The only thing I wanted this Christmas was a Xyron Wishblade. The Only thing. Welll I got it! wooo hooo, and then I opened the box? booooo! Half the parts are missing and the mat which was suppose to be used once by a little ole lady that drove to the store every other sunday was so used I can't reuse it. So what's the deal? I wrote to the woman my hubby bought it from. Guess what? No answer.. Soooo I wrote again. Guess what? No answer.. okay so I got my Wishblade, well a part of it. Now what? I tried doing a tantrum fit on the living room tiles but that didn't work. I have whined and whined about it but thats not working and writing emails to the previous owner seems not to work either. whats a gal to do? Next step is complaining to Pay Pal but in reality what can they really do. They don't send hitmen out? do they? That is a good idea though. hmmmm, wonder if my local hitmen advertise on Craigs List? ... I want my wishblade and I want it now! I waited sooo long for Santa to come and then he did and he left and and and.. ohhhh I just want my Wishblade.... rofl

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Did he buy it thru ebay or just a local channel? PayPal might be able to help you....try it doesn't hurt, right?

Jenna - Mom to Emily (2/02) & Kaitlyn (2/04)
How disappointing! Did he get it through ebay? Maybe try contacting them?

If he used Paypal - he can certainly contact them and they will help you. Good luck!
What a disappointment after being so excited to get what you wanted. I would definitely follow up with some one who might be able to do something about it. Leave a negative comment if it was from ebay.

PayPal will at least be able to get your money back for you.

Sorry about this. If you a have a dollar tree store you can buy those plastic cutting mats and use those for the mats just spray repositional adhesive on it works like a charm for a whole lot less money. What parts are you missing? Pay Pal can help if it wasn't sent with what was advertised as......keep copies of all emails sent and any other infor. Pay Pal works best if you give them all copies of inquiries. Good Luck.

Facebook page: Pink Passion Stamper
Oh man, that really sucks. Let us know what you come up with and the final details. So Sorry for you:(

I'm soo sorry to hear this!! Please be persistant and hopefully you can get it resolved and will be able to start "wishblading" soon! Best of luck!
The story goes on, I had tried and tried to contact this lady no go. Sooo I complained to paypal and filled all the forms out, would you just know it that the lady wrote to me the very next day... wonder why. lol.. but.. she has offered a full refund and I also asked her to pay for me to send it back. I think she is going to. I wonder why, could it be something about the negative feedback I said I'm was going to leave her? lol... now I have to wait and wait to get another good deal on one.. when all I wanted for christmas was a wishblade. roflmbo
Happy New Years and please be safe!
Happy New Years and please be safe!

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