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Cherry Cola

smile help needed
 My beautiful almost 3  year old daughter has developed a fake smile for the camera.  The problem is that it is seriously the worst fake smile I have ever seen.  If any of you are fans of the show Friends, it is reminiscent of Chandler's fake smile.     Now all of my pictures of her have this fake smile in it.  My question is, is there any way to help her have a nicer fake smile?  Or anything that I can do?  I have attached photos for you to see.  The first is her natural smile, the other two are of  her fake smile. 


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Cherry Cola

Re: smile help needed
 God she is cute..even with her fake smile :-)  Is there a word that she thinks is funny that you could say just before you take the photo.  if she was laughing maybe that would help look more natural.  I have to do this when I am in a photo because I am an awful smiler ;-)
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: smile help needed
 Saying 'ess' is better then cheese for a more natural smile, so words like 'yes'.

Saying things that make them laugh/smile is good.. I used to use 'PIZZA' or 'crackers' for my boys since they're all about food.  I'd have the camera ready and focused, then say it, they'd look up with this big huge grin vs ignore me compleatly lol.

Good luck!!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: smile help needed
 OMG she is too cute!!! i agree maybe saying or showing her something that will naturally make her laugh would be better then saying ok SMILE for ME!!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: smile help needed
 I wish I could help - my 9 year old DGS still has a fake smile when we take pictures - I have to catch him when he doesn't realize I'm taking pictures.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: smile help needed
 I agree with the other ladies.  I'd try to get her to laugh to get a natural smile!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: smile help needed

Sorry, no suggestions here.  I just have to say - at least she is making some sort of effort.  My 2 year old had decided to scowl when he sees the camera. 
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: smile help needed
try to get her pic when she is not "posing"  to get her to look more natural
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Cherry Addict

Re: smile help needed
 she is a cutie!  the first pic doesn't look forced!  my son has his eyes closed in most pics, and he's an adult!  kids are so frustrating!  maybe try using a word like "giggles"  instead of smile, then you get that really silly laugh they have that comes straihgt from the belly, that cute infectious laughter the little ones get :-D  or, any silly word that makes them giggle!  when we have all the kids together we pick a silly word, say "pickle" or "Easter Bunny" or "more pudding please" that really makes them chuckle!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: smile help needed
She so cute & honestly only us moms notice it. My 9yo went through that phase too at one time. I would just tell her to laugh or I was going to tickle her & while talking get the camera ready & eventually I could capture a natural expression sometimes a laugh sometimes a smile. But if I said smile for the camera, a fake smile is all I'd ever get. Goodluck!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: smile help needed
 My dd has the same problem, probably 70% of my photos of her are with her fake smile... To get the other 30%, I either sneak up on her and just say her name after I've got the camera focused, or there was this "funny" (at least to her) joke on Dora one day: "Hey you know whats a funny word?" "Banana-Pants!", it makes her giggle everytime! We've changed it around to other silly things, but it tends to work to get her to forget her forced smile! :) Good luck... Usually they grow out of it;
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: smile help needed
 Even her fake smile is cute!
My 2 year old has been running from the camera lately. :?
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: smile help needed
 She is a cutie. At least you get a smile. ds would only give me dirty looks. He still does when I have the camer out.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: smile help needed
 What a cutie! We had the same problem with our son. I watched the photographers snapping pics at the studio and noticed that they tried to make him laugh and would catch him after the laugh for a more natural smile.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: smile help needed
I have no advice - my little guy is suddenly and vehemently opposed to having picture taken at all as of late - but I did want to add my voice to the resounding - darn she's cute!  :)
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Cherry Bing

Re: smile help needed
 Get use to it girl!  My sone just got over his fake smile and he's now 9.  He use to have the fakiest smile.  It was awfull!  It's just something you have to get use to.  Sorry I have no solutions, but I think most of us went thru that fake smile period.
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Cherry Cola

Re: smile help needed
handerful wrote: 

Sorry, no suggestions here.  I just have to say - at least she is making some sort of effort.  My 2 year old had decided to scowl when he sees the camera. 
LOL, mine does that too.  It is either the fake smile or the scowl. 
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Cherry Cola

Re: smile help needed
 Thanks everyone.  I will try the funny words and getting spontaneous shots.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: smile help needed
 She is adorable. I think all scrappers kids develope that fake smile.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: smile help needed
 lol I agree with Warren...

She is beautiful and I love her fake smile and all

Maybe telling her something funny???
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