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Cherry Bing

Re: My exciting night * UPDATE WITH PICTURE
 I saw pics on our GR news last night and was telling my dh that I *knew someone whose house was one of the ones we were seeing pics of!

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Cherry Bing

Re: My exciting night * UPDATE WITH PICTURE
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: My exciting night * UPDATE WITH PICTURE
 Wow! Glad you're safe!
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Cherry Addict

Re: My exciting night * UPDATE WITH PICTURE
 I just saw footage on CNN and holy carp that is scary!!!!!!! Would be cool looking if your houses weren't right in its path. I totally thought was a mountain outside your window in the first post. egads
SUS ImageImageImage
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Cherry Garcia

Re: My exciting night * UPDATE WITH PICTURE
 wow, that is wild.
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Cherry Berry

Re: My exciting night * UPDATE WITH PICTURE
 Wow - I've never seen anything like that before...
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: My exciting night * UPDATE WITH PICTURE
 holy crap.. I saw that on the news last night. some folks had some damage and the ice broke through windows.. I hope you don't have anything serious going on because of it. are you staying there now? It's been raining all day.
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