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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 It depends on where they are from.  Online they barely get a chance to somoke before they are goner and same with Hobby Lobby.  Restaurant ones last longer because we rarely get a "date" night anymore.

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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 I usually use them within 6 months. I got one for Michael's for Christmas from bf. I have $2 left on it to use.
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 It depends where there are from.  If I'm not that excited about the store, the gc tend to sit around longer.  Now hand me a Michael's gc and it is gone before the envelope hits the floor.
Brenda W.
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Wild Cherry

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 I'm pretty fast in spending them, but this year I still have my gc from here. I'm waiting for new releases :winkb:
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Cherry Delight

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 I got a large G/C to a LSS for Christmas.  I was over there in about a week but couldnt for the life of me spend it all there.  but my scrappy friend with me that day wanted a pricey how to book at that store, so  she handed it to me, I paid for it with the g/c and then she gave me the CASH for it and I spent that at another store where I did want something.

G/C's are great if they are to somewhere you want to shop. 
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 It just depends on where they are to.  If it's anything related to scrapping/crafty goodness, they are gone very quickly!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 I usually spend my gift cards within two weeks but mostly one week.
Here I come to save the day! Chas
I'm the crazy lizard lady

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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 Mine don't get a chance to burn much of a hole in my pocket, because I spend them as soon as get them!  It's my only truly "guilt-free" money, so I take full advantage of it, LOL!  I do have a Starbucks GC that dh gave me for Christmas that I refuse to spend on my coffees, because I want to use it on something else, like a cute mug or something for my kitchen.
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Cherry Cropper

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 Not very long!


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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Cherry Bing

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 Usually not long.  I have a couple right now burning a hole but I am trying to hold out for some new CHA stuff.
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Cherry Picker

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 Let's see, about five seconds.  Seriously, as a teacher, I always get several gift cards (this year I got four from Starbucks, one from Corner Bakery, one from Best Buy, one from Macy's and one from a book store).  After school got out on Friday before Christmas break, I gathered up my husband and son, and we went to the mall and spent every single one of the cards except for three of the Starbucks.  By the time we went back two weeks later, all of the Starbucks were gone too.
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ACOT Promotions

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 Some I go through quickly...others I've had for a year.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 Lol- it depends on if I misplace it. I was cleaning my scrappy room/computer area and I found an acot gc that I won almost a year ago. Needless to say, as soon as I found it, I spent it and then some.
If its restraunt or movie- It takes me about six mo to remember to use it. If its hobby lobby- cha ching- its gone.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 Not long at all, especially if it is for a craft or scrapbooking place or a coffee one. They are usually gone within a week.
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Indy Scrapper

Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 I kept a $75 restaurant gift card longer than I should have and when I went to use it, it was Zip, Zero, Zilch.  Learned my lesson.  I have two from Christmas that I need to use.  One from JCP and a Visa GC. 
Live long, laugh often, hug someone.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 I try to use them within a month of getting them because then I'll forget about them. Then they will sometimes expire or I'll misplace them.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 I don't usually keep them to long.  This year I got a couple for Penneys and Target...once I loose the last 10 lbs of baby weight then I will get me some new clothes!

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 not long and in the economy they said to use them quickly this year as you can't guess which stores may be going out of business after a holiday season of low numbers for merchants.
Have a coke and a smile!Image
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 I use mine within a few months. I try to put them in my purse right away so when I am out if I am close to a store I have a card for I stop in.
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Question of the day 1/13
 It depends on where they are from.  Starbucks goes super fast.  Others i might hold on to a little longer.
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