The company I used to work for gave us log in ID's....they were your first initial and your last name up to five letters......they entered me in the system wrong (Jennifer Jennifer) so my user ID came out to jjenni08. it should have been jpatto08. Anywho, so I am Jenn or Jennifer but everyone calls me But feel free to call me Jenn
Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
Personal Blog
I played the wicked witch of the west in a summer stock production of the wizard of OZ and she has been with me ever since:greenwinkb:

My nickname started out in this group I was in on Yahoo and then when I opened up my msn group everyone wanted me to call it Sassy's Sensual Siggy Playground and it stuck from then on... I'm Sassy to most people on the net , my real name is Robyn.. go figure , lol...

Dance Like No One is Watching...
Don't forget to Kiss a Frog Today!
My name is Karen and I was called Kari quite a bit as a nickname when I was a kid....and sometimes Kerry Berry....and of course there are those loveable Care Bears..... so Karibear
Oh this is fun!!
WEll, ACtually, like you Sus, I ALWAYS have the same screen name, this is the first time I didn't use it--so it is a little weird to see something else. But people don't understand it, and so they think the wrong thing, and think it is dirty or something, but again, it was my email address, that my DH gave me 12 or 13 years was SWTtonka (Swt--Southwest Texas (the college I went to) which people usually think means Sweet) and then my DH used to called me his tonka cause I was "tonka tough" during his long deployments...
So---my screen name for the first time ever, I am a Mom, to 2 Angels, hince...Mom2angels (the 2 plays double duty)

So---my screen name for the first time ever, I am a Mom, to 2 Angels, hince...Mom2angels (the 2 plays double duty)

Sweet story, Sus! I must say I like the whole Susan thing anyway (it's my dd's middle name!).
Mine is quite obvious, I'm sure.
Mine is quite obvious, I'm sure.

The guys at work nickname me Miss Daisy from the movie " Driving Miss Daisy" because of my age and, my driving....I'm a careful driver (17 years) safe driving

Well, I was The Mom, which was what my DS chose in haste but I changed it to M'Lee - a compilation of my nickname and my middle name.

I love cats and Pez (I collect them - well just Pez, lol, I don't think 2 cats count as a collection though I have a lot of cat-themed items as well!), and my name is Katrina but I don't like to use my whole name online (though on Yahoo I'm KatrinaPez). So the Kat is double-duty (my name & cats).

Well of course I'm a

and our flower is:
the killarney rose
a late 1800's hybrid tea pink rose, just beautiful and if I find one of my pictures or LO's of my killarney rose on the web, I'll edit this post!
promised my favorite rose! The Killarney the rose of Delta Zeta

and our flower is:
the killarney rose
a late 1800's hybrid tea pink rose, just beautiful and if I find one of my pictures or LO's of my killarney rose on the web, I'll edit this post!
promised my favorite rose! The Killarney the rose of Delta Zeta

Last edited by killarney_rose on Sun May 03, 2009 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
I guess I have very little imagination - mine is the first letter of my first name, first letter of my maiden name, and my last name.
My screen name may look weird but it has a purpose.... It's made up of the 1st inital of everyones name in my family (my hubby, me and our 3 boys), from oldest to youngest" Ric, Jenn, Xavier, Robbie & Preston. I use this for everything, from screen names, to e-mail addys to my blog. 

~JennMy Blog

Scrapping Community I Belong To ... linker.gif
Creative Team I'm On

Scrapping Community I Belong To

Creative Team I'm On

I'm always Vel or Vel0811 because my name in real life is Velvet (yep, really) and my bday is 8/11. 

Just my first name and the first initial of my last name.
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.