Who has the Christmas tree up and who does not???
I do have my tree up but not all my decorations yet. I was actually a little behind this year in getting my tree up. Things have been so crazy here lately. So , this question is....WHO HAS THE TREE UP? And if you do not, when will the great experience happen?
We wait until after thanksgiving. I haven't even seen any ready for sale yet!
We wait until after Thanksgiving. I take down those decorations and usually have the tree up by 12/1

Word of 2025 - APPRECIATE
We always put up our trees the day after Thanksgiving. But this year dh is working on the Friday so we'll do it on Saturday.

All decorations up but the tree, which will go up the week of the 8th or so.
Have a coke and a smile!

Ours is up and decorated. We did it last night.
I think this is the first year we've had it up before Thanksgiving! We usually put it up the day after Thanksgiving...but we were just sitting around yesterday and thought it would be fun.
I think this is the first year we've had it up before Thanksgiving! We usually put it up the day after Thanksgiving...but we were just sitting around yesterday and thought it would be fun.

Christmas decorations go up the day after Thanksgiving and not before.
We wait until after December 1st to put up the Christmas tree.
Which tree? We follow traditional German traditions of everyone in the family (ah, there are just the two of us living here) having their own tree. We don't have the BIG tree up yet, but E's Charlie Brown tree is up on the lanai and my retro tree, Lucille, is up in my work room. And we have a beach=y one for our guests in the guest room.

started my decorating this past weekend but I save the tree until after Thanksgiving. DH is Jewish so I figure at least I can wait until Thanksgiving to begin the Christmas season torture. (just kidding really. He does a great job of compromising but it really starts to get on his nerves after a while - especially the music. so I am not allowed to listen to the music until the week of Christmas. )
I do not, but my MIL put hers up the weekend before last!
Not up yet...I never do it before Thanksgiving. Probably the day after!
We put our tree up the day after Thanksgiving.

Well first I have to buy the tree, then I will put it up. I am thinking I will buy it on Wednesday and then put it up on Friday.
We have some artificial trees and a live one.
One of the artificial trees is up, one is not. The live tree will go up - I don't know.
Usually it goes up the weekend of Thanksgiving but my DH has been activated to Camp Shelby to reintegrate the soldiers of the 39th Infintry Brigade that is coming home from Iraq!! He's leaving the day after T'giving. This will be first time that AR hasn't had a guard troop overseas since 1996. It's something to be very thankful for. BUT - I don't know when my DH will home for the holidays.
One of the artificial trees is up, one is not. The live tree will go up - I don't know.
Usually it goes up the weekend of Thanksgiving but my DH has been activated to Camp Shelby to reintegrate the soldiers of the 39th Infintry Brigade that is coming home from Iraq!! He's leaving the day after T'giving. This will be first time that AR hasn't had a guard troop overseas since 1996. It's something to be very thankful for. BUT - I don't know when my DH will home for the holidays.

If family was coming here this year then I would have probably put it up this past weekend, but since we're traveling for both Thanksgiving and Christmas I'm not putting one up this year.

My little purple tree in my bedroom is up but only because it never got taken down last year (hanging head in shame)
Our real tree in the living room will go up this weekend. We've found the sooner you get them the longer they last because they aren't out drying in the good 'ol Wyoming wind.
Our real tree in the living room will go up this weekend. We've found the sooner you get them the longer they last because they aren't out drying in the good 'ol Wyoming wind.

I put both of mine up over the weekend.
