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Cherry Addict

Anyone want to challenge each other to**Buddies listed**
 leave gallery loving? I was thinking of setting aside one or two days a week, to go into the gallery and leave loving. I have been slacking on it so bad, and I realized I need a prod in the bootie sometimes to get it done. I thought it might be fun to pair people up and they can be our prodding buddies. We could make it into a monthly challenge thing and I could even give some points out to some pairs.

Would anyone be interested to first off play and secondly be my buddy?? :)

Pairs were generated randomly. Although I did try to pair ct members with non ct members. The person paired with me, will still be eligible to win the GC. So don't worry. :-D I think I got everyone...if I missed someone please holler and if anyone else wants to play just sign up!!!

You need to leave loving at least ONE if not TWO days a week. You need to post back here that you left loving on what day. No need to link back unless you want to. Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask! Of if you have suggestions, I am all ears!!! :)

Since new teams have joined us (WOOT WOOT) I just wanted to clarify they will be eligible to win the GC also, however those that participated everyweek will have their names entered into the random generator more than those that only did three weeks. So for example, Janshotgun if she does all four weeks would be entered FOUR times with her partner if she participated also and someone that only did three weeks would only be entered into the generator THREE times.

WINNERS FOR WEEK ONE!!!!! Since the participation was sooooooo awesome, everyone that can win points (again sorry CTers....but you do know I love you all for participating right?? :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:) will receive 50 points. Next week will NOT be the same, I will be doing a random drawing for winners!!

1) JeanellePaige and Janshotgun
2) LauraF and Girlsmommy
3) Suslvgeo and Armywife95
4) Jenni08 and Davsar
5) Artteacher and scrappininak
6) Jaziscrapper and Scrapgoo
7) Kara and Smileyscrap8
8) 4peasinourpod and Mommy2bean
9) Shannon and Katarria
10) fong33 and gonecamping
11)Dolphin Soul and Rica71
12)Rici76 and Luboost
13)SarahA and DaisyLou
14)Love2stamp and Emarie803
15)Firegems and Mom2Bri
SUS ImageImageImage
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Cherry Addict

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 Image nobody wants to be my buddy???? waaaahhhhh :winkb: :-D
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 I'm game! :-D
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Laura Fiore

Wild Cherry

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 I'm in!
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Wild Cherry

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 I'll be your buddy :winkb:
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Wild Cherry

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 me, too :-D
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Wild Cherry

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 Oh, forget it.  I thought this was a dance off.  "Anyone want to challenge each other to a dance off?"  :winkb:
"hoarder of supplies"
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Cherry Jubilee

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 Amy!!! get some sleep!! I will play sus
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 I'm in.  I have been sooo bad at getting to the gallery lately, so I need a kick in the butt.  Will you be assigning buddies?
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Cherry Crush

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 I'm in!  Who wants to be my partner?
 Image    Image         Image
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Cherry Addict

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 We can do it either way you all want. We can either be paired up or we can find a partner ourselves.

I was thinking it might be fun to be paired with someone you don't know that well, so that way, not only are they your prodding partner but you also get to know another Cherry better.

Whatever works for you guys works for me!! I'll do whatever it takes, to make more people play and praise!!! :winkb: :-D
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Wild Cherry

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
suslvgeo wrote:  We can do it either way you all want. We can either be paired up or we can find a partner ourselves.

I was thinking it might be fun to be paired with someone you don't know that well, so that way, not only are they your prodding partner but you also get to know another Cherry better.

Whatever works for you guys works for me!! I'll do whatever it takes, to make more people play and praise!!! :winkb: :-D
first the crop you don't want to be my partner, now this... :( :(

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Digital Designers

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 I'll play! :-D
Jeanelle Paige
My Blog ~ Lots of cool stuff there!!
My Shoppe ~ Always Sales!

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 I'll do it!  I was very disappointed in the lack of response to my submissions during the crop.  I know I didn't get to comment on a lot, but I tried!!
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Cherry Garcia

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 I'll play!
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
Sounds fun - I'm in :)
{hopelessly addicted}

Filling my basket with all of the new goodies :)


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Jenn Kellams

Cherry Garcia

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 I will give it a whirl.  I like to idea of being paired up.  Not picking partners ourselves.
Jennifer K.
Personal Blog
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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 Count me in too.
- Shannon

I have an everyday religion that works for me. Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line.
-Lucille Ball

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Chocolate Covered Cherry

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 I like the idea of assigned partners.
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Cherry Cola

Re: Anyone want to challenge each other to
 Great idea - I'm in!  Who'll be my buddy?  I promise I don't bite AND I shower!
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