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Cherry Garcia

Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 So, I go into my ds's room today and find him on his bed. He is face down with his bum in the air, pushing himself across the bed with his feet.

 Me: "Whatcha doin?"
 Ds: "Trying to get the boogers out of my nose!"
 Me: "ok"

Why he can't just blow his nose is beyond me.  :?

Has anybody's elses kiddos done or said anything funneh lately?

ETA: Does the spelling if "Darnedest" seem wrong?
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Cherry Picker

Re: Kids say the darnest things...(share yours)
 That is just simply adorable!! 
Nothing makes me happier than seeing the word "CLEARANCE"
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Cherry Cola

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 I think it's Darndest.  No "e" after the n.

But, that is HILARIOUS.  My kids do funny stuff allll the time. 

My 4yo has recently gotten on a kick of saying "For crying out loud".  But she's it doesn't come out quite right.  Plus she uses it so much it just makes me laugh every time!  "I need that red crayon for crying out loud"  "For crying out loud I'm hungry"

I'll add things as they come to me...I need to start keeping a notebook...
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours) the stories.  I have one from 2 years ago with dear stepdaughter.  She was 8 at the time.

Her mom was pregnant at the time and she was telling me all about it, so I asked about the father of the baby.  DSD was like, "oh, he is not around. they just had sex!"  Alrighty, then!  Pardon me as I about fall off the bar stool and I'm not sure whether to laugh or be in shock!  :? 
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 I just made a little altered album for just this thing!

Me: I love you, Quinn.
Q: I know, Mama.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
SarahA wrote: I just made a little altered album for just this thing!

Me: I love you, Quinn.
Q: I know, Mama.
Oh Sarah....that is so sweet!!!!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 Mom...instead of a pony tail, can I have Pink tails?

I explained that they were "Pig" tails.  She looked at me like I'd lost my mind and still calls them Pink tails...
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 Reecey still has my fave:  Allbodies will look redonkulous (translation: everyone will look ridiculous)
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 lol....that is cute. Brad is too old for most of that stuff but you know what, I miss it!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 Oh wow...I love stories like these.  I could probably add quite a few from my 4 year old nephew Gavin who is just a card.  He is one of those kids that just light up a room when he comes in and you never know what he is gonna do, but you know you are gonna laugh

(as he is picking his nose)
ME: Got something good up there??
Gavin: (very matter of factly) Yep, Gold.
I about peed my pants laughing so hard.

He is also in little kids wrestling but really doesn't understand the concept yet.  But one weekend they had a tourney on friday night and then again on Saturday.  And as my brother got into the car beside Gavin, Gav looks at him and says "I am takin the day off"!

One more..I promise....One day I was asking him about the kids in his daycare and after the first couple of girls names, I asked if they were his girlfriend and he kept saying Yes.  So finally I said just how many girlfriends do you have?  His response: 16!!!  That boy gets around :-)
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 One time a friend of mine said "Kenny Rogers is such a prima dona" and my son said "Of course he is a pre-Madonna, he's a lot older than she is!".

Another time he said "That happened before I was boring." He meant before he was born; trust me that boy was never boring!

"What does Grandpa do all day in the nursery home?"  (His grandpa was in a nursing home).

Those were his younger days; he is now 20 so I can't repeat what he says now!
"Courage is being scared to death-but saddling up anyway." John Wayne

Jody H. (jodcold)

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 My favorite is from years ago when I was single after having shared an apt. w/a single mom.  I was helping her move into their own place and "Mikey" was toddler age.  He hadn't quite grasped the concept of moving... she was unpacking some pots & pans in the kitchen and he was watching, then he said, "Mom, we have some just like that at home!"  :-D
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 Last Thanksgiving we were talking about what we are thankful for. My then 5 yr old said he was thankful for mommy & Daddy & his sister plus toys then added he was thankful for his "tentacles" meaning testacles. We try to keep from laughing as he asks me if I am thankful for my "vagiant" to which my DH replied "Daddy is thankful for mommy's vagiant". Sigh...
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
I've shared this before but it still stands out in my mind for some peculiar reason... ;)

So... whilst my children (2 1/2 and 14 1/2 at the time) are wrestling on the living room floor together, I was reading all the replies to a member's thread on another forum about school presenting sexual education material to her children and came to another member's comment, "When do you start telling kids the names of, er, uh, 'parts'?"

... and who should roll to the floor right in front of me, holding her stomach, writhing in fake agony like her older brother, and moaning, "Oh my balls.... my ballllsss.." but my two year old daughter. !!!!!!!!

*sigh* Yes... you see the "talk" coming too, don't ya?
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
MOM2SNOX wrote:I've shared this before but it still stands out in my mind for some peculiar reason... ;)

So... whilst my children (2 1/2 and 14 1/2 at the time) are wrestling on the living room floor together, I was reading all the replies to a member's thread on another forum about school presenting sexual education material to her children and came to another member's comment, "When do you start telling kids the names of, er, uh, 'parts'?"

... and who should roll to the floor right in front of me, holding her stomach, writhing in fake agony like her older brother, and moaning, "Oh my balls.... my ballllsss.." but my two year old daughter. !!!!!!!!

*sigh* Yes... you see the "talk" coming too, don't ya?
OMG!  That is hilarious!!! 
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 I don't know if I have shared this one here before...

My ds had just taken a bath and was standing behind me naked while I was picking out his clothes. He was bent over, looking "down there" and says to me, "Mommy, ders wittle balls down der underneaf my skin!!"

I said "Yes Connor, those are your testicles. You know that."

I thought that was the end of the conversation but boy was I wrong!

The next day we are at the grocery store and I had to use the washroom. My ds came in with me and he was chatting away the whole time. He says "When we go home I need to take a bath." So I tell him, "Yes, after dinner you'll have a bath." He says "Good, I have to wash my wittle balls down der."

There were other people in the washroom and he talks loudly! Man, did I ever make a beeline to the sink to wash my hands and get outta there!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 ROFL!  OMGosh!  These are sooo funny!

I just started keeping a writer's notebook, so I should be better about recording things my DSs say.  I am so bad about remembering them.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 One of my friends who has custody of her 5 year grandson told me a funny one..  He had to take something to school that started with the letter "R" for show and tell.  She tried to get him to take a little stuffed rabbit and he said he didn't want to take that dumb rabbit.  They were running late and she stuffed the rabbit in his back pack and off they went.  That afternoon, she asked him if he showed the rabbit for his "R" word.  He said "no I told you I didn't want to show that dumb rabbit".  When she asked him what he did show, he took a little whistle out of his pocket.  She said "that's a whistle, what does it have to do with the letter "R?  He said "when they blow the whistle, that means it's time for Recess".  Sounds like a pretty smart kid to me.  I just died laughing when she told me that story. 
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Cherry Cola

Re: Kids say the darnedest things...(share yours)
 can't think of anything that funny that she said lately but I will share my all time favorite line she ever gave me

I think she was 2 1/2. I put her in her car seat.. and she looks at me and says "Mommy seat hot, please blow it." (Like you blow on her food when it is hot.)

that just always makes me smile when I think about it.
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