REmember last week I was talking about junking up our golf cart at the beach? Well, I forgot to take a picture of the golf cart, but a friend took this pic of me (center) with my friends Carlton and Jamie this past w/e. The golf cart is in the picture, so you can get an idea. I need some "frontal" pictures so you can see the Barbie, sitting up on her lifeguard chair, judging the surf contest. I'll take a better picture this w/e and post but for now.....
You really need frontal pics and side pics, but it gives you an idea! Also, the sign hanging from the back says "Surfs up".
My dh HATES this golf cart now. He was riding with Carlton last w/e and some lady asked my mom "who the 2 gay guys are", so now he thinks the cart is too girly to drive. Oh well, looks like it's my cart now!