions to her granddaughter. Another instruction from her, DO NOT USE SOAP ON BOARD! She never explained that one, but to be honest some of the soaps today on the market I wouldn't want to use on a board....they have some pretty nasty things in them. Ivory soap though, I could see using at times or some of the other natural soaps. My grandmother loved to cook, loved all her kitchen equipment and gadgets, was a gourmet chef in her own right, and her favorite chef because my grandmother claimed to be the first generation of Women Activists was Julia Child. Dee-Dee I miss your wisdom and stories.

Oh, I'm on my second board (8 years old) in 24 years of marriage as my first belonged to my paternal grandmother. It was very old when I received it. And in 24 years of marriage no one has ever had food poisoning from my cooking. So I must be doing something right.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 8/5
I have several cutting boards but use the wooden ones for my meats and the plastic ones for veggies!!!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 8/5
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Cherry Bing

Re: Question of the day 8/5
We have multiple cutting boards - yes, we don't use the same for both meat and vegis at the same time. They go in the dishwasher, so we may cut meat on the large one one day, vegis another time, after it has been washed. Occassionaly I will soak them in bleach water in the sink.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 8/5
yup blue for meat and green for veggies , my kids even know which one to use too
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