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Wild Cherry

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...

We will pray for you and all the other servicemen and women every day.

Remember to send the address, though :winkb:
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 Keep safe and thank you for all you sacrifice!
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Cherry Cola

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 You will be missed. Stay safe and my prayers and thoughts will be with you and your family. Look forward to when you come back!
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Wild Cherry

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...

Stay safe Angie. You & your family are in my prayers. (((((((((((((((((((((Hugs)))))))))))))))))))
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 I have barely gotten a chance to know you and its making me tear up!  I hope you have a safe journey and get something positive out of the trip.  We will be thinking of you through the holidays and parying for your safe return and of course a healthy family while your gone.
Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
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Wild Cherry

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 You will be in my thoughts & prayers.

I'm not saying forget what you lost
I suppose there's a purpose in pain
What we make of ourselves has a cost
And it's paid every time we take hold of the reins
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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 Best of luck to you and your family.
Image Image Image Image

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 But............I don't want you to go. :waiting:

Can't you stay here wif us?


I'm gonna miss you.  Who's gonna fling food at me over at Facebook? :winkb:

You stay safe, young lady! You hear me??

((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))) and kisses!
ImageIf life gives you lemons, go find an annoying person with paper cuts.
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 Stay safe Stay safe Stay safe Stay safe.
Miss us miss us miss us miss us.
Hurry back hurry back hurry back.

GOT IT???????

Seriously, stay safe, miss us and hurry back!!!!!!! And STAY SAFE!

(((((((((((((((((big squeezy hugs))))))))))))))))))))))
I used to be a "celebrity cherry", but now I'm in re-hab...... Holy Carp!
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 Stay safe Angie! You will be missed around here.

You will be in my thoughts and prayers!

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Cherry Cropper

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 I love you babe!!!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 Angie...Be safe! My hugs, thoughts and prayers are going to be with you and your beautiful family. Thank you for your service for our country.
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Cherry Delight

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 Stay safe and thank you. You and the family will be in my prayers.
Image Image
Rosa sat so that Martin could walk. Martin walked so that Barack could run. Barack ran so that our children could fly.
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
If I HAVE to say goodbye now, I will... but I won't like it! :(

Stay safe!!! We will miss you tons and tons and tons and tons!!

And remember: No address, no luvs.  :-D
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Cherry Picker

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 I'm gonna miss you!  You're such a sweetie!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 Gosh, I didn't know you were leaving until I read this (I haven't had time to really be on here).  We'll miss you, Angie!!  :(You and your family will be in my prayers, and I hope you're back on board soon!!
The only good addict is an alpha addict!
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Cherry Delight

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
You and your family are in my prayers.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 Angie, I know deployments happen all the time, but being a mother of little ones, it breaks my heart that you have to go. :(
I hope you can get online often. Do you have webcams set up?
(((BIG HUGS))), stay safe, and hurry back!!!!

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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 Bye Sistah!!!!  :(                    I LOVE YOU and Proud of You!!
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Bowl Full of Cherries

Re: OK Gals...the time has come...
 Stay safe Angie!  We will miss you!
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