I obsess ______________________________.
I obsess over the little things, that often do not even matter in the long run.
over scrapbooking, is there anything else?
Enjoy for we will never have this day again.
I obsess over not having control of things.
I obsess over the housework. I cannot stand for anyone to come to my house and something be out of place! It drives my family nuts!!!
I obsess all the time over every little thing, it is my biggest fault (besides my butt! LOL!).
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne
Jody H. (jodcold)
Jody H. (jodcold)
I obsess over coupons... but last night I got free BBQ sauce and .50 salad dressing! Go deals!!
I obsess over scrapbooking! Ok?! I admit it!!!
my blog...17turtles
HAPPILY designing for:
Bo Bunny
Circut Circle
HAPPILY designing for:
Bo Bunny
Circut Circle
I obsess over little stuff too and big as well. And it drives me nuts to be late, anywhere!