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Cherry Addict

So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
Good Morning all, 

Well, I for one am glad the weekend has finally arrived and the weather will finally be above freezing!  I don't have to leave the house for the first time in I don't know how long, so I am staying in comfy sweat.  The 8 inches of snow we got will finally melt. I am tired of it because its no longer pretty, its dirty and I am tired of it being tracked into the house.  It will be in the mid 40's today and sunny.  I want to sit here, watch movies and scrap.  FINALLY!  Everyone have an absolutely wonderful day and make sure to make time for yourself :-D
Ann ~ Life is always better at the beach!
 view my blog (new) 

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Cherry Bing

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 Beachlover you sound like you have a wonderful day planned.  Mine will start at 11am, when grandma comes to pick them up and take both of the kids shopping and out to lunch.  Hopefully they won't return to at least 3pm.  lOL Is that bad?  HE HE HE
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Cherry Cola

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 Ann, that sounds like a HEAVENLY day!  Enjoy every minute.

Colleen - no, not bad at all.  I'm a tad jealous!  :)

I don't have a lot going on either actually.  My oldest DD is going to a Daddy Daughter dance tonight and she's very excited.  But he's coming to pick her up, so I just have to get her ready and send her out the door!  LOL.  I MAY even get to scrap today's hoping... ;)
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Cherry Bing

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 I have been in the gallery, have done one load of laundry, will need to start cleanng the house soon, take the dogs for a walk, uploaded a layout to the gallery and I hope to do 3-4 more layouts today.  We may go out for lunch and a movie too.  We saw "New in Town" last week with Rene Zellweger, that was cute but I hate to have people think that we talk like that in MN.  It did have scenes with the ladies scrapbooking so I enjoyed that.  Hope everyone enjoys their day
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 I wanna do what Ann has planned for the day, but I think I just have too much to do. I had to go into work early this morning, 5am, yuk, I just got home and just want to veg out. But I need to get loads of stuff done. Hopefully I can just chill out tongiht. Have a great day ladies.
May LOs-
My Blog

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Cherry Cropper

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 I will be hanging out with the kiddos today.
I also plan on painting. I got the icky color paint I bought changed to a color that I am IN LOVE with!!
Plus I am going to try to make time for myself to scrap after DH gets home from work! :-D
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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 Packing for our trip.  I saw a big bunch of robins two different times today, which is really early for here.  I hope they know something I don't and that spring will be here soon.  I'm tired of the snow, too.  It's supposed to be 49 here Wednesday.  I'm hoping that will melt the ice and the lake will open up while we're gone. 
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 Going to stop by ACMoore to check out the Scrapbooking Saturday Make & Takes and demos.  They have some acrylic word books on sale... might pick one up.  Don't really need anything, just want to play.  Then, home to scrap, or browse the pc, or chat here... and then cook dinner and maybe watch a DVD.  Hope you all have a most pleasant day!
Please stop by my blog,Writerlady's Craftroom

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Cherry Picker

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 I went and got my taxes done...hit WM and got a scrapbook for the vacation pics, now I have to clean out the van and get rid of the twin bed n take it to my Neice's house.

Then...I have a bottle of Arbor Mist (carribean something or other) and my evening will consist of having a glass or 2 of whatever it is that i'm going to drink, and watching Wall-E over and over while I scrapbook!
Nothing makes me happier than seeing the word "CLEARANCE"
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
BugLover wrote: I went and got my taxes done...hit WM and got a scrapbook for the vacation pics, now I have to clean out the van and get rid of the twin bed n take it to my Neice's house.
BugLover wrote:Then...I have a bottle of Arbor Mist (carribean something or other) and my evening will consist of having a glass or 2 of whatever it is that i'm going to drink, and watching Wall-E over and over while I scrapbook!
  I love me some Arbor Mist!!!!
May LOs-
My Blog

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 *wave* HI!!
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 we have a strange phenom going on in so. calif. this weekend....i think it's called "rain"?!?  :-D  we live in a drought here for the most part.  so when we get rain i'm lovin' it!  love the sound, the smell.  it makes things cozy.  i wish i could spend the day in my studio.  my work station faces out a window on the front of the house where i could listen to the rain hit all day, crack the window open for some of that fresh rain air.  sigh.

but instead we are taking our granddaughter, kayla,  to get her first picture taken.  then it's off to best buy for MY new computer.  :)  then maybe stop by barnes & noble. 

hopefully that "rain" thing stays around another day and i can vegg out in my studio tomorrow w/ the new computer and play there.
Susie King
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Cherry Tart

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 Saturday is the day I get all my chores caught up, and saturday NIGHT is when i go have a GOOD TIME. Sunday, is for recovery, and my shopping day. Just in time to do it all over again.
"Butterflies Are Free"
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Cherry Bomb

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 Kind of a busy day for me... I have a list of little things I want to get done, went for a walk, going to the local brewery with bf later and tonight we're going to a college basketball game.  In between all that, I'm hoping to get some scrapbooking done!
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Cherry Cropper

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 Have a great day, sounds like you will!


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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Cherry Cola

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
Susie,   my daughter told me about the rain.  We'll be in California on the 16th - I hope it's done by then and sunny and warm. 

Today isn't too bad here after the crazy cold and snow we've had all week.  It's hit 49 already and sunny and melting all the snow.  I hope to work on my taxes today - I'd like to file on line in the next day or so because we won't be here the rest of February. 
I have a scrap LO to finish and some pictures to upload for Project 365 and some packing. 
Jan - trying to find my way

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Cherry Garcia

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 It's a beautiful day here so the kids are outside playing.  I just ordered a couple of fruit trees and some raspberry bushes.  Spring is coming!  Hmmm - better check on my supply of tomato seeds.
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Cherry Bing

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 I'm so happy that it warmed up today and the snow is getting melty too!!!!  Even though it's still a little chilly I went to Michaels wearing only a zippy was extremely liberating!!!!!
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Cherry Cola

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 Ok - We had 4-H days and a basketball game and a youth activity from the church all at the same times this morning.

We survived and I am going to try to make some valentines!
Scrapbooking began in the Bible Ps. 78:3-4
Personal best-31 LO's completed 6/2010
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: So.... It's Saturday here, what does that mean?
 We just got home from a trip to Lancaster today.  We went shopping at the outlets and the only thing we really bought was lots and lots of goldfish crackers from the peperidge farm store. 
Here I come to save the day! Chas
I'm the crazy lizard lady

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