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Cherry Bomb

Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
Hi! It has been FOREVER since I posted here. Life has just been too crazy this past year. Between getting settled back in the US, making frequent trips to New Orleans to help my mom with my (now) invalid step-father, going back to work part-time, and dealing with 2 teenagers (neither of whom can drive yet).....well, you get the idea!

But now I have a dilemma and I KNOW you guys can help!

I just brought back from NO the scrapbook that my step-father put together with all his Air Force/ WWII photos, clippings, maps, etc. For a guy - in the 1940s - he did a pretty good job of noting something about most of the photos. Before I do ANYTHING, I am going to take the pages - as is - and scan them. I also have typed copies of all the letters he sent back to his family, covering several years. I want to try to include text from his letters on the appropriate pages.

Okay - This is where I need help.

My first thought was to make this my first digital scrapbook, because I thought it would be easier to use the digital layouts to make multiple copies of the album (for me, my brother, my mom, my step-brother, etc). But I just can't seem to find the classic/heritage-looking "stuff" that I want for this album.

My NEW thought is to make the scrapbook the way I know how - traditional, paper pages - and then to scan the pages, print the scanned pages and make albums for everyone else of those scanned/printed images.

What do you guys think? Any ideas? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
If you are more comfortable with the paper style, do that and scan it for multiple album giving. I think your idea is a great way to handle it, since you can't find the digi items you had envisioned. There are so many military embellies and papers out there, plus heritage and patriotic items. Good luck! My dad was in the Army Air Corp during WWII (not called the Air Force when he was in it) and I wish he had saved more that his hat!!

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Cherry Cola

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
hey stranger. I agree go with what you are comfy with and than scan and make copies. I would think that would be easier for you unless you are really comfy with the digi.

Hey are you planning on coming to the crop in oct?
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
LyndaKay - you are right. I just checked the album and he has his graduation program and it says Army Air Force Navigation School.

I really do want to keep to very classic/traditional pages for this because that fits the guy he is.

Amanda - Yes - I still plan on attending, but I may not be able to be there both days. Have to see how things go...but I'm going to try!!!!

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Cherry Cola

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
Marhaba! It has been a long time. I think that is so awesome that you are going to do this for your family. I would also recommend scrapping with paper and then scanning....unless you know digi and really like it. I tell my friends that the time to START learning digi is on something with a low stress level....for example NOT a wedding album, lol!

I have seen a lot of paper pages that have been scanned and if you have a nice scanner or a place that offers that service, I think they look just like digital pages anyways!!

Best of luck and I hope we get to see your work in the gallery!!!
-If it's scrappy it makes me happy!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
Take a few minutes and look over the theme choices here. The software and these themes are all free, then you just order your books. You can mix & match between different themes once you've downloaded them. Vintage Blues would be awesome for heritage, as would any of the plain colors, Cherish, Inspiration or Softly Spoken.

It's pretty much plug-&-play, I mean you just insert your pics (or scanned pages - you'd probably want the "full page photo" pages for those) and journal where it's already on the page template - really narrows down your choices to something manageable if you're not into digi or get overwhelmed by all the possibilities (like I do, lol). If you do go w/this & have any questions feel free to pm me. (Used to be a consultant but not anymore so I don't get any benefit but am more than willing to help! :) )
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Cherry Cola

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
I agree with the others - go with what you are comfortable with then scan and print to duplicate.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
well, this is certainly a big undertaking with all that's going on
in your life now and while you are comfortable with papers, i
would recommend going the digi-scrapping route since you'll
be giving out multiple copies of the album, so you don't want
to overwhelm yourself and end up totally burned out later...

i've done something similar with my kiddies photos and used
My Publisher (via Costco -- membership gift from my mom :))
and found their price to be reasonable with templates ready
and you can also apply discounts to reduce multiple orders!
i've also used Shutterfly (they've been around since forever)

anyway, welcome back!!
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
My inclination would be to go digi so you can make a shutterfly book and get multiple copies. I can come over and give you some tips. There is a lot of digi heritage stuff out there and digi military, just not both together. You would have to combine them yourself.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
It's good to see you back & posting! I would go the paper method - but then, I have no idea how to scrapbook digitally. They haven't drawn me over to the dark side yet! :-D
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Cherry Picker

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
How Exciting for you

I took on an under taking of putting 2 albums together that belonged to my great Aunt and my Grandmother. Plus many other albums that I repaired.

I suggest you go Hybrid. It is a good Idea to scan in all the original pages. Then you have the photos to share & you can repair any damage that has has happened to the important photos over the years. Another benefit is you scan the small photos in larger size enabling you to crop the important stuff out if you would like. Like the full photo and then a close up of that special smile for a frame.

As far as scanning in the pages when you are finished. If you are making a 81/2 x 11 album or an 8x8 album scanning in the pages is a breeze, and you can print at home on Premium matte Paper for a high quality cheaper compromise) But if you are making the album any larger say 12x12 you will have to scan the pages in parts and stitch them together. Practice make perfect. :greenwinka: If you are not comfortable with that process you can take the album into a quaility photo center ( Not Walmart or Costco) and have it scanned and put on dvd so you can order your multiple copies.

Have Fun!!!! Don't be in a Hurry! Document everything with Pics that you take apart. Look for those little notes on the back of the photos and scan them in putting the picture id # in the file name so you know where it came from. Remember to use the persons writing in your new book ( that is where the Hybrid comes in. Scan in the writing and make journal notes out of it and print it out. So there writing is preserved for ever.

Fell free to PM with an questions.
92 Memory Pages So Far In 2009
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Cherry Cola

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
If paper is your preferred way of doing pages, that is what I would do and then get copies made of all the pages. I don't know if you have an Archiver's near you, but they have a 12x12 copier that makes amazing copies of your page. They have sample on the wall and you actually have to go right up to them to determine which is the copy and which is the original.
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I NEED SA - Scrappers Anonymous!!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
I think you can also take a pic of your paper layout and then upload the pic to Costco and they will print in 12x12. For the same price you can print a 12x18, which will hold a 12x12 and 2-6x6.
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Featured Guest Coordinator

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
My digital knowledge is limited but it sounds like printing multiple copies of the pages (whether digi or paper) is the way to go. If it was me, I would end up making paper pages, scanning and printing. But, I know there are premade digi pages out there that you can purchase, download and then just add your photos to them. Maybe some of the digi girls here can point you in the right direction with that. Maybe if you ask in the digi section about premade pages and/or heritage type products. I don't want your topic to get missed here. :winkb:

On another note, so glad to see you back. Sorry things are so hectic here but the we'll leave the light on for you. :winkb:
"Make it bigger, make it badder, make it awesome" -Duff Goldman
"They need a hero to tell them that sometimes the impossible can become possible, if you're AWESOME!" -Rhino


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Cherry Bomb

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
Thanks everyone!

No decision yet - but I'm leaning toward a hybrid approach - basically paper layouts but with lots of scanned pieces (his handwriting, his letters, enlargements of photos, etc). I do plan on scanning most of the photos anyway - since there are no other copies. Then once done, I can scan the layouts to make the multiple albums. I do have an Archiver's nearby, but I also think the scanner at my office is big enough....I just need to check it out.

Glad to know I was missed!!!!!! :-D

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Northern Brat

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
I agree with the girls. ....do what you know, and scan it! I think it would be neat to put some of his pages he completed in the mix of yours. How awesome would that be? Good luck!
2012: Goal - 75 layouts 4 mini albums 20 cards --------> Progress - layouts mini album - cards
J - /6
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Hi - remember me??? I need some advice!!!
That sounds like a good idea... doing a paper layout and then printing the rest of them.
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