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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 I see dead people...

Just joking! :-D  Hmm... The first time I ever read a textbook (besides reading aloud in class) was in college...(I was amazed to find out that it contained the very things the professor was telling us!  *doh*)  Up until college school bored me,so I just slid by.  No one kenw I had a high IQ...they thought I was an average slacker! :-D  Now, I really am an average slacker! :winkb:
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Cherry Delight

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
- I learned to read before I went to kindergarden; my mom says before I could actually read I would memorize the storybooks she read to me and recite them while looking at the pages.

- When we were growing up in IL we boarded our horse at a local horse barn.  I would tell my sisters that I could read secret messages on the bricks that we found in back of the barn.  We would try to solve mysteries using those bricks and burned up newspaper articles that we found on the property, all revolving around possible criminal activities.  Later in life we learned that the barn owner was arrested for things very close to the mysteries that we had been trying to "solve." 

- The second time I dislocated my knee I was just walking down the road (in the ditch - I was "running away from home").  It took an hour for anyone to find me after I was injured, and my sister cut her foot open trying to rescue me so we both needed a trip to the hospital and played wheelchair tag in the hallways.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 It has been intersting reading all of your answers. 

* I have a younger half-brother that I have never met. We have the same father...whom I also have never met.
* I wanted 2 children by the time I was 30...I'm 33, have no children and won't be having children any time soon.
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Cherry Bing

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 I got bit on the butt by a Doberman when I was a little girl.  I was riding my hoppity horse in the park and it chased me.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
The house I grew up in had this little cedar closet at the top of the stairs, where we would hang up old clothes and store our Christmas decorations. I'd sit in there for hours, waiting for the cedar boards to part and show me a cool new world a la The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I was always disappointed.

Also, in high school my boyfriend and I once "did it" in his treehouse. I had bug bites in very unmentionable places, and that was the last time I engaged in certain activities outdoors! :sleeping:
"I tend to live in the past because most of my life is there." --Herb Caen
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 I have a half brother who is only 9mo. older than my son.  My dad remarried much younger step-monster!

oh, and this must run in the family as I have an uncle who is 9 mo. older than I am.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 ya'll's answers are quite interesting  ;)  Let's see I got divorced and remarried the same day (all before noon!!)....different guys & in different states  :?  
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Wild Cherry

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 Okay, I'm game!
 Let's see....I've never been drunk; I won a blue ribbon at the L.A. County Fair for an African American doll; and I have a Master's Degree in social work.  Oh yeah, and I sleepwalk :-D
"hoarder of supplies"
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
Fellow your confessions!!

I teach accounting and personal finance.  In college I withdrew from accounting the first time around b/c I had a D after the first exam and knew I would fail.  In college I did fail finance the first time around.  Retook both courses & actually got A- in both. 
{hopelessly addicted}

Filling my basket with all of the new goodies :)


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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 Am loving these answers! 

Here is another one...E's divorce was final the day we got married...and don't you dare tell Pastor Dan!

He had been separted for 2 years but for insurance reasons (her) he had never filed.  She is our favorite ex!
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Cherry Cola

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 my first words were "Mom, the son of a b!tch is here."....well I thought that was her name. Her mom always called her that.  I was about 2yrs old and a late talker. Still don't talk that much!

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
JulesinParadise wrote: Am loving these answers! 

Here is another one...E's divorce was final the day we got married...and don't you dare tell Pastor Dan!

He had been separted for 2 years but for insurance reasons (her) he had never filed.  She is our favorite ex!
I'm cracking up!!! Promise I won't tell him! :)

Let's see... if people who knew me now knew about my college days, they would be SHOCKED!!! 
I used to have my tongue pierced and my nose, too! The nose actually hurt much worse, to my surprise. 
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 I was actively involved in protesting the war in Viet Nam ( a result of losing two close friends and a boy friend among other things ) and, had my parents know, they would have hauled my a$$ home so fast, I'd not know what had hit me!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 Alright this was a cool idea Jules. I'm loving what i'm hearing. So lets see:

I skipped kindergarten because I was just too smart , which put me in the same grade as my 1 year older brother, everyone thought we were twins.

I am a chapstick addict and have been for 23 years.
May LOs-
My Blog

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 that i have a tupperware phobia :-D ok, maybe i just don't like them!
 i don't own any or have any unless people bring them over & i cannot
 stand the way they smell... i know that's not a biggie, so how about:
 i cuss like a sailor when provoked :winkb: oh, not cuz of tupperwares, lol.
"a heart in love with beauty never grows old" Image (turkish proverb)
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Cherry Berry

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 wow, this was great, loved the answers.

i'm pretty much an open book, lol, but growing up in the 70s i was thought of as somewhat of a wild child, loved rock music, funky clothes, art and my long haired boyfriend, but contrary to what others thought, never did drugs nor alcohol and was a straight A student through high school and college, and even funnier, raised two beautiful free thinking daughters with that long haired boyfriend and they look even wilder than their mom did and they are smarter, more talented and even more opinionated on what should go into their bodies.  just goes to show, never judge a book by it's cover, nor a girl by her pink hair, piercings and tattoos! lol  (oh, and that long haired BF, cut his hair, joined the FDNY and retired as a Chief lol)
[img:dgoiopbi] ... picker.gif[/img:dgoiopbi]


"The skin I'm in is alright with me, it's not old, just older" ` JBJ

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Cherry Cola

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 Hmm - I'm boring - oh, but y'all already knew that!

I enjoy shooting guns and bows (not at people - well, most people :winkb:) and would love to learn to be a sharp shooter.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 People that first meet me think I'm Mrs. Betty Crocker...always making and baking food or desserts, etc., etc...  In reality, I was a felony adult probation officer for 5 1/2 years.  I can be one nasty B$tch!!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 I won the city Crime Prevention Poster Contest for 3 years in a row in our hometown in CA, but I really can't draw as an adult (I can't get the image in my head to come out on the paper)
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Cherry Tart

Re: Let's Play "I Bet You Didn't Know..."
 I was lead guitarist in an all girl rock band in high school.
I can still impress my daughters friends once in a while with my hot licks on the electric! :bluelol:
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