Well, I didn't do a very good job posting this (first time I've done it) but here's what we see when we look out our front window.
Last edited by Grandma Flowers on Mon Mar 09, 2009 10:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Hi Sarah - Yes, we are on Linwood Beach. Who's your director? Maybe we know him. He's lucky it's 25 feet from his seawall. It's over our seawall and five feet from our front door. A few doors down it went half way through the people's living room. You should take a ride out here. It's unreal.SarahA wrote: Are you on Linwood Beach? The director at my office lives there &called me today & said he wouldn't be in because he wanted to keep an eye on the ice at his house- luckily the ice is about 25 feet away from his sea wall. He said he heard his neighbor's seawall get hit with the ice around 9 and it was a really loud crash- can't wait to see the photos!