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Chocolate Covered Cherry

:: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 i hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving!!  we had one crazy, hectic weekend
 with relatives staying with us, but without further delay... my 5 y.o. ds picked:

 NENE!!!!!  :) :) :)

 but then, he couldn't stop drawing names out of the jar, LOL :-D sooo i will go
 ahead and also send out  $5 gift certificates to the following ladies:

- jmo95
 - murielcobb
 - bluejeans7
 - karenvonbaron



 i don't know about you, but i hoard maya road products like nobody's business
 or more specifically CHIPBOARDS in general and i love 'em like crazy :) so i've
 decided to go through my stash & put this together for a quick RAK giveaway.

 if you're interested, just jot down
what you're most thankful for this year...
i'll have a name picked by this weekend and package is ready to ship to you!


 some ideas on how to alter them:


                   HAPPY THANKSGIVING to EVERYONE!!!!!
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 I am most thankful this year that my brother returned home safely from Afghanistan, that my hubby still has his job after lay offs here, that my sister is having a girl in the spring, that my kids are happy and healthy, that my grandma survived a double mastectomy and pulmonary embolism this past May, that I had a clean bill of health after finding a lump in my breast, that God LOVES me and has taken so much of my burdens and shown me that he cares for me and my family. I could go on, as this has been a long year, but I am just so THANKFUL for everything this year! THanks GOD!


wife of one, mother of FOUR! :)
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 Wow, Grace! That is so sweet of you!

I'm thankful for a lot of friends and family are at the top of the list. I'm thankful that I get to be a stay at home mom right now. I'm also thankful that we have this awesome community, ACOT! :inlove:

I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 This year I am thankful that my family has so much to be thankful for! Some families are having a tough time right now, but we have jobs, our health, food and a warm home.This is an awesome RAK- you're so sweet!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 Wow what a generous your ideas too.
This year I am most thankful for bouncing back from a major depression. Through the help and support of my family and friends, and of course doctors, I have managed to overcome this huge life event and enjoy life once again. Just another reminder at how precious life is.
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Cherry Picker

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 I am most thankful for the healthy pregnancy and birth of my new baby.  That and my husband's job.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
Wow, Grace you have an AWESOME stash!!  Someone is going to be very happy :)

Good luck ladies!!

I'm most thankful for my family this year, as usual!!
{hopelessly addicted}

Filling my basket with all of the new goodies :)


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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 Wow! That's quite a RAK!

Well, what I'm most thankful for is my friends and family cuz when I'm going through a tough time (like the boyfriend issues of this last week) they are there for me. I can talk to them, trust in them, and I appreciate them for it!
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Cherry Delight

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
How sweet, Grace.

I am thankful for my ACOT friends. I am also thankful that I will soon only be working 40 hours a week instead of 60.
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Rosa sat so that Martin could walk. Martin walked so that Barack could run. Barack ran so that our children could fly.
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Cherry Cola

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 I am so very thankful for the 3 wonderful grandchildren I have (even though 2 of them live far away, I still get to see them 3 -4 time a year and that time is very precious to me), I am thankful that my dh won his social security disability case which will make our life so much more comfortable, I'm thankful to live in an area where I can see a Great Lake out my front window and trees out back with deer, turkey, racoons, birds, and other wildlife.  I have my own Paradise.
I am also thankful that so far no serious health problems to keep me down - just minor ones that I struggle with every day!

What a great package to give away!  The true spirit of Christmas!
Jan - trying to find my way

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Cherry Tart

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 I am most thankful for the fact that I'll be done with my Masters "classes" in a week and a half, then next semester it's practicum time!
I am also thankful that our adoption paperwork/home study phase is almost over!
I am also thankful for my Mitchell and DH!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 I am most thankful this year for those who donate blood. If it weren't for my doctors and those wonderful donors, I would be so much sicker than I am.

I am also thankful for a wonderful, loving family and bf who does so much for me, many things he doesn't even realize. And my ACOT family as well. You gals are awesome!!!!!!!
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 OMG!  That's such an incredibly sweet thing for you to do! :)

I'm thankful for so many things.  One of them is this MB.  It's nice to share your hobbies!  I'm thankful for scrapbooking as well.  I love all my hobbies, but with this one I get to sit and reminisce about fun times, and how much I love my family.  I'm also thankful for my family!  What would I be without them?  And last but not least, I'm thankful for people like you...nice people with kind hearts.  I love nice people, they make my day! :)
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Cherry Cropper

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 How sweet of you, Grace!

I am thankful for lots of things - my family being one of the most important things.  My dad was hospitalized earlier this year with several pulmonary embolii(?) and after several days in the hospital, he was home....My family has been blessed beyond measure this year, and I am thankful for everything and each day we are able to spend toghether!
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Cherry Cola

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 Oh my goodness---what a very generous Rak---thank you!!!

I am thankful for so many things---but perhaps the most thankful for my DH. We met in high school and have been together ever since.  He is a constant bright spot in my life. HIs love, acceptance and endless patience are so amazing! His calm, even temper helps even out my emotional extremes!  He introduced me to pets---there is no one else I would rather be a crazy cat person with! We are best friends---happiest together at home with our four cats. I am so thankful God brought us together.
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Cherry Cola

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 Wow Grace - this is really sweet of you!!  Love all the altered projects you did.  Good luck ladies!

I am most thankful for the time I've been given.  I never imagined that I would be here to have two beautiful boys that make me laugh everyday, a husband that will stop everything to give me a hug, and an opportunity to make a difference in their lives.
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Cherry Cola

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 That is so nice, actually beyond nice of you to do.

I am most thankful at this time for my job. That my dh has found a job. My family is always w/ me in times of need and happiness. And last but not least our Military.

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Cherry Bing

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 I am most thank-full for my two kids.  See I'm a diabetic for 28 1/2 years and was told I could never have kids. I now have two. :)
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Featured Guest Coordinator

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 You are so awesome for doing this, grace!!!

I am most thankful this year to celebrate the holiday in our new home with my dh and dd and the furbabies.  It will be nice to relax and spend the day together instead of traveling.
"Make it bigger, make it badder, make it awesome" -Duff Goldman
"They need a hero to tell them that sometimes the impossible can become possible, if you're AWESOME!" -Rhino

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Cherry Addict

Re: :: RAK ~ Maya Road ::
 GRACE...seriously what a sweet hoarder :winkb: :-D you are!!! LOL

I am Thankful for my husband, family and friends! For this wonderful hobby and for FOOTBALL!!
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