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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 Mine is Leigh, but it's really not my middle name because my parents named and called me Ronny Leigh, as one name. I stopped using Leigh when I was 11 but if I go down to Louisiana they only know me as Ronny Leigh. I was named after my dad, and I have a cousin who was named after her dad and she is called Randi Lynn. What I don't like is that the first sound of my married last name is "LE" so when I use my middle and last name together the "Leigh" "Le" sounds terrible.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 Ann. I don't mind it. But everytime we would go to North Dakota to visit my Dad's side of the family everyone always called me Tanya Ann. Like it was one name.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 My name is Teri Ann. (not Teresa Ann)  My mom liked short cut names, so my brothers are Donn Alan (not donald), Kerry Allen, and Bob Allan (not Robert or Buran).  My last brother was named after both his grandfathers whose nicknames were both Bob.  And all of their middle names are Allen, although only Allen is the correct spelling of the family name that was a last name of some ancestor on my dad's side.  My middle name came from my Aunt Barbara Ann.  (doesnt it want to make you sing the Beach Boys?)
I like it a lot, but not when people call me TeriAnn.  All my relatives still call me that, because my brother is named Kerry and they rhyme.  But when I took German in Highschool, my teacher gave me the name of Anni, and I got a lot of cool nick names from that!  Geez, that's a mouthfull!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 My middle name is Zelia.  I love it, it was my grandmothers first name.  Part of a tradition my family has.  I do not know anyone who has my name.  Well a few years ago I got an email in Portugese from someone with my name.  She was trying to track down all the Ana Zelia's out there.
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Cherry Bing

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 My Mid name is Jo... I hated as a kid. It reminded me of petty coat junction.  My mom with her southern twang, called out to me- Lana Jo....

Now that Im almost 45, I kinda like it now.  what do they say with names? whats old is new again?
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Cherry Bomb

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 My middle name is Lynn.  It's the same middle name as my mother.  I like it.  People always mispell my first name which is Erika.  At least, most people don't mispell Lynn. 
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 Marie must have been a populare middle name!  Mine is Marie, too!  When growing up, I liked it better than my first name - Janice.  My husband sometimes calls me Janice Marie when I've done something he doesn't like.

I think I've told the story before that I had an older sister born 2 years before me named Janice Marie but she died at 4 days old.  I think it's weird that my parents then named me the same.  There was already a birth and death certificate with that name!  With my married name - I am the only one with that name.
Jan - trying to find my way

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Cherry Cropper

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 My middle name is Charmaine which is my mom' s name.  Nicole Charmaine


When you see me with a smile on my face, then you'll know I'm a mental case. ~ Alice Cooper
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ACOT Promotions

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 I don't have a middle name.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 Mine is Marie...a good Catholic Middle name!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 My middle name is Shannon. Yes, I like it and yes, I use it. 
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Bing

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 My middle name is Yvette. My mother is from France so my brother and I got French names (Michelle Yvette and John Pierre) and my youngest sister got the American name (Cathy Sue) b/c Dad had to have one of us with an American name.

I don't really like my name and wish my mother would have given me her 2 middle names which are Andrea Madeline but I will deal with it, at least I'm not a Cathy Sue. :-D

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 My middle name is Rene, with an accent mark on the last "e."  I know that some men have that spelling, also.  I have always used my middle initial when signing my name/documents.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 Wow!  Many Maries and Anns and Lees!  Haven't seen mine yet.  It is Hazel after my paternal grandmother who died 6 mo before I was born.  I hated it as a kid because other kids made fun of it.  Now I feel honored to have it.  Many people on Facebook have my first and last names, but I doubt there are many with my middle one.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 Alejandra - I like it but don't use it.

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Cherry Bing

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 Don't like it! Never have! and I don't want to tell....
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 My middle name is Nicole...which makes me, Sharice Nicole. Uh, the name is ok. I asked my mom where she got my name and she said that a girl she went to elementary school with was named Sharice and she always thougth she was pretty...the middle name just came from her own imagination.

Anywho, my BFF from kindergarten's name is Cherie Nicole so that is super close for two friends of 26 years!!!
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 My middle name is Anne - yep, with an "e", just like Anne Shirley on Anne of Green Gables. ;)  I like it!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 Interesting question! Day actually is my middle name. My first name is Marta (need I explain why I don't use it? ;)) I love hearing what other's middle names are!
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A Cherry on Top

Re: Question of the day 1/5
 My middle name is Ann after my grandma.
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