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Cherry Tart

coloring on clear stamps
I have a question regarding the use of markers on clear stamps, and if anyone has any tricks, or has a favorite type of marker over another. I like the results I get when I use on markers on my stamps that are wood mounted, but haven't had a lot of luck getting a good, clear image when trying it with clear stamps. If you have any suggestions or hints, I'd be so glad to hear from you ! Thanks!
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Cherry Delight

Re: coloring on clear stamps
The markers I use are the LePlume brush marker sets from Marvy Uchida, although since I discovered Technique Tuesday inks that's pretty much all I use these days.

And thank you for asking the question because I pulled one of my marker packs out to look at the name and found the gel pen that was missing from my gel pen set. Those darn kids. :bluewinkb:
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Cherry Tart

Re: coloring on clear stamps
Thank you for responding! I have those markers, and I really like the results I get on my mounted stamps, I think it probably really depends on the card stock, and the image itself that you're stamping.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: coloring on clear stamps
I am not sure if this trick would do much difference - I haven't done much stamping in a while - but just after you color your stamp, just before you stamp it, breathe on it to "heat" it a bit.
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Cherry Delight

Re: coloring on clear stamps
yeah the acryllic material doesnt seem to take the color as well from brush markers as the rubber stamps do. Less porous is my guess. Maybe try lightly inking the acryllic with a clear inkpad, then use the brush markers over the clear ink to color it. Not sure if that works but worth a try.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: coloring on clear stamps
I'm not sure if this would help but I recently watched a video about 'prepping' acrylic stamps... they said you should rub the stamp surface with an eraser (doesn't matter what color) to get off the stuff that gets on it when they make them. I haven't done this yet but was thinking it might help... I notice if I ink and let it sit the ink seems to bead up a bit on some of my clear stamps... not sure if this would help that though.
I also recently saw my friend do the 'breathe' on it trick.. she said it moistens the ink that starts to dry.
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Cherry Cola

Re: coloring on clear stamps
I don't really color on the stamps, I color on the stamped picture. I use a very light gray or similar color and then stamp the paper. Then i go back and color it in or highlight it.
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