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Cherry Bing

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 My most recent one is more of a "kids DO the darndest things" (and then try to lie about it)

Me:  "Did you just unzip your feetie pajamas, take OFF your diaper, and then zip your jammies back up"
Kaci:  "No"
Me "Then why is your diaper on the floor"
Kaci: "I don't know"

LoL.....they never cease to amaze me
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Digital Designers

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
they sure do!! out of the mouths of babes, eh? tyfs! sooo funny!! my little man is talking up a storm but not yet putting sentences together (will be 2 end of month) so hopefully soon I can add to this thread ;)
Peace & Scrappiness,
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 I was in the ladies room at the mall.     In one stall there is a pair of little feet near the door.   I'm in a stall and I hear, "Mommy - how come there's no more hair on your pee pee?"

I'm willing to bet that that woman didn't come out of that stall for a LONG time.............
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Cola

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 I will never forget the one my daughter who was I think 4 at the time said to me....
 She came up to me with a picture she drew of me and asked me if I liked it, I said yes it was beautiful and she said, "yes mommy, I did a good job, I even got both of your chins."
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 I will never forget the one my daughter who was I think 4 at the time said to me....
 She came up to me with a picture she drew of me and asked me if I liked it, I said yes it was beautiful and she said, "yes mommy, I did a good job, I even got both of your chins."
Oh Snap!!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 I am laughing so hard here... ok - my all time fav is when my then 4 year old youngest son told me that he would always be my Charmer In Armor... I haven't forgetten that - and he's 25 this year.  I will tell you all that I have forgetten a lot of the wonderful, funny and down right hilarious things my sons said to me when they were young.  PLEASE write them down!!!
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Delight

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
I don't have kids but my nieces and nephews crack me up.  I just happen to be blanking out on them right now...

Our youngest niece is 2 1/2.  Everytime she's been to Disney, my DH has been there too, so she associates him with Disney.  All the time.  One day she tells him, "Let's see Mickey."  He thought she meant on TV, so he says "Sure."  Instead of turning the Disney channel on (which she is very capable of doing, btw), she puts her jacket on and goes to the door.  :bluelol:  

My sister's children call my Dad "New New Pawpaw" because they see him a lot less than their other grandfather.  It took them a while to understand they had two grandpas, and their dad's dad was already going by "PawPaw."  We don't know where the extra "New" came from, but that's still what they call him and now they are 6 and 10.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 my mom went to pick up my 5 year old nephew from a birthday party.

as steven climbs in the car my mom asks "did you have fun horseback riding at the party?"

steven replies "no nano, i rode the horse forward".

true story!  omg we were rofl!
Susie King
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
Those are such cute stories.
Sure enjoyed hearing them all.
Kids are so cute!


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Cherry Garcia

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
Queen Mum wrote: I was in the ladies room at the mall.     In one stall there is a pair of little feet near the door.   I'm in a stall and I hear, "Mommy - how come there's no more hair on your pee pee?"

I'm willing to bet that that woman didn't come out of that stall for a LONG time.............
LMAO at this one!
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

Jody H. (jodcold)

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A Cherry on Top

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
Queen Mum wrote: I was in the ladies room at the mall.     In one stall there is a pair of little feet near the door.   I'm in a stall and I hear, "Mommy - how come there's no more hair on your pee pee?"

I'm willing to bet that that woman didn't come out of that stall for a LONG time.............
  OMG.... There are some things you DON'T share with your kids!!
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 aww, LOL... these are too cute & too funny!!
 oh gosh, i just had a quick conversation with
 my 5 y.o. son and it went something like this.

me:   did you learn anything today?
jess:  oh yeah, we learned about a president george washington.
        he was a president a long time ago... and he died.
me:   oh.
jess:  and mom, he had to fight people that tell people what to do.
me:   huh?
jess:  the people that buy people... oh yeah the slaves, the people that
        do what you tell them to do for other people from a different village.
me:   hmn, slaves... kind of like mom :)
jess: yeah.  oh wait that was abraham lincoln because he said that everyone
        has to be equal... like if you tell me to get a water bottle upstairs, you
        have to get it... yes, because he changed it.  that's why there was a war.
 of course, somehow it was going to come around full circle back to me, lol Image 
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 omg, i just remembered... when my dd was little (5 or 6 y.o.) we were
 having one of our family nights playing board games and i said to dh:
 "great balls of fire!" for having done a good job on something, so the
 next time he scored again, she yelled out "GREAT BALLS, DADDY!!" :-D

 oh, and another one... joey, my dh, still talks like he used to in HS as
 in "dude, that's gnarly, brutal, etc" (living in southern california, you
 get the jist) and he's like this on the phone with anyone, so one time 
 (dd was still little) she answered the phone "hello..." and then a pause,
 walked over to dh, handed him the phone & said: "daddy, it's DUDE!"

"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 ohh my goodness, i'll be here all day long remembering one thing
 after another... see what happens when you have FOUR kids?!  :-D

 same 5 y.o. ds told me the other day:  "mommy, we had a supstute
 teacher today and we had to call her mrs. F***ner or call her mrs. F"

 yeah, he meant mrs. FAULKNER, but i cringe/laugh everytime, lol!

 this is the same son who laughed and told me or more like announced
 at the dept. check out line that: "mommy, my butt just tooted!!" :?
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 ok, I can't remember for the life of me some of the funny things my kids have said to me.But I do remember when I was working in an elementary school, our speech person was Mr. Finger. He told me about one of his students that he was testing. That student went home, the mom asked him if he saw the speech teacher. He said, yes Mr. Finger played with me today. Mom freaked! Then she found out who Mr. Finger was..we got lots of laughs out of that one!
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 One of my favorites from last year
Joshua (4) - Pete and RePETE were walking down the street; Pete fell in the hole and who was left?
Joseph (6) - RE-PETE
Johsua - RIGHT! Good answer Joseph!!
Joseph - NOOOO!  Joshua you're supposed to repeat the whole thing!
Joshua - But why Joseph - you already got the right answer!!

Choices are never hard if we are not afraid of bringing change..

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Cherry Bomb

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 Too funny.  My daughter and my nieces were playing dress up at their grandparent's house.  My daughter asked her grandma where do old people buy their clothes.  My niece said "Oh I know - the antique store."
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Cherry Cola

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 BTT - because I just finished reading the last few I'd missed and they are hilarious!

MORE!!  Post more!! :-D
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 Love all the stories...thanks for sharing.

When my ds was about 3 1/2 (he is over 30 now) my sister was babysitting him. He was in his room and all of a sudden there was a horrendous noise as he flung every toy in the room against the wall all at once. My sister raced to his room and opened the door. "Look at the mess you are making!" she exclaimed. He looked at her very calmly and said firmly, "I not makin a mess. Its called NOISE OF THE TOYS"

When my grandaughter was about 5, her mother was scolding her. She rolled her eyes in the classic bored kid "when will this be over" way. My daughter almost blew a gasket and said, "Don't you roll your eyes at me!" And gd said, "Mommy, I'm not rolling my eyes at you. I'm trying to see inside my brain."

Sheesh! How can you stay mad at them?  In their little world it makes sense...
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Digital Designers

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
Oh my gosh, these stories are great!!  What a wonderful way to wake up this morning.  LOL   Here are a few from me.  Our youngest, who is 4, is always coming up with something. 

About a month ago, we had to put our kitty down.  It was very hard on the boys, most especially our youngest.  It was his first experience with death and we tried hard to explain it as simply as possible.  Here's a conversation I overheard him having with my mom:

C:  Sasha died.
Grandma:  Oh?  I'm sorry to hear that.
C:  Her head and body are at the cemetarium, but I don't know where the rest of her is.

Another one:

On Friday, his preschool class had a Valentine's party.  When he came home with his goodie bag, hubby was going through the cards and found one from Alita.  The conversation went like this:

Hubby:  So who is Alita?
C:  my friend
Hubby:  Is she your girlfriend?
C:  she's a girl and she's my friend
Hubby:  so she IS your girlfriend, then
C:  no, she's a friend and that's all!!!  (**stomps foot for emphasis**)

Another one:
C:  Mom?  How are babies hatched?
Me:  Well, they aren't hatched, honey, they are born.
C:   Okay, so where are they before they are hatched?
Me:  Inside mommy's tummy.
C:  How do they get out of there?
Me:  **not sure what to say** ummm, well, mommy goes to the hospital and the doctor's help the baby come out of mommy's tummy
C:  So the doctor hatches them?
Me:  Not exactly.
C:  Well, how do they get out then?
Me:  There is a hole that the baby comes out of.
C:  Can I see it?
Me:  **aghast**  No, you can't see it.  That's mommy's private area and nobody can see it.
C:  Well, then how does the baby know to go out the hole if it can't see it?
Kim Hill, Owner & Designer, CG Essentials
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