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Wild Cherry

Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 There's a great article this week in Newsweek about how one inconclusive study (with only a few subjects...) years and years ago created worldwide panic in parents.  If this interests you, check out the's fascinating.  I stuck this in the debate forum - just in case!
 But seriously, the article is really interesting and it sites a bunch of other studies (with millions of subjects) that cannot get similar results.  Check it out!
"hoarder of supplies"
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Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 Maybe you should forward it to Jenny McCarthy.  She can take a little credit for the return of some diseases we haven't seen in YEARS.  She should be so proud.

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Wild Cherry

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 Yeah, I heard about the recent outbreak in Minnesota.  Keep your breath to yourself, missy!
"hoarder of supplies"
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 That makes me giggle Miranda! lol
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Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 We've got Hib issues, I heard.  Glad I'm not working (outside the home) these days.  My heart is in Peds, I can't imagine doing something else....but I can't imagine bringing any of those things home to my kids and immuno-compromised hubby either. 

People are afraid of your topics now, Furry.  You got the drama light over your head. :winkb:

Hi Di!

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Cherry Cropper

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 Oh, that's a drama light? I thought it was a halo.
 Slowly stepping away from the thread now! ;)
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 Here is the link...
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 I know nothing about this topic.  However, I do know that the only person that I know that thinks vaccines are bad also thinks that the US government was behind 9-11 and that the government puts flouride in our water to control us.  Oh, and he takes lots of garlic pills and smells bad and wears a necklace that protects him against radiation.  Yeah... this guy is in my department... doesn't say much about the caliber of students we let in.  I guess that's why I got in...
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 I understand why the parents take this to heart...
Imagine your totally normal child has something different happen to them (special treat, special trip, special treatment of some sort)... Within weeks your child regresses.  It's been mentioned before that this special thing can cause this regression in kids... true or not you link it.

Well, Autism tends to be first noticed around the timeframe that they get the shots, so even if just half the kids show the first noticeable symptoms after, that's a lot of parents going 'HEY, ITS THE VACCINE!' ... These parents are dealing with seeing their prefect child be diagnosed with this frusterating condition/disease that they don't understand how, why, etc.  It's easy to point at the vaccine that they had.

I for one have vaccinated my children.

Anyways, that's my view on the subject. 
Image Laurie, aka Image Image

If you can't convince them, confuse them
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 I still cannot understand how they can link this to the vaccines.   The vaccines have been around a LONG time. 

The upsurge in autism is in the last, what? 10-20 years?

WHy do I feel that maybe a kid's brain is more affected by parents plopping their INFANTS in front of a tv?    

(Not being smart here - just asking)
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 I'm so glad I don't have to deal with this stuff anymore - I had my kids vaccinated and got flack from some family back then (early 1980's). I'd hate to be a young parent with no medical background trying to figure out who to listen to.
I wonder, sometimes, if we ever give God a headache.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 From my understanding the surge in children with autism is because of how it is diagnosed now.  If you go back even ten years some of children that seemed to have social problems or acedemic problems would probably be considered Autistic today.  The method of diagnosis changed because of early intervention practices (I think?).
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 That Jenny McCarthy us a loon, but her boyfriend is hysterical! oh and did I mention rich? :greenwinkb:
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 I think the difference is between the killed vaccines of the past and the modified live vaccines of today.  And also the preservative timeserol (probably misspelled that, it is a form of mercury). 
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
Queen Mum wrote: I still cannot understand how they can link this to the vaccines.   The vaccines have been around a LONG time. 

The upsurge in autism is in the last, what? 10-20 years?

WHy do I feel that maybe a kid's brain is more affected by parents plopping their INFANTS in front of a tv?    

(Not being smart here - just asking)
 I think alot of it has to do with the increase in the number of vaccines that we give our children. When we started giving kids more and more vaccines, the number of cases of autism went up. As a parent of an ASD child, I looked into the whole vaccine issue. We chose to vaccinate because the benefits outweighed the risk. I think there is a population of kids that have autism that was caused by vaccinations. Kids die from vaccinations. But, the benefits still outweigh the risks in my opinion. There are many different causes of autism, in my sons case I firmly believe it was because of the anethesia he had as an 1 year old. He went into surgery 1 child and woke up from surgery a completely different child. Even his pediatrician was a little puzzled.

and I agree with you about the tv issue... :)
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 It was disproved to be linked to the vaccine. What MAY happen is that the child is already a "candidate" and the vaccine *might* make it worse.
 I am strongly convinced that there are more diagnosis now because parents and doctors are paying better attention and able to detect it. Some autistic persons 20 years ago might have been mis- diagnosed as being mentally handicapped. Also, genes come into play. which have rise and falls in what is dominant, often linked to environmental changes.

 My intelligent answeres aren't nearly as fun though. :-D
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
dianagirly wrote: My intelligent answeres aren't nearly as fun though. :-D
says who???  LOL! :winkb:
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Cherry Berry

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 Hi all.  I have fought with people on this issue including my kids.  Vaccines are necessary and if you were around to see Polio etc there would not even be a question. There was  aproblem in one of the vaccines perservatives which caused a problem with children with a certain disease (I can't remember the name of it). 

In dogs we have learned alot about vaccine.  We used to vaccine dogs every year but we now know that that causes immune problems in dogs.  They have changed the standards and now encourage vets to not vaccinate any more than every three years after the original group of vaccines.  Sadly there are some vets still doing this to generate income (change your vet if he suggest this because he has his interests at heart vs your animal).  They are working on tider tests to measure the effectiveness of the vacine and to see if there is a need to revaccinate.  I am sure some day they will measure people vaccines in the same way.

By and By they are now looking at ultrasounds as being a possible cause of the increase in Autism.  Ultrasounds began being used in the late 1970's in obstetrics and that is when they started seeing the increase in Autism.  They are just in the hypothesis stage and there is no end data on this subject.
God bless
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Cherry Cola

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
I think this thread needs to be stopped now. I personally had my daughter vaccinated but have a relative and a close friend with an Autistic child. Same age, same vaccines and I DO believe that the vaccine might have been involved in hwo this came about. I just feel that this topic could easily get out of hand and should only be in the debate area.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Autism & Vaccines: mass hysteria
 All it takes is one person to get people stirred up!  LOL
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