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Wild Cherry

Re: a different kind of trash talk
 From all your posts, I see I need a sprinkling of imagination dust!  I'm sure I have thrown out plenty without realizing what potiential they had. The only thing I have saved are some clear Kraft mayo jars to store some scrap stuff in as I begin to add to my stash.

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Cherry Cola

Re: a different kind of trash talk
 I definitely save any all chipboard and acrylic from packaging.  I've also cut off appliques from my daughter's clothes and bibs if the rest of the piece was too stained to donate.   Can't think of anything else, but I'm sure there's other things I've saved.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: a different kind of trash talk
 Boxes and tins are my favorite, followed by chipboard and clothing tags!
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: a different kind of trash talk
 I keep gift cards & gift card containers to re-use.  Stickers, ribbon, etc.....
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Cherry Tart

Re: a different kind of trash talk
 One thing that I have found to recycle is Hardcover books. If you cut the inside out you are left with an empty book.. then cut the binding or spine (whatever that middle part is called )off and you end up with 2 nice sized mats that you can decorate anyway you like, drill a couple of holes then hang. Great for holiday things!!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: a different kind of trash talk
I keep some of the packaging from brands like Prima and Maya Road. I also like to buy craft/office supplies 2nd hand. I go to Goodwill and the local Humane Society thrift stores. I guess it's not really trash then but I've found some awesome items. Things like vintage trims, lace and embroidery items. I'll keep the plastic wrap from packaging and make patterns for my stitching. That way I can see exactly where I'm putting it. I also do the thing with promo magnets. I love going to trade shows and stocking up.

April layouts: 0/10

March cards: 4/4
March layouts: 10/10

On a no-buy - 19/100 layouts completed before I can buy. Don't show me the goodies!
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Cherry Cola

Re: a different kind of trash talk
 Just before I was unable to work anymore in 2006, we got a box of what looks like old computer punch cards - they didn't have any punches...just mainlla covered cardstock type cards.  (Yes, I know I'm really old to remember those!! :-D)  Instead of letting those go to the paper mills, I grabbed the box. Wonderful for cutouts and to paint or color over!
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Cherry Bing

Re: a different kind of trash talk
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Cherry Cola

Re: a different kind of trash talk
 I have saved cards and labels and pieces of fabric.
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