I feel so sad for all the people suffering in this terrible economy. I know four people who will lose their homes soon and many more out of work. My brother who has put his heart and soul in his hand loomed oriental carpet company (Most of the Carpets at Disney are his designs) for thirty years may lose his business. My prayer list gets longer and longer each week.
God bless
It doesn't seem to be getting better, does it? The man down the road who owns the Subway franchise is very, very worried that he may lose his business. I am blessed... but I feel so very badly for all of the people who are suffering. I bring food to the food bank and donate clothes and household goods. I don't know how else to help, except to pray.
its been hard on alot of people. I keep hoping things will start getting better for all.
It is very sad, I see more and more bussiness going under. My son has been out of work since Novmeber. He says that there are a 100 or more people trying for the same job.

We have the nicest young couple living across the street from us. They have the cutest little girl and both the husband and wife are kind and good people. He was a mortgage broker and that sort of tells a bunch of the story. He lost his job, got another after they were into foreclosure. This story has a happy ending. They renegotiated with the bank that held their mortgage, got a low interest rate with no black marks on their credit rating and all the back payments were added on to the end of the loan.
As bad as things are, there has to be a point that we do a turn around. I am hoping that my sweet neighbors are the start of that trend.
As bad as things are, there has to be a point that we do a turn around. I am hoping that my sweet neighbors are the start of that trend.

It is such a scary time, I hope it has reached the bottom and can go nowhere but up.
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne
Jody H. (jodcold)

Jody H. (jodcold)

It is so sad, my BIL is on the verge of losing his business.
Have a coke and a smile!

It is quite sad and scary! My parents and siblings are suffering because they are in the construction business and there's just not a lot of construction going on.

It's hit again in my family - this time my brother lost his job - also construction related (he hauled materials to cntractor sites), my uncle 2 yrs out from retirement, and a BIL who does drywalling.
On an up note - stocks really jumped today and history shows an increase in the stock market precedes the end of a recession. I can only hope and pray - certain we have hit the bottom and it is going up from here.
On an up note - stocks really jumped today and history shows an increase in the stock market precedes the end of a recession. I can only hope and pray - certain we have hit the bottom and it is going up from here.
Yes prayers for all - I can relate too well I am afraid... on the verge myself but trying to hang in there - I hope I can but is looking very bad right now.
But I am still hanging on and hoping. I know there are people worse off so ... let's send positive thoughts to all that we can rally and get through this together - hope is all some of us have left. It can be powerful!
But I am still hanging on and hoping. I know there are people worse off so ... let's send positive thoughts to all that we can rally and get through this together - hope is all some of us have left. It can be powerful!

I'm so sorry to hear about your brother's business and yes this is hard times for a lot of people. The place where my son worked had a big layoff and he is now out of work. This situation with the economy is affecting both young and old alike and doesn't appear it will get better anytime soon. I too feel sorry for all of the people loosing their homes and their way of life.

Many people here are closing their small shops.tinkerbelldani wrote:Prayers for everyone.
Just this year we lost a LSS, Family Diner, family ran craft shop, two gas stations and more are going out of business.

It is so hard for so many. And it is horrid that some of it was intentional because of the greed of a few........

Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)