I live for naptime and bedtime for my children!!! Silence is all I ask for! 

I live in Minnesota where the four seasons are all beautiful, however, winter has gotten greedy this year and has stayed way past its time and love Fridays - TGIF!

I live for my children to know God

wife of one, mother of FOUR!


I live for the days that are organized and I get a lot accomplished.

I live a charmed life.
Truly...even with all the junk that has happened in the last 2 years. I love my life!!
Truly...even with all the junk that has happened in the last 2 years. I love my life!!

I live in Winterpeg Manisnowba. I can't beleive that once the snow finally started to melt, we got a blizzard and now there is more snow now, than before it started melting. So very depressing. When is winter ever going to be done!!! 

I live with the thought always in mind 'what else are we here for if not to help one another?' xoxx
'Beautiful memories tell our story, and wrap themselves in ribbons of the heart.' Flavia
I live in one state and work in another.
April layouts: 0/10
March cards: 4/4
March layouts: 10/10
On a no-buy - 19/100 layouts completed before I can buy. Don't show me the goodies!
April layouts: 0/10
March cards: 4/4
March layouts: 10/10
On a no-buy - 19/100 layouts completed before I can buy. Don't show me the goodies!
I live because I am?
uh oh...here I go waxing philosophic.

uh oh...here I go waxing philosophic.

June Layout Challenge: 0/5 Paper Layouts, 2/2 Cards

I live in the beautiful state of Colorado. The only thing missing is the ocean, then it would be perfect!
My blog

My blog
