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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 I agree with Leslie...well on everything but the goat thing :winkb:  Your inlaws sound like a piece of work!

Enjoy it sweetie...you never know if it will be your last child and your last few days of pregnancy. Such a beautiful time in your life and I don't think we enjoy it enough for the miracle it is!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 I dont have anything nice to say (regarding your In laws) ... so with that said,  Opinions are like B*TT h0les everyone has one!!! i guess that goes for advice too....
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Cherry Cola

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 When you hear a comment that upsets you, just tell them none of that stuff matters.  In the end it's all about a healthy happy baby. 
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Cherry Cola

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 All I know is my 2nd one was a breeze... I've had four and would do it all, all over again 100 times!!
Enjoy the moment because giving life is the greatest thing a woman can ever do. How exciting!!

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Judy in NM

Cherry Garcia

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 Invest in some good earplugs for all of the bad advise.  :)  Seriously, just enjoy - babies are such a blessing.  We can't wait to hear all about Eli's new little brother.  (((Hugs)))
~~ Judy ~~

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Cherry Cola

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 Want me to come knock their heads together, Amy?  I got "You aren't even trying for a "natural" delivery?"  My first was a very scary C-section (we were close to losing her) and they said I had about a 50/50 chance of going through that again.  VBAC was all the rage but I chose to go C-section. 

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Cherry Addict

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 Beyond the call of duty, do only what gives you joy and or rest.  Be just a little selfish now because you will be a mom and by definition, you won't be selfish anymore.  Enjoy while you can. 
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Wild Cherry

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 With all the PAIN and horror stories, of labor, isn't strange how many times we do it all over again? Ihave 4 children, and was so tempted for a 5th, LOL. Thank God, I'm past that stage of my life now, but yep, I'd go through all those pregnancies and labor, and child rearing again!

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Cherry Cola

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
Lock the doors and rip out the phones!!! But first...did I tell you about.... :-D :-D 
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 You didn't space your kids apart right. They are too far apart to be friends. Oh wait, they are too close together so everything will be a competition.
 Having children will bring you and your husband closer together. Then again...taking care of your kids takes time away from being with your spouse.
 Getting an epidural means you don't want to feel the natural experience of bringing great joy into this world. However, if you are screaming and in agony you won't actually enjoy the moment.
 Need any other stupid advice? ;)
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Cherry Picker

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
I agree...no advice here except...make sure you uncover the baby when you go into grocery store after you get away from the door. 

I say this because I apparently waited a little too long and went a little too far into the store with my 3rd daughter because this little old lady came up and hit me in the back of the head with her hand and uncovered my daughter for me telling me that she was going to get overheated (It was winter!).  I swear I was maybe 6 feet at the most inside the store when this happened.  I was in shock and she was 70-80ish so I couldn't yell at her but I really really wanted too.
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Miss Daisy-NC

Cherry Garcia

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 Hugs sweetie!!! Just tell them to go jump in a lake. I remember crap like that
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Jeanne Marie's Scraps

Digital Designers

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 no bad advice here but don't you just hate how everyone belives they have the right to rub your belly
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 No advice here...and I don't remember receiving any either..or maybe I just ignored them!  Hugs for ya hon!!

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Cherry Picker

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 I have no advice but do want to wish you much good luck.   Enjoy these last few days before new baby arrives!   Take care.
'Beautiful memories tell our story, and wrap themselves in ribbons of the heart.' Flavia

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Cherry Bing

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 ok, so I never listened to ANYONE while I was preggers!

BUT ... CONGRATS! I can't beleive it's baby #2 ... Shows how often i'm on this site! MAN I miss it!!
Good Luck and can't wait to see pictures of your new just as handsome little guy!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
How sweet it is, Just a passage of time. People love to give advice . once I told a friend that labor was not that bad. I did not wish to be one of those people who told terrible storis of labor. She told me
later I should ever had lied to her.  You can't alway win. :-D
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 No bad advice here, but can't remember receiving any either.  Sending good thoughts to you!

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 my dd just had her first baby, a girl.  my dil is preggo with her first, a boy.  my only advice to them was that everyone will tell you they had the worst pregnancy, the hardest labor, the best doctor, etc.  don't believe the war stories.  yeah, you will be exhausted after when you get little to no sleep or time to yourself.  but when you hold that precious little baby and they look in your eyes it makes anything worth it.  so dwell on the good stuff.  there's a lot of it in pregnancy, imho.  and the joys of a baby are indescribable!  congrats!
Susie King
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A Cherry on Top

Re: And now starts the bad advice...
 No bad advice here... just sending good thoughts your way.

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