Does anyone here ever smash their ice cream in with their cake? I love it like that. 

This is totally cool! Can you share the recipe?
my blog...17turtles
HAPPILY designing for:
Bo Bunny
Circut Circle
HAPPILY designing for:
Bo Bunny
Circut Circle
What a great idea! I'll have to try it with my grandkids. They'll love it.

That is so cool. I will have to do this with my 8 year old.
How did you color them?
Flapdoodle wrote: Does anyone here ever smash their ice cream in with their cake? I love it like that.
And Lisa, we're gonna HAVE to try that cake. It looks too fun!

I too remember those days very well and I'm so sorry you are having to live under those conditions. Whatever happened to having normal people for neighbors? Hopefully at some point you can move to a duplex or even a house.

Srsly - but this cake looks fabulous. What a fun idea!!Between your rainbow cake and Tracy's cheesecake, I am having a serious sweet tooth attack!!!

I know what we are doing today while the younger two babies take a nap and the school kiddos are home from school!!! THAT LOOKS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[color=#ff4080:22hb4o89]Feb. 2010 Crop: 14 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps
May 2010 Crop: 19 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[color=#bf0080:22hb4o89]August 2010 Crop: 9 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff8080:22hb4o89]November 2010: 10 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff4080:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g70/c ... -1-1-1.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89]http://creative.ak.fbcdn.net/v41818/fly ... c52db0.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89]http://pagemaps.com/images/blinkies/PMBlinkie88x33.gif[/img:22hb4o89]
[color=#ff4080:22hb4o89]Feb. 2010 Crop: 14 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps
May 2010 Crop: 19 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[color=#bf0080:22hb4o89]August 2010 Crop: 9 Challenges and 4 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff8080:22hb4o89]November 2010: 10 Challenges and 5 Fast Scraps[/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89]
[/font:22hb4o89][color=#ff4080:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89]http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g70/c ... -1-1-1.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][/color:22hb4o89][/font:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89]http://creative.ak.fbcdn.net/v41818/fly ... c52db0.jpg[/img:22hb4o89][img:22hb4o89]http://pagemaps.com/images/blinkies/PMBlinkie88x33.gif[/img:22hb4o89]
I think is so cool!!!
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!

view my blog (new) https://ourhideawayparadise.blogspot.com/

view my blog (new) https://ourhideawayparadise.blogspot.com/
I added a couple pics and the "how to". I am sorry if they do not make sense, I am still not feeling well and my brain is not functioning as it should be.

Awesome!! What a yummy cake.
Very cool and creative cake! Nutritionists advise, for healthy living, we shud eat a 'rainbow', so you are well onboard! (what does it matter that they are meaning brightly coloured veggies and fruits??!

'Beautiful memories tell our story, and wrap themselves in ribbons of the heart.' Flavia