How to Play Scattergories (well my version)If you have ever played the game you have the general idea. I will post a category (ex: Menu Item)I will also give you a letter that I have rolled on the cool 22 side di. (ex: H)You will Post the first thing that comes to mind (ex: Ham) Anyone that posts something that some one else has is eliminated(ex: 3 people have ham and 4 have Hamburger – all 7 of those people are eliminated)Anyone with an original answer moves on to the next round We will keep having rounds till there is 1 person left. That person receives 100 points. There will be a 1 minute time limit per round. If the board is running slow I am sorry. Once I post STOP any post after that will not count and anyone that doesn’t post is out. You must sign up here by 1 pm (EST) Sat to play Have any questions please let me know.
OOH I love Scattergories!! Count me in!
On a molecular level, I'm very busy.
Sounds like fun! I'll give it a whirl!
~~ Judy ~~
I wanna play!
Teresa --"When the power of love is greater than the love of power,
the world will know peace." ... linkie.gif
the world will know peace." ... linkie.gif
Sounds fun... Can I sign up, and if something comes up I won't be pentalized will I? I'm not sure what plans are in order for tomorrow evening as of yet.TIA
This sounds really fun, count me in.
Tammy from Minnesota
Aw, rats! Sounds like so much fun, but church is at 5:30. How long do you play? Would it be possible to join in later?

will start at 6 and go til we have 1 left but you have to start at round 1 to continue
Love this game, wish I wasn't working then.
Sounds like fun! I'm in if I can get away from the kids :)Jenna