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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
Allotting time to actaully sit down and do it. I spend time thinking up layouts and buying the supplies and then can't find the time to sit down and get it done. 
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Cherry Cropper

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
I wish I were more organized.   I can be in the middle of a LO and think of something I can use, but then I spend too much time finding "just the right" thing.  
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Cherry Bing

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
 The only thing I would like to change is that I not be so messy when I am doing it...a few projects and my area is buried again. That, and the fact that I am staying up way too late when I should be sleeping to get out of bed for work. :sleeping: As far as journaling...I have actually cut back on writing "books" on my pages...still do it on occassion, but I took to hear the English professor who said I was verbous...trying to keep that in mind and journal less. ;)
Rita S

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Cherry Berry

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
One thing I wish I could change.... It would have to be that I LOVE thinking about scrapping. I wake up just about every morning wishing I could stay home from work so I could scrap because I am feel extra creative. So I get through the work week, and wake up on Friday morning excited that the weekend is just about here, and I have so much energy, and want to knock out so many LOs, and I super excited!! So I get home from work, and I am too tired, so I go to bed early thinking that I will wake up early Saturday before kids are up (because that is when I am "feeling extra creative"). Saturday morning comes around, and I can't get inspired by anything. I can't make myself go to my scrapbook room and get started. I keep thinking I will save it for later and that will be so much more special, and I'll get so much more done blah blah blah..... Next thing I know it is Monday morning, going back to work, and don't you know?? I am feeling so extra creative, and wish I could stay home to get some scrapping done.........
That is the ONE thing I wish I could change :bluewaiting:
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Cherry Tart

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
Grandma Flowers wrote:
anazelia wrote: I am taking a big picture scrapbooking class on journaling at the moment.  so I am hoping that will help me journal.  One thing that I would like to do, is feel more confident about just doing my own thing.  I think I try to be too much like popular scrapbookers and it feels artificial to me.  I need to just do my own thing and not worry so much.   I am not sure what needs to really change, but something does.  LOL.
I agree.  I need a lot more confidence.
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Cherry Tart

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
BeatrizS wrote:
MLee wrote: I think I fall in that category too. I've been doing this for a decade now and I still feel like my work is crap. It's never good enough, never the right style, never quite measures up to... what? Measures up to whom? I don't know. But I think that's just my personality. I'm never satisfied with my own self but I would love to get to the point where I just liked something I did for what it was.

i am exactly like you!  but although i feel my work is just not good enoungh i really dont care what others think.  my problem is that i feel i CAN do better
wow! there is people out there like me! I was talking to my sister about it one day and she told me I was a perfectionist. So, I'm trying to break that but it is soooo hard to do.
Life is not measured by the breaths you take
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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
 I'd like to be more creative.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
 I really don't know.  I guess not to be so messy.  I scrap kind of simple but I don't like a lot of distraction to take away from the photo.  I do hand written journaling so I guess also to have better penmenship.  Oops, that's two things isn't it.  Well, just one- penmenship!! Yep that's the ticket! 
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Cherry Tart

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
 This thread is so timely for me!  I had just written a note to myself to make my scrapbook pages for me not for some imaginary critic.  I rarely feel I've accomplished what I set out to create and I'm always left wondering why it took me so long to come up with something mediocre.  That and my journaling....I sound stilted and stuffy instead of flaky like the real me :bluewinkb:
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Cherry Berry

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
 More journaling on my pages.  Do not like my writing
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
 For me I would have to say... to try to cut down on how many pictures I use. When I have a family outing or a day trip somewhere. I take tons of pictures and scrap a ton of them. I have some layouts that are 14 pages long.... but I just can't see the since in taking all the photos and not telling the whole story.....which is all the differnt things we did or places we went.  I cut a lot of pictures out but still will scrap a ton of them.

That is the thing I need to change as I use a lot of paper and a lot of time on these layouts like this. But I do enjoy going back and seeing all the great pictures and remembering the day.
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Indy Scrapper

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
 I hope my comments aren't taken as critical or offensive, but a lot of you gals are way too criticial of yourselves.  I scrap for me and for my family.  I have grown from 1997as a beginner to someone not afraid to use eyelets or brads on a page.  Would my work be published, probably not, but that is not why I scrap.  I like to play with some of the new trends and I generally get around to that a couple of years after they were tendy.

Why do you scrap and for whom?

What I'd like to change about my scrapping would be to quit buying products just because I like them and start using the product I bought because I liked them.
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Cherry Cola

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
 I wish I could be neater.  I get into a big mess over even the simplest, quickest project.  I spend more time cleaning up than actually doing the project.  And I procrastinate over the cleanup.  Sometimes I do my scrapbooking in the middle of the mess from the last project.
Mary           Love is all around you.

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Cherry Berry

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
 Journaling - I have such a tough time.  So I don't do it.  I just put captions.  
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
 I would just like to start. I always feel there is always something else I need to do first and by the time I have some free time I'm just too tired. Maybe tomorrow or next week will be the day.

Have a great day.
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Cherry Cola

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
 I would like to find more time to actually scrap. I am only about 30 years behind. LOL ;)
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Cherry Blossom

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
 Even though I am always happy with the way my pages come out, I would like to be more creative on my pages.  I see from the gallery here I have a lot to learn. 
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
Indy Scrapper wrote: I hope my comments aren't taken as critical or offensive, but a lot of you gals are way too criticial of yourselves.  I scrap for me and for my family.  I have grown from 1997as a beginner to someone not afraid to use eyelets or brads on a page.  Would my work be published, probably not, but that is not why I scrap.  I like to play with some of the new trends and I generally get around to that a couple of years after they were tendy.

Why do you scrap and for whom?

What I'd like to change about my scrapping would be to quit buying products just because I like them and start using the product I bought because I liked them.
I agree with you 100% that people are being too critical of their own scrapbooking.  However, although I love my layouts and am not critcal of my work at all, I completely understand how other people could be so critical of their own work.  I think most people know that it's kind of silly to be so critcal of their scrapbooking, but changing the way you think is so hard!  I mean, I weigh 100 pounds, but I still poke at every dimple of fat on my thighs.  I know it's stupid to do so, but it's hard to change!  The scrapbooking industry creates a competitive atmosphere with Hall of Fames, contests, design teams, etc...  I actually consider myself lucky that I haven't fallen into thinking that my work isn't as "good" as other people's. 
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Cherry Blossom

Re: What is one thing you'd like to change about your scrapping?
 I need to journal more -- not just here we are -- but the emotions, smells, etc. 
I was at a crop a couple years ago and they had this little journal class.  You passed out your pictures and then people wrote down on a piece of paper what your photos were about - - it was not what I thought the photos were about.  So I started journaling more, but now I am thinking it needs to be more than what I am writing.  
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