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Cherry Cropper

UPDATED AGAIN!! 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups -
 It's December - and that means that a new year of secret sister is about to begin!  Over the past year, I have learned many lessons regarding this program...and hope that through these lessons that 2009 will be the best year of secret sister yet!  There are a few changes for the secret sister program....
  •  Secret Sister will run in 2 6 month increments.  January through June and July through December.  There will be a reveal in June and then you will have a new secret sister assigned to you at the end of the month to send to for the rest of the year.  If you choose - you can keep the same secret sister for the entire 12 months.  I will need to know up front if you are signing up for 6 months or the entire year.  Hopefully, this will cut out a lot of the flakers.
  • The second change is that if you are unable to send anything for the month, you MUST notify ME and let me know who you send to.  I have several ladies that have offered to "angel" and would be able to send something, but I must be able to let them know.... 
  • If you do not send something for 2 consecutive months, you will be replaced - NO QUESTIONS ASKED.  It is not fair to the person you are sending to or the other participants that send each month. 
  • If at all possible, it would be wonderful to have everyone send their goodies by the 20th of each month.  I know that there are months that this might not be possible because something comes up, but it would be great to not wait til the end of the month.
With all that said, here's the sign up for 2009. Now that all the not so fun stuff is out, it's time to sign up for a year of FUN!!!   If you have any questions,etc. please don't hesitiate to ask.  I'm hoping that this is the best year yet for Secret Sister. 
When you sign up, please pm me your name and address so that I can start a list.  I hope to  have names out before December 30. 

Sign ups will close on December 26.

Welcome to Secret Sister 2009!! I hope that this will be a fun year for all of us. In order for that to happen, please remember the following rules:

1) Mail your ss a goody (about $3-5)eachmonth. Please make sure that she receives it during the intended month, not the following month.

2) Mail your ss a little extra(about $5-10) for her birthday and anniversary/special date, as well as for the Christmas reveal(about $15-20). Some people do go above this amount. Whatever you choose to do is fine, as long as you spend the minimum, and send something EVERYmonth. Please don't send a larger amount to cover the whole year. It's more fun to receive a little goody each month.  Please remember that for the Christmas reveal, that you are to shop for your girl.  Gift cards/certificates are ok occasionally - but they sometimes seem impersonal and that's not the point of secret sisters.  Make sure that your girl knows that you shopped and care for her!

3) If, for any reason, you can't get a goody to your ss by the end of the month LET ME KNOW. Communication is very important with ss, and can make the year go better for everybody. We have a list of Secret Sister Angels that are willing to help out whenever needed, so do not hesitate to tell me. Why do this? Because...

4) If your ss does not receive a goody for any 2 given months (not necessarily 2 months in a row), with no communication to your team leader, you will be replaced.We 'played nice' too much last year, and it made it not-so-fun for some of the girls. So, no hard feelings, but we have to make sure it's enjoyable for everybody. It's good to check your pm's often, as I try to send reminders. But remember -- this is your responsibility.

5) Remember that this is a year-long commitment, and the idea is for it to be 'SECRET'. In order to do that, it is a good idea to send goodies to me to be forwarded. Package the goodies as you normally would, including address and postage, and put in a larger envelope addressed to me. Some girls like to send me a few months at a time, which I will send out at the beginning of the correct month. Please write the month you intend it to go out somewhere on the envelope. Little notes to your ss are always appreciated by them, but not necessary. If you choose to mail it directly -- just remember that even if your ss does not know you now, she might be a friend within the year and have you figured out. Try to remain anonymous!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups
 I'm in again!! And I'll do the whole year.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups
 You know I'm there!  

ETA: I'd like it for the whole year again too! :)
Trish ~ It's all fun and games until somebody loses an EYELET!
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Cherry Crush

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups
 Count me in!  I will do the whole year, also.

 Image    Image         Image
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups
 I will sign up for another year again too. 
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Bing

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups
 I"m in for the 3rd year@!

12 months please! I pm's you my addy
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups
 I'm in for another year. I had fun!

I'm in for the full year as well. :-D
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups
 I'm in for the whole year!
Here I come to save the day! Chas
I'm the crazy lizard lady

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Cherry Cola

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups
 Never thought about doing Secret Sister before, could someone explain the any other rules that were not listed above. Should the items be from the persons wish list? Is there a limit on price? You send something every month, right?

I am interested, I just want to know all the rules so I can make sure I can participate fully.
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Cherry Cola

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups
 Never thought about doing Secret Sister before, could someone explain the any other rules that were not listed above. Should the items be from the persons wish list? Is there a limit on price? You send something every month, right?

I am interested, I just want to know all the rules so I can make sure I can participate fully.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups
Smiley-Scrap8 wrote: Never thought about doing Secret Sister before, could someone explain the any other rules that were not listed above. Should the items be from the persons wish list? Is there a limit on price? You send something every month, right?

I am interested, I just want to know all the rules so I can make sure I can participate fully.
I'm wondering the same thing. :)
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Cherry Picker

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups
 I'd like to be in for a whole year!!!  Please!  I have so been awaitin' for this!!  ... jumpin for joy, screamin', and hands a flaying all over the place!!
Leslie Mar 1/10
1) Rebel. Refuse to accept the idea that creativity is work.
2) Play. Think like a child.
3) Zone. Tune out negative vibes.
4) Feel. Open your heart, nurture your imagination.
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A Cherry on Top

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups
 I'm in for the year :-D
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Cherry Cola

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups - UPDATED WITH OTHER INFO
 I am considering this--but wonder also if it is from their wishlists---just scrapping related...that's what I would prefer...

is there a survey everyone fills out so we can know preferences, interests. etc about our secret sister?
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Cherry Garcia

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups - UPDATED WITH OTHER INFO
 Thinking about it.  It hasn't been a very good experience for me, but I may be willing to give it another try just because it's fun anyway.  I haven't heard from my SS very much (I understand she has had a rather trying year so it's understandable) and my other SS sometimes did not post a thank you so I don't know if she received the pkg.  Twice I sent them blindly hoping she hadn't moved and I'm about to do it again with my reveal pkg.

***ETA - Oops - should have checked the Nov. thank you thread first.  She recently posted so (Yayyyy!) I know she hasn't moved!
Image ImageImageImage
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups - UPDATED WITH OTHER INFO
kittymomma wrote: I am considering this--but wonder also if it is from their wishlists---just scrapping related...that's what I would prefer...

is there a survey everyone fills out so we can know preferences, interests. etc about our secret sister?

This year, a bunch of surveys went up in the SS forum that gave more info about likes/dislikes. I did not always shop directly from my gals wishlist, but tried to get her things that she would use/like based off of her answers there and also her posts.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups - UPDATED WITH OTHER INFO
 I'm in!  I love to give gifts! :-D
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Cherry Picker

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups - UPDATED WITH OTHER INFO
That is great to know!!! 
Leslie Mar 1/10
1) Rebel. Refuse to accept the idea that creativity is work.
2) Play. Think like a child.
3) Zone. Tune out negative vibes.
4) Feel. Open your heart, nurture your imagination.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups - UPDATED WITH OTHER INFO
 I often wondered what secret sister was..now I know..I would love to do it!
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Cherry Cola

Re: 2009 Secret Sister Sign Ups - UPDATED WITH OTHER INFO
 I will get in this time. I will do the whole year.
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