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Cherry Cola

Boy becomes a father at 13
 I put this in debate because I wasn't sure what kind of discussions it would bring up. But HOLY CRAP! My 8 year old looks older than this kid.

http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ne ... 233878.ece
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 He looks like he could be in my sons kindergarten class!
I wonder what in the world kids have to be going through if they are having sex so dang young. How scarey!! And I WISH their parents would have suggested putting the child up for adoption and giving it a chance at a better future than the one two kids going through puberty ever could. :(
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 I sent this to a co-worker... she thought it was a joke. O.o
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
We have a danish couple to on 13 and 13 that have just become "parents", I must admit I wouldn´t be proud if that was my son :(

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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 Now there are two other boys (14 and 16) that have said they could be the daddy, so now they're all taking DNA tests.  Glad she's not my daughter!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 The babys mom looks like the fathers mother... He looks like he is about 7.  No one other then their parents are to blame.  At 15 my daughters boyfriend will not be sleeping over and definitely NOT have extra School Uniforms in her closet. What is this world coming to. I was a teen mother and know first hand what its like to have a child at 17 cant imagine 13
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Northern Brat

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 That is just sad......for everyone....
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 holy smoley!!! that is crazy...............
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Cherry Bing

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 Omgsh- this is so unsettling. The pic of the girl-obviously more matured in physique, looks more like his babysitter which is even more disturbing. Its sooo sad- this boy and girl are having to think about things that they shouldnt have to worry about. Looking at the father/son pic looks more like a pic of big brother holding his baby sibling.

I just cant wrap my mind around this.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 It does look like a brother holding a sibling. It's too crazy. I can't even imagine. :?
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 There is a big difference between fathering a child and being a FATHER.
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 I don't even know if I want to read that article. I'd strangle my kids if they belonged to me.

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Product Promotions

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 There is some talk now that he's not the father.  Rumor has it that it could be up to 5 guys, one being Alfie's older brother.  Her parents said to keep it quiet because a 13 year old father is more "bankable".  At least we can see the great moral compass her parents are providing for her.  Sad. 

http://www.smh.com.au/world/13yearold-f ... -8bq0.html

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 Sad for the child~ there are so many good couples who would have adopted that baby.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 Its sad the parents(hers) are encoraging all this. Seriously teen pregnancy is bad, but that young boy wasnt even a teen when they claimed him to have sex with her! I do agree that the children should considered adoption for this baby. Now they are paying for it off the taxpayers. Having a baby in Highschool is hard I can't imagine middle school!!! And then the whole thing of more fathers coming out of the wood work. Having this young boy or a boy that is 15 like her is no better. They are gonna have hard time completing school and holding full time jobs!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 WOW, I don't even know what to say about this.  He looks insanely young and so does she, but she looks A LOT older.  I didn't even get my period until I was 15 can't imagine being pregnant then.  It's sad for me to read stories like this.
-If it's scrappy it makes me happy!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 WOW, is about all I can say is this the example we won't to set for our kids.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 Is this a joke???  No way he is that old.  & why did she give him a second look when he looks that young?  I just don't get it & I work in a High School.  These kids are not stupid, just lazy & "it won't happen to me"

Sorry - on my soap box.....
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Cherry Addict

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 I am very new to this.  Just found the chatting aspect of ACOT yesterday!  What boy and girl are we talking about?  Where can I find the article?  From your comments I am thinking, "Where were the parents?  This is child neglect at its worst! And terrible consequences for everyone, especially the baby."
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Cherry Cola

Re: Boy becomes a father at 13
 There's a link in the first post at the top of the page to the article. It's certainly a crazy situation. I would be embarrassed and wouldn't want my child's face all over the tabloids, let alone trying to profit from it.
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