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Cherry Jubilee

Question of the day 11/24
 Have you ever read an entire book in just one day?  If so, do you remember what it was?

I know I did when I was in high school but it has been a long long time-- I am thinking it was a VC Andrews book, I was really hooked on her books back then.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 Yes... a couple by Michael Crichton, James Rollins, I may have read Dracula in a day...or maybe it was two?  Anything that's super good (to me... ;))
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Wild Cherry

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 Yes many times, but I don't remember the titles.
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 I used to read V.C.Andrews back in highschool too. I am sure I have read a whole book in a day but can`t remember the titles.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 I read The Nanny Diaries in a day, but it was only because the book club was meeting the next day.  I liked the book, but not enough to read it all in one day.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 Yes, many times.
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Cherry Addict

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 I used to do it all the time, and no, I don't remember what it was, but more than likely it when I was about 18 and going through my trashy Harlequelin  phase :winkb:
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Cherry Cola

Re: Question of the day 11/24
<p>Nope, can't say that I have. But at 30 my mom finally told me that she thinks I may have a reading disorder. So I read very slow. I don't think I could if I tried.</p>
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Cherry Blossom

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 yes, quite often. A couple of years ago it was the final Harry Potter book, just could not set it dowm.. Recently it was Twilight  
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 11/24
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Wild Cherry

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 when I was younger...interruption is now inevitable.  :?
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 I have but I cant remember the title.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 I have read many books in a day but don't really remember what they are.  Usually it's when we are on vacation and I don't have anything else that is competing for my time.
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Sweet Cherry Pie

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 I do that alot!  James Patterson, Janet Evonivich and John Sanford and a few of the ones I can never put down!
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Tiki Bar Mgr

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 oh yeah!

The one I remember the most was The Last Converible ( a wonderfully romatic but very thick book about four friends, their lives and a bit of a mystery thrown in too).  I not only read most of the day but stayed up until 3 in the morning to finish it!
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Cherry Berry

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 I have to admit, yes, I have done that, many times.  In fact, when the girls were little they used to love when I picked up a book because if they played quietly I would forget the time and they got to stay up late.  Last book was last week, DH told me to read a book he just finished.  No Time For Goodbye by Linwood Barclay.  I started it at 1:30 and finished it around 7:30!  It was  a very fast reading book though. (and yes, i did make dinner, only dh cleaned up from it so i could continue reading, lol)
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Wild Cherry

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 Yes,several, but not lately, so I don't remember what.

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Grandma Flowers

Cherry Cropper

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 I don't remember what it was, but I tend to be obsessed when I'm reading a good book so it probably happened more than once.
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Question of the day 11/24
marygrimm wrote: I do that alot!  James Patterson, Janet Evonivich and John Sanford and a few of the ones I can never put down!
HA! Same here!!
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Digital Designers

Re: Question of the day 11/24
 Yup, can't remember what it was though. It was back when I was 19.
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