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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

How old is too old to have a child? (SHould be in DEBATE)

SOrry - but I shoudl have posted this in GENERAL DEBATE>

Does anyone know how to change the location?    If not, please consider this as a DEBATE post.

Thank you
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Blossom

Re: How old is too old to have a child?
 that is crazy...70yrs old wow
Crystal =^-^=
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Cherry Bing

Re: How old is too old to have a child?
 Why........At 70 that would be the last thing I would think to do.  For that matter I might not be able to think at all. LOL
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: How old is too old to have a child?
 why would any women that old want to bring a child into this world knowing that they wont live long enough to see the child grow up.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: How old is too old to have a child?
 Kudos to her! At 42, I think I'm too old to have another kid. She's brave!!!
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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: How old is too old to have a child?
 As bad as my memory is now, at 70 I'd probably forget I even had a baby.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: How old is too old to have a child?
 that's too old!!!  Disgusting.....
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: How old is too old to have a child? (SHould be in DEBATE)
 Abraham and Sarah of the Bible were 90 -100 when they had Isaac. Seriously, the only reason someone gets pregnant is because its the will of God, so there is no too old in my book! He wills what he wills!


wife of one, mother of FOUR! :)
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: How old is too old to have a child?
sdwhru wrote:  Disgusting.....


wife of one, mother of FOUR! :)
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Cherry Cola

Re: How old is too old to have a child? (SHould be in DEBATE)
 Somehow I don't think Abraham and Sarah had IVF. :greenwinka:

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: How old is too old to have a child? (SHould be in DEBATE)
 Good one Becky.....hehe.....

Seriously, I can't imagine why someone would do that knowing that child will most likely be an orphan within a few years.
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Digital Designers

Re: How old is too old to have a child? (SHould be in DEBATE)
 To each their own. I am happy for her, after trying for 50 years... can you imagine? She is probably so happy she finally got to have a baby.
Jeanelle Paige
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: How old is too old to have a child? (SHould be in DEBATE)
ShellyBob wrote: Good one Becky.....hehe.....

Seriously, I can't imagine why someone would do that knowing that child will most likely be an orphan within a few years.
I lost my mom when I was 8 years old & she was too young to die. My daughter's friend who is 5 lost her very young dad in a car accident last year. Death is unpredictable. A 70 year old could very well have 20+ years more to live.
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Cherry Cola

Re: How old is too old to have a child? (SHould be in DEBATE)
 I haven't read it...but I have to comment that the problem with comparing now to people in the Bible is that Abraham and Sarah lived to be MUCH older than most people do these days.

Even if this woman lives to be 100 she'll still only see the first 30 years of her child's life.  I'm over 30 and I can tell you I'm very grateful that my mother is still around and spry enough to go shopping with me.

I personally think it's selfish...
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Cherry Garcia

Re: How old is too old to have a child? (SHould be in DEBATE)
 My girl parts are gonna be outta business by the time I'm 70, I don't care what kind of technology they come up with!

 To each their own, I guess.

 I can't help but wonder how far they will go when it comes to women carrying babies? What is next, inseminating a brain dead woman cause her uterus still works? 
 I dunno.
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Cherry Cola

Re: How old is too old to have a child? (SHould be in DEBATE)
 If you were only 28 and knew you had breast cancer and only 2 years to live, should you be able to have children? What about MS? What if you have regressive Type 1 diabetes and knew it might harm your body to the point of death within 5 years if you got pregnant, should you anyway? What about the mother who is in a traffic accident on the way to the hospital and is brain dead; should they abort the fetus because the mother won't be around to raise the child?

What about the quality of motherhood. Should we stop those who are young and healthy but we are sure they will be abusive mothers from procreating? Wouldn't it be more harmful to the child to have a mentally diseased mother worse than an old one? But who would decide how diseased is too much?

There are so many ethical scenarios today, this is just  one of them. In India they do live longer than we do - if they survive infant mortality. This woman's age also cannot be verified. For all we know she's 50. Would that matter?

What about men who are 60 and 70 who procreate. Is that better or worse? Or is only mothers who nurture?

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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: How old is too old to have a child? (SHould be in DEBATE)
 Who's to say or tell someone when to have a child? I'm 42 and would like to get pregnant again, is someone going to tell me I'm too old?
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: How old is too old to have a child? (SHould be in DEBATE)
 We've all seen and/or heard of cases where someone shouldn't have a child for a variety of reasons.

But I think the main thought would be for the welfare of the child.  

If there is a couple where the father is elderly and the mother conceives in the 'normal age range', most likely, the chlid will at least have one biological parent to take care of him/her.

In this case, where both parents are senior citizens, the chances are that the biological parents may not survive past the child's teen years.

Of course, there are cases where a child is placed with grandparents when the child's parents cannot take care of the child for various reasons.

For me, the big issue is that the mother had to have gone through a lot of fertility treatments, then the IVF in order to have the child.   

Most of these options were not available to the woman when she was younger and wanted to conceive her child.   

At what point should medical science say, Ok, enough is enough? 
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Queen Mum

Cherry Addict

Re: How old is too old to have a child? (SHould be in DEBATE)
 Another issue in this would be that the child is a girl.

In many cultures a girl child is not an accepted 'heir' .
Queen Mum - Grammy to Princess Bump (Lisa Giann) and Princess Bean (Gia Bella)
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Cherry Cropper

Re: How old is too old to have a child? (SHould be in DEBATE)
 I think if she is healthy enough to carry a healthy baby-then that is amazing! That baby is going to be a miracle and very well loved and cared for. Somehow hearing about a woman that age who is finally having her dream come true is uplifting! It's the young girls who have babies because they are uneducated that get me upset.
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