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Cherry Cola

Re: Another Dugger enters the world
 Why has her uterus not fallen out by now?!?!?!?! I mean seriously? Haven't her ovaries started dropping their reserve eggs? I think it's completely irresponsible of them to have so many children.
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Cherry Picker

Re: Another Dugger enters the world
 As a response to 'why don't they adopt' there is no state or country in the world that would allow her to adopt more with 18 children, if they could even afford it. However the oldest is now on his own and married, correct? How many are actually underage?
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Cherry Crush

Re: Another Dugger enters the world
You all make me laugh.  It wasn't but two generations ago when having 10-20 kids was quite normal. 
Very true!  My dad is in his 60's and is from a family of 8 kids.  They probably would have had more, but God didn't send them...I know my Grandma never used birth control.  All of them grew up to be pretty good people and most have at least 4 or more kids.  I don't think they were hurt one bit by it, because they were wanted and loved.

The kids are given responsibilities by their parents.  Its more than most of us were given and more than what most of us expect from our children, but I don't think its "sad" or ruining their childhood to expect them to cook some meals or do some laundry.

This is very true, too!  Again, I don't believe the kids are hurt because they aren't totally free to run around and hang out with friends doing nothing.  My parents' generation did not have all the available free time...that came about because of all of our modern conveniences and our prosperity.  Now that the economy is not doing well, maybe we will have to rethink some of that.  Besides, I have plenty of students who have to get a job to help support their families, and they only have 2 or 3 siblings.  That was before the economy took a nosedive.  At least these kids are busy being productive and not out causing a ruckus or committing crimes.

I, personally, wouldn't want even half that many children, but they don't appear to be abused in any way.  I, also wouldn't want the publicity, but if it helps them support their family, it doesn't bother me.  The t.v. show may be exploitive, but it's there because people will watch it...just like most of the other reality t.v.  Some kids have a bad reaction to all the limelight and some grow up to be perfectly normal can't say it will hurt them to have the depends on the people.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Another Dugger enters the world
 It's not right that they make the older kids take care of the younger. Let those kids be kids.  And yes I agree, adopt it's not right.  I'm with ya sista
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Another Dugger enters the world
 I guess I'm one of the few that doesn't see anything wrong with them having as many children as they want... they have NEVER taken money from the government, they are debt free (how many of us with or without children can say that?), the kids seem happy (as a pp pointed out, some the kids are old enough to move out but are still living at home), and the kids are healthy.  Maybe having 18 is a little much, but it just seems like a lot for this era.  30 or 40 years ago people probably wouldn't have thought too much about it...

The only problem I have with it, is the fact the world is overly populated as it is.  And people using "it's God's will" need to stop and think.  Sure, when the bible was written, there was a need to populate the earth... people died young, children were lucky to make it into adult hood, etc.  Okay, so we've done as God asked, but really, does God need to write a new book to the bible, one that says "Stop already!"?
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: Another Dugger enters the world
montana_girl wrote: I guess I'm one of the few that doesn't see anything wrong with them having as many children as they want... they have NEVER taken money from the government, they are debt free (how many of us with or without children can say that?), the kids seem happy (as a pp pointed out, some the kids are old enough to move out but are still living at home), and the kids are healthy.  Maybe having 18 is a little much, but it just seems like a lot for this era.  30 or 40 years ago people probably wouldn't have thought too much about it...

The only problem I have with it, is the fact the world is overly populated as it is.  And people using "it's God's will" need to stop and think.  Sure, when the bible was written, there was a need to populate the earth... people died young, children were lucky to make it into adult hood, etc.  Okay, so we've done as God asked, but really, does God need to write a new book to the bible, one that says "Stop already!"?
I don't think God needs to write a book.

But I do think that people need to use the brain that God gave them.

If you want 'blessings' - fine.  However, these people are EXPLOITING their children by having that show on TV - and that is so wrong.

What if someone else comes along with more kids - maybe adopted kids?   Would they ahve a show?  Probably not............
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Another Dugger enters the world
 Three's good for us...i'll let them have as many as they want!!!

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