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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: So what did you get done?
A few challenges
A few fast scraps
Lots of games
Over 100 posts
Image Laurie, aka Image Image

If you can't convince them, confuse them
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Cherry Cola

Re: So what did you get done?
 I had soooooooo much fun!!!
I did all but 1 game of Bingo
I played lots of games intermitently
I did 6 of the fast scraps but didn't get them all posted
I did 6 challenges and working on a few more before the deadline

But most of all, I love love loved participating in this crop!!!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: So what did you get done?
 I was off and on, played the games and won a buttload of points!
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Cherry Bing

Re: So what did you get done?
 I didnt get to crop at all :(  we had family stuff come up.
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Cherry Cola

Re: So what did you get done?
I got:

14/14 Challenges
10/12 Fastscraps
4-5 classes
Some of the games ~ 415 points ~ 1 GC ~ LOADS OF FUN!

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Cherry Cola

Re: So what did you get done?
 I did 3 fast scraps and 13 out of the 14 challenges, plus one extra LO.  That would be because I forgot I was supposed to put PP strips underneath my photo for Challenge #13 until after I had already stuck down the photo.  Oops!  That's still the most I've EVER accomplished at a crop, though!
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Cherry Cola

Re: So what did you get done?
 I didn't get hardly any of the challenges completed that I wanted to finish so I've printed them out and I'm going to incorporate them with the rest of the February challenges that I want to finish as well. Two for one kind of thing or something like that. There were just so many great challenges this weekend!

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: So what did you get done?
 4 challenges for me! I had hoped to do more!
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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