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A Cherry on Top

Meet and Greet! ***Winners***
 Hey gang!  Thanks for participating.  Isn't it fun to meet new peeps?  Hope everyone that's new plans to stick around a while...we're a fun group  :-D 

Big winner of 100 points:  Kennabeans
Little winners of 50 points: mojodawn, caughtulokn2, immom2anc, bluetulip, nncokely, HcayH, scrapbelle, bacherry

Hey Gang!  I love me some Crops.  And we've had plenty of members stick around after the fun and festivities to become part of our awesome community here! Wouldn't it be nice to make a new buddy while you were here at the Crop?  I'd love it if you'd reach out to someone new to you and ask them FIVE questions.  Send someone that you don't know a Private Message and ask them 5 random questions and then come back to this tread and tell us who you met and what you learned. You can ask them how they first found ACOT, what color their car is, what their favorite food or item of clothing might be, what scrappy item could they just not live's up to you what you want to find out, but be sure to share!

I bet there will even be some points in it for those that participate.  So go ahead...make a new friend  :-D
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Meet and Greet!
 I met Denise (dwinchell).  She lives in Florida and has been scrapping for 5 years.  Winter is her fave season unless it gets below freezing and then not so much.  She found ACOT through another Cyber Crop we had and likes to scrap her kids.  If she were a Jelly Belly she'd be lime flavored.  

Thanks Denise!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Meet and Greet!
Oooh - great idea Jamie!!  I'm going to head into the Cherry Blossoms forum because we have a lot of new members!!  :)

I met Terri04:

1.  How long have you been scrapping?  about 5 years, I started when my dd was 17.  I have a lot of catching up to do!
2.  How did you find ACOT?  I was looking on the net for paper I had run out of.  What a great site.
3.  Where did you grow up?  I started in Dallas and ended up in Indy in 3rd grade.
4.  Scrap item you couldn't live without?  Cricut Expression
5.  Do you have any questions about posting or ACOT?  Nice to meet you!
{hopelessly addicted}

Filling my basket with all of the new goodies :)


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Cherry Bomb

Re: Meet and Greet!
 It is always fun meeting new people!  I will post back here when I get my reply!

I PM'd are her responses.  Thanks!

1.  How long have you been scrapping? Only for a year and a half and my oldest is 20, so I've got a lot of catching up to do!!
2. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? I'm happy right where I am, here in the Midwest.
3. Your favorite Scrap Subject? My kids
4. How many in your family? 1 husband, 2 daughters, 1 son, 2 cats and a dog.
5. Favorite Season? FALL, love the crispness of the air and the changing colors
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Cherry Cola

Re: Meet and Greet!
 Got it--I "talked" to Grandma Flowers!!

How are you today??  I'm fine.  How about you?

1- Do you plant a big flower garden?  Not as big as I used to.  My husband does more than I do.
2-Do you scrap every week?  I try.
3-What is your favorite color?  Red.
4-Favorite season of the year  Summer.
5-How long are you cropping this weekend?  I plan on being here most of the weekend.
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Cherry Cola

Re: Meet and Greet!
 I talked to ncokely...

1.  What is your favorite thing about ACOT Crops?  Fast Scraps

2.  Do you work outside the home? If so, what do you do?  Yes, i teach all day kindergarten

3.  Did you go to any scrapbook stores to buy supplies this week? No --no local lss, I have to usually buy online!

4.  Do you scrap digi or traditional? Traditional

5.  Do you use sketches? Not much
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Meet and Greet!
I also met Debbie (debamas).  She found ACOT through a search engine.  She's brand new to scrapping!  Let's get ready to corrupt her  :winkb:  Her favorite season is Spring and she loves to scrap her Grandkids.  She'd be a Mint flavored Jelly Belly.

Hi Debbie!
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Wild Cherry

Re: Meet and Greet!
 Okay, I sent my questions off-now just waiting for the answers.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Meet and Greet!
 I met Miss Daisy-NC
1.My favorite holiday is Christmas..the smells..the lights and, decorated trees
2.My first car was a red corvair
3.gardening...vegatable and flowers
4. My answer is no (question was - did you vote in the Presidential election?)
5.I would love to spend my 2 week vacation in the mountains

Nice to meet you!!
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Cherry Bing

Re: Meet and Greet!
 I pm'd OrianaVianey and was surprised to find out she has been at ACOT longer than I have!!

Oriana Vianey is her real name - like Mary Elisabeth

She lives in El Salvador

She has a 3 year old boy and has been married for 13 years

She has been coming to ACOT shopping and attending the crops for 3 years - just doesn't post much in the forums
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Cherry Picker

Re: Meet and Greet!
 I met kennabeans.  She has been scrapping for 4 years, lives in Indiana, and has a Nikon D60.  Right now she is loving felt fushion and Diet Dr Pepper!
SAHM of 4- 2 girls and 2 boys! (and one very spoiled dachshund)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Meet and Greet!
 I talked to several more women. Here are their answers...

HCayH said:
1. How long have you been scrapping? 5 years
2. Where do you live? Texas
3. What kind of camera do you have? Kodak Easy Share
4. What is your favorite snack while scrapping? no food- just Dr Pepper
5. What is your favorite embellishment? right now, Prima's say it in crystals

CTaylor03012 said:
I feel honored you ask me, sure I'll help ya,
1. about 8 years and some change
2. North Carolina
3. Kodak EasyShare Z740
4. I don't eat when I scarp, afraid to get my papers greasy , I do always have a Diet Pepsi near by.  Love my soda!
5. At the moment, I tend to go for flowers with some sort of center embellies.

Hearts0314 said:
Hi Lynn,

My name is Marlene and I've been scrapping for 4 years now. I live in NJ. I have a point and shoot camera(Canon PowerShot SD500), my family isn't too cooperate so I need somthing fast. I like to have Nestea Iced Tea and Chips Ahoy while scrapping, but keep those in the kitchen to avoid accidents. My favorite embellishment right now would be chipboard.

Pegster said:
Hi I am from SW Iowa!!
I have been paper scrapper for 7 years and just started Digi in August and I LOVE IT!! I have a  SONY  DSC H1 camera that is an awesome camera, but I carry a little pocket Nikon Cool pix in my purse all the time and I really like it too! Ohh my favorite snack when scrapping is my diet Pepsi and popcorn! I love all digi elements..I can't get enough of them and love that I can use them over and over again! I really love stitching elements and awesome frames!!

corriekate said:
I would LOVE to answer some questions for you!

I have been scrapping for 3.5 years.  I live in South Dakota.  I have a couple Cameras, a Canon RebelXT and a point and shoot.  CHOCOLATE is a must have for scrapping...although I find lil finger prints sometimes.  LOL and a favorite embelishment would have to be glitter or anything sparkly!

Hope you enjoy the crop!  THey are fab!

Thanks to all the ladies that took time to answer my questions. I really appreciate it. It was fun to meet you all and fun to learn that several of you are only an hour or two from me. ;)

Thanks again, Lynn
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Meet and Greet!
 Hi! I "met" scrapperqueen!!! This is fun... Off to do some more!

1.) How do you scrap? Paper, Digi or Hybrid? Paper
2.) What is your fav ice cream flavor? Chocolate almond
3.) Who is your dream hunk?? (Cannot say your husband either, this is a dream/fantasy!!) Don't have a husband so I'm safe there. Gerard Butler who be my hunk of choice.
4.) What is your fav. book? Gosh, hard to pick. I love my Bible. I love lots of different fiction authors, too.
5.) Fill in the blank: The company I would love to work for/design with is SEI.
My photography:
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Miss Daisy-NC

Cherry Garcia

Re: Meet and Greet!
 I've met scrapperqueen; I asked her what her favorite time of day is and it's mornings. Her favorite season of the year is a toss up between spring and fall. She doesn't have any pets; " her philosphy has always been: if it can't eventually grow-up, learn to take care of itself and, move out, she doesn't want it :-D I asked her if she had a favorite subject to scrap..not really and her favorite snack is popcorn.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Meet and Greet!
 seeing as how i don't really know anyone here this was a fun challenge.  i pm'd charlenanne with my questions. 

1. what is your dream job?  I am retired-no more job but it would have been librarian at a good college.
2.  it's friday nite.  when not scrapping how do you usually relax?  Watch TV and knit.
3.  do you have any pets? Not any more.  Last cat died almost 2 years ago and last dog died last month.  Hoping DH will get a tiny little house type dog though.  Maybe 2-5 pounds full grown and soft and fluffy.
4.  what is your favorite thing to do on your pages?  ink them.
5.  summer or winter?  Definitely winter - hate the hot weather.

ii love inking too.  it was fun to meet you!
Susie King
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Meet and Greet!
 you mean we HAVE to be nice to people??
 man, the things you make us do, jamie!
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Wild Cherry

Re: Meet and Greet!
 I met April (bacherry)

Here are the questions I asked her with her answers:

1-Did you choose this avatar because you have horses or you love horses? I have 6 horse and 2 dogs and the horse in the picture is my first colt born Rocket  he is only 10 months old
2-How did you find ACOT? i found it on google when i was searching for an online scrapbooking store because the store in my home town closed
3-If you work outside of the home, what is your profession? I am a stay at home mom with 2 sons one year old and a 4 year old who had open heart surgery about 3 weeks ago and is doing great  oh yeah one big kid my husband
4-What is your favorite embellishment to use on a layout? i think i have to say flowers if i had to pick one but i try to use other stuff
5-Will you be participating at this weekend's crop? im going to try to but my husband has to work and i will be home alone with the kids so i dont know if i can get much scapping done
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Cherry Cola

Re: Meet and Greet!
 I will have to give this a go!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Meet and Greet!
 I met Buglover and this is what I found out:
1.  Do you own, rent, or other? i own my home..
2.  What type of car do you own? Town n Country minivan..but the kids are gonna start heading off to college one by one...then i'm gonna have my mid life crisis and get me a Dodge I can feel sexy again!! lol
3.  What's the weather like where you are today? Right now the sun's out..but it's cold.  Supposed to have a snow storm this after noon..
4.  What is your favorite season?  I love spring...everything's "new" and I get to go in my garden and bring things to life...
5.  Why did you join ACOT?  Because I love to scrapbook, and there's really no one around me that does...and it's great sharing this hobby with people...
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Meet and Greet!
 I'll try too, but it's hard to find someone with less posts than I! :) 
Housework ONLY comes before Scrapbooking in the DICTIONARY!
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